
美 [slɪp]英 [slɪp]
  • v.溜;下降;滑落;摆脱
  • n.纸条;衬裙;纰漏;差错
  • abbr.(=Serial Line Internet [Interface]Protocol)【计】串线网际协议
  • 网络滑倒;滑动;转差率

过去式:slipped 现在分词:slipt slippedslipping

let slip,slip recession,share slip


v. n.


1.[i]~ (over)滑倒;滑跤to slide a short distance by accident so that you fall or nearly fall

脱离位置out of position

2.[i](+ adv./prep.)滑落;滑离;脱落to slide out of position or out of your hand

快速地走╱放置go/put quickly

3.[i]+ adv./prep.悄悄疾行;溜to go somewhere quickly and quietly, especially without being noticed

4.[t]迅速放置;悄悄塞;偷偷放to put sth somewhere quickly, quietly or secretly

变差become worse

5.[i]下降;退步;变差to fall to a lower level; to become worse

陷入困境into difficult situation

6.[i]+ adv./prep.陷入,进入(困难或不愉快的处境)to pass into a particular state or situation, especially a difficult or unpleasant one

穿╱脱衣服clothes on/off

7.[i][t](迅速且容易地)穿上,脱下to put clothes on or to take them off quickly and easily

摆脱get free

8.[t]摆脱;挣脱;松开;放走to get free; to make sth/sb/yourself free from sth


let slip sth

泄露;无意中说出to give sb information that is supposed to be secret

let sth slip (through your fingers)

错过(机会);失去(机会)to miss or fail to use an opportunity

slip your mind

被遗忘if sthslips your mind , you forget it or forget to do it

slip one over on sb

欺骗;愚弄to trick sb

slip through the net

漏网;被漏掉when sb/sthslips through the net , an organization or a system fails to find them and deal with them


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... ow 哎哟 slip 滑倒,滑了一脚 fall 落下,跌倒 ...


高考阅读高频单词_百度文库 ... spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出 9. slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略 10. slide v. 滑动,滑落 ...


电气工程专业英语_百度百科 ... left-hand rule 左手定则 slip 转差率 induction motor 感应电动机 ...


冶金专业英语词汇(S) ... slime water 矿泥水 slip 滑移 slip band 滑移带 ...


普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... sling 弹弓;吊绳 slip 滑倒;溜走 slipper 拖鞋 ...

