making love

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making lovemaking love

making love


前一篇:做爱MAKING LOVE)--1982 美国,曾禁一时的同志片后一篇:迷情站台 一部充满张力的同志电影 < 前一篇做爱…


荷西。_三毛吧_百度贴吧 ... (Making love)( (让爱)) ...


Casablanca... ... Beneath the stars 在星空下 Making love 爱意情长 On the long hot summer’s night 漫长炎热的夏夜里 ...


首页 > 电影 > 《影像现场》上海青年导演作品2008巡展系列之数字电影《美克拉》(Making love)放映 活动介绍 活动评论 (0) …


什么是ML呀?_开心看吧 ... M=me (中文我的意思) making love 这是正确的英文写法~~就是做爱的意思 making love 做爱! ...


亚瑟小子 专辑列表 共收藏 15张专辑... ... 12.Guilty( 有罪) 14.Making Love( 夜夜笙歌) 2.Hey Daddy( 亲亲老爹) ...


ML什么意思,为什么这样简写 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... mL 是英文宿写 Making love 意思是做爱啊 Making love 意思是做爱 ...


做爱影视图片(Making Love)-影视资料库-搜狐

As one of my friends from Astana said: "It would be much better if they kept themselves busy with making love - to increase population" . 正如我的一个阿斯塔纳朋友说:「如果他们一直忙于做爱并增加人口,情况可能会好些」。
The two of you are distant, disconnected, fighting, not making love as often as you used to, and not having fun when you are together. 你们之间冷漠、不交流、争吵、不再像以前那样的频率做爱,在一起的时候也没有乐趣了。
If I could touch the crystal silence That we have after making love, Just to tell you I need you here In the glow of the stars above. 做爱后,如果我能接触到我们的水晶沉默,只是告诉你我需要你在这里焕发出的明星。
A new sort of way this, for a young fellow to be making love, by breaking his mistress's head, is not it, Miss Elliot? 小伙子谈恋爱,把女友的脑袋都摔破了,埃利奥特小姐,这莫非是一种新式恋爱法?
and yes, i think it is a bit of a secret weapon. giving yourself more confidence or making love to oneself. great. yeah! 是的,我想那是一件秘密武器。给自己带来更多信心,更爱自己。太棒了。是的!
To this day I believe "making love" is supposed to feel like "a gentle tingly sort of tickle" that causes "a special kind of wriggling. " 直到现在,我都认为“做爱”理所当然感觉就像“轻柔又刺激的搔痒痒”,外在表现为一种特殊的肢体蠕动。
Not only was that unusual in this normally passive woman, but while we were making love, she said, "Can I tell you a secret? " 对于这个平时被动接受的女人来说,令人惊奇的还不止这个。在我们做爱的过程中,她说:“我能跟你说个秘密吗?”
Well, I was making love to her, kissing on her neck and I gave a little bite, then she farted and flew out the window. 我正跟她做爱,亲她脖子的时候咬了她一小口,然后她就放屁,还飞出窗外呢。
and making love with you is all I wanna do. 而和你交欢是我唯一想做的事情
Yesterday, I was one of the lonely people. Now you're lying close to me, making love to me. 就在昨天,我还是孤独的一个人。而现在你就躺在我身边,和我一起陷入爱里面。
Making love with you is all I wanna do. 我要的一切就是与你做爱。
It's about poker facing with your sexuality. When I was making love to my old boyfriend. I used to think about women sometimes. 那首歌是关于用你的性感来诱惑别人。当我和前男友做爱的时候,有时会想到女人。
Hosting the Oscars is much like making love to a woman. It's something I only get to do when Billy Crystal is out of town. 主办奥斯卡很想向一个女人表达爱意。是当比利·克里斯托不再城里的时候我唯一会做的事。
The patient again turns it in all directions and replies, "That's aman and a woman on a bed making love. " 病人又把图片往每个方向转了转,回答说:“那是一个男人和女人在床上做爱。”
The man looks and turns it in different directions and says, "That'sa man and a woman on a bed making love. " 男人看了看,把图片转到不同的方向说,“那是一个男人和女人在床上做爱。”
Transmit phonate sound in Congshu at this moment, missionary looks at the past, he sees a pair of men and womens are making love. 这时在丛树里传出声音,传教士望过去,他看到一对男女在作爱。
In Massachusetts taxi drivers are prohibited from making love in the front seat of their taxi during their shifts. 在美国马萨诸塞州,禁止出租车司机在倒班时在车内前排座位上做爱。
"For me, cuddling is as important as talking or making love. " His wife said. “对我来说,相互依偎与聊天,做爱一样重要。”他的妻子说。
Often she would lie very still in her bed, trying to go to sleep, while six feet away her roommate and boyfriend were making love. 她常常会安静的躺在床上,试着想睡觉,而在另一边室友与男友在做爱。
Happens to the best. Show us a gorgeous woman and we'll showyou a man who's making love to her on autopilot at least once in awhile. 给我们一个风情万种的女人,下面我们教你怎样成为令她满意的男人,哪怕就是那么一会儿。
A bachelor has to have inspiration for making love to a woman, a married man needs only an excuse. 光棍需要为做爱煞费苦心,而已婚男人所需的不过仅仅一个轻易的理由。
Toward the end of the week, making love my feel a little mechanical, but you're looking for results here, not your "G spot. " 也许到这周结束的时候,XX会让你感觉有一点机械化了,但现在你要的是结果,而不是你的G点。
Today, I was making love to my boyfriend on the back bumper of my car. After he finished he told me he felt like he was riding a seahorse. 今天,我和我男朋友在我的汽车后保险杠上ML,完事后他告诉我他很喜欢骑海马的感觉。
For any given activity, such as eating, watching television, making love, or reading, you may use a few specific parts of your brain. 对于任何特定的活动,比如吃饭、看电视、做爱或是阅读,你也许只用到你大脑的某些特定部分。
I know you probably think that this is all about what I said the other day about you making love with your socks on, 你一定认为此事与我那次说的话有关,关于你做爱时,穿着袜子,
Love hates intertexture circumstance to fall, making love is most feeling, do not believe next time you try. 爱恨交织的情况下,做爱是最有感觉的,不信下次你试试。
I'll be looking at a stone sculpture that's the first representation, anywhere, of a couple making love. 我将会介绍一件石头雕塑品,全世界史上最早的男女配偶间性爱活动的象征品。
If someone truly loves you, distance is not a problem. It's just the power of making love grow each day. 如果一个人真的爱你,距离不是一个问题,它只会成为一种滋长爱情的力量。
Man begins by making love and ends by loving a woman; woman begins by loving a man and ends by loving love. 男人始于向女人求爱,而终于爱一人女人;女人则始于爱一个男人,而终于追求爱情。
Making love to a 'motionless' or 'voiceless' mate is like having it with a dead body. 同“静止”或“无声”的配偶做爱,就好像在干一具死尸。