It's frustrating, because without a certain amount of self-discipline, you know your goals are going to slip away. 没有一定的律己意识,你知道自己的目标注定要悄然逝去,多么令人沮丧啊!
Good morning, sweetheart! Ready to slip into the skin of your brother? 早晨好,甜心!准备好装扮成你兄弟了吗?
Sometimes, when the young man was lying in bed, he saw the snake slip in and out of his empty boots or up the sleeve of a coat he had worn. 有的时候,年轻人正躺在床上,就看见蛇爬进他的靴子里面然后又爬出来,或者爬到他的大衣袖子上。
Compared to that of a flexible foundation, the slip surface of a rigid foundation is larger and deeper. 刚性基础地基的滑动面要比柔性基础更大、更深;
Incapable of fathoming such depravity, the great Titan began to slip into a brooding depression. 由于这个伟大的泰坦无法想象这种堕落,他陷入了痛苦的思索。
Next time you are watching a movie in the dark with friends, slip a few of these in to their bag of jellybeans for a great gag (literally). 下次,当你和朋友一起在黑暗中看电影的时候,偷偷倒一些怪味豆到他们的美味豆包装袋里,他们一定能把袋子都呕出来。
Even at the age of 36, Schumacher is not ready to allow his crown to slip. 即便已年届36岁,舒马赫尚不准备让其王冠旁落。
Both slip on to the driver's sun visor and are easy to set up and use hands-free. 二者都能卡在司机的防晒板内,设置起来非常简便,可免提使用。
But if the Blues suffer any slip-ups, United should be ready to capitalise - that, at least, is the aim for Scholes and co. 但如果蓝军摔了跟头,曼联就该做好准备取而代之。至少这是斯科尔斯及其同仁的目的。
Formula in verse cloud: "draws out the hand three not to let, slip proceeds on, three arm two legs, stick on the body have no way anti-" . 歌诀云:“起手三不让,出溜出溜往前上,三节胳膊两节腿,粘在身上没法抗”。
Hope that all conscious people can grasp the general flow of time, does not it always slip away from between the fingers! 希望所有自觉的人能够把握住流水一般的时间,不让它总是从指缝间滑走!
Then she waited for her withdrawal slip to come out of the slot at the upper right corner of the machine. 然后,她在等待她的提款单出来的插槽在右上角的机器。
You don't have to fill out a deposit slip at the bank, you only have to sign the receipt. 不用填银行的存款数,只要在收据上签字就好。
the slip-shod waiter folding a tumbled table -cloth, and Robert Audley's handsome face looking at him full of compassionate alarm. 正折叠着凌乱台布的衣衫褴褛的侍者,以及正瞧着他的罗伯特•奥德利那布满了同情的惊惶神色的漂亮脸蛋。
Abrahim handed him a slip of paper that had been folded only twice in its life, since such paper didn't last long in environments like this. 亚伯拉罕递给他几张纸,崭新的,大概总共被折叠不超过两次,因为这类纸张在如此环境里坚持不了多久。
In recording a purchase, the plate was laid into a recess in the imprinter, with a paper "charge slip" positioned on top of it. 处理购买交易时,在这种薄片上附一张纸质签购单,然后放进特定印刷器的卡槽里。
So once they show up in your life, seize the vital chance, for the chance can never be back if it slip away from your hands. 所以一旦他们呈现在你的生涯,掌握住这个主要的机遇,因为机会或者永远不能回来,假如它溜走脱离你们的手。
I had just sat down when a slip of paper was passed to me which led me to rise again. 我刚刚坐下,就有人递给我一张纸条,使我不得不再站起来发言。
The sky is blue is true blue, as if they can feel the hand of the silk blue slip from between your fingers, giving a carefree state of mind. 天空是蓝色的,是真正的蓝色,好像伸手便可以感受到蓝色的绸缎从手指间滑过,给人一种畅快的心境。
Slip across the grasslands of Mongolia, ruins of the Great Wall the only witnesses to my furtive gait? 或者是在长城断垣残壁的见证下,鬼鬼祟祟地穿越广袤的蒙古草原?
Or, you might be the kind of person who likes to slip off your shoes under your desk or during long meetings. 或者,你可能是那种喜欢在桌子下面或者开会期间偷偷脱掉鞋子的人。
Amy held her tongue, but used her eyes, and saw Meg slip a fan into her pocket. 阿蜜舌头停下来,眼睛却骨碌碌地转。她瞅见麦格偷偷把一把扇子塞进了口袋里。
Ll write out an allowance slip for you and deduct USD32from the total figure of your bill. 我会开一张减收更正单,从你的账单余额中扣除32美金。
Presently the bedclothes began to slip away slowly toward the foot of the bed, as if some one were pulling them! 不久我的睡衣开始慢慢的滑向床底,好像有什么东西在拉它们!
Since the slip up it has since been turned off and ready to launch properly tomorrow. 如有遇到问题会被关闭,而准备在明天适当的时候开放。
The chariot continues forward. There could be a pleasant surprise during the journey but be careful not to let the opportunity slip away. 战车继续前进。在旅程期间可能有愉快的惊奇但是很小心不要再让良机滑去远处。
"You might like this one, " she said giving me a slip of paper. “你可能会喜欢这个人,她说:”给我一张纸。
Need to taste a cup of tea slowly, the truth need to understand in detail, glass of red slip down the only people confused wine. 喝茶需慢慢品味,真理需细细体会,一饮而尽的只是令人越喝越糊涂的酒。
Still another kind of force, which seems to make the layers or molecules of a material slide or slip on one another, is a shearing force. 还有一种力量称为剪力,它似乎能使材料的内层间或分子相互滑行或滑落。
I saw the little boy slip into the kitchen and snatch a bun, but I looked through my fingers at it. 我看见这小男孩溜进厨房,拿了一个小圆面包,可是我假装没看见。