
美 [ˌmetrəˈpɑlɪt(ə)n]英 [ˌmetrəˈpɒlɪt(ə)n]
  • adj.大城市的;大都会的;本土的
  • n.大城市人;有大城市气派的人;大主教


metropolitan region,metropolitan district


1.大城市的;大都会的connected with a large or capital city

2.本土的connected with a particular country rather than with the other regions of the world that the country controls

He said that if he were in New York , he would visit the current exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum. 他说,如果他在纽约的话,他会去参观正在大都市博物馆举办的展览会。
Kit Malthouse, Deputy Mayor of London and Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority, said the police did a good job. 伦敦副市长和都会警察局主席KitMalthous说警察们做的不错。
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department said the Tokyo Odaiba Tokyo telecentres emitting thick black smoke near the building. 东京警视厅透露,东京台场的东京电信中心大楼附近冒出浓浓的黑烟。
Even if it was not such a big metropolitan as Berlin, it seemed more international in terms of the popularity of English. 但是她那种国际城市的感觉比柏林更浓郁些,单单英语的普及程度就相对要高。
Watching the lights wink off in major metropolitan areas now doubt looked impressive, but it's worth asking: What was the point? 观看着大都市灯光闪烁无疑让人叹为观止,但是值得问一句:这有什么意义?
Yangtze Delta Metropolitan Area is the most powerful area, referred to one of the world's sixth largest metropolitan areas. 长三角都市圈是我国经济实力最强的地域之一,被称为世界第六大都市圈。
During July and August I expect to be in the metropolitan New York area except for a trip or two back to Omaha. 七月及八月期间,我期望能在大都市纽约地区除一回两回奥马哈。
The Acting Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police, Tim Godwin, said he wanted the public to help put an end to the rioting. 伦敦警方代理长官哥德温(TimGodwin)表示,他需要公众帮助来结束骚乱。
And yet its flower markets, with the boxes of tulips on display on every street give it a less metropolitan air. 这里的花卉市场和街巷中摆放的成箱的郁金香掩盖了当地的一些城市色彩。
Metropolitan is one of the most famous museum in the world. You really should take a good look at it instead of just having a quick glance. 大都会是世界最知名的博物馆之一,您真的应该好好的仔细看看,而不是很快的走马看花。
The case is unrelated to that of Binyam Mohamed, which Metropolitan police officers are also investigating, a spokesman said. 一名警方发言人称,这起案件与伦敦警察局同时调查的宾雅·默罕默德案(BinyamMohamed)没有关联。
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, often referred to simply as "the Met" , is one of the world's largest and most important art museums. 大都会美术馆,常被简称为“大都会”,是世界上最大和最重要的艺术博物馆。
One of the largest manufacturing cities in the United States, the metropolitan area in and around Detroit is also one of the most packed. 美国最大的制造业城市之一,底特律城区及周边地区都人满为患。
This paper discusses the design and implementation of a broadband IP Metropolitan Area Network in a city for a telecommunication provider. 介绍了一个电信宽带IP城域网的设计与实现。
It would also be essential to take a broad perspective in reviewing the relationship between the metropolitan government and the wards. 站在一定的高度去审查都政府和周边区之间的关系,也是十分重要的。
Rainy afternoons, the Chief invariably took us either to the Museum of Natural History or to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 如果那天碰巧下着雨的话,酋长就只会带我们去自然历史博物馆或者是大都会艺术博物馆,二者之一别无其他选择。
The children are students in the first language school in the Washington metropolitan area founded exclusively to teach young children. 这些儿童都是大华府地区(Washingtonmetropolitanarea)第一所专门教授幼童外语的语言学校的学生。
Butterflake Bakery is one of the best-known bakeries in the New York metropolitan area. But Heisler said bakeries are a dying business. Butterflake是纽约都市带最有名的面包房,然而海斯勒说,面包房这个产业正在消亡。
The metropolitan government levies taxes on 16 items among the local taxes shown in the schematic drawing of the Local Tax System. 地方税体系的示意图显示,东京都政府在地方税里制定了16项税收条目。
One course required a museum visit. Leslie enlisted her mother, a volunteer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 有一门课要求参观博物馆,莱思莉决定让在大都会艺术博物馆做志愿者的母亲帮忙。
The Metropolitan Police said the threat was not specific regarding location or time. 大都会警方说,这次威胁没指名具体地点或时间。
A regional network may encompass a metropolitan area; a state; or, in a few cases, several neighboring states. 一个区域网可以覆盖一个大城市,一个州,有时甚至覆盖临近的几个州。
And with increasing modernization, the growth and development of these metropolitan cities are also expected. 随着现代化日益深入,城市的成长和发展也是人们所期待的。
European settlers cut down most of New York's original forest; towns grew and then merged into a sprawling metropolitan region. 欧洲定居者砍伐了大部分纽约原生森林,城镇兴起再合并成一个无规则扩展的都市区域。
Efforts are also being made to have historically significant metropolitan buildings and bridges become sites for tourism . 此外,还将努力使古都重要的历史建筑和桥梁变成旅游点。
It would be with extreme reluctance that I should leave the Metropolitan Museum, which contains the key to beauty -- a beauty so neglected. 多么不情愿,我要离开大都会博物馆,那里有开启美的钥匙,这种美又被忽视了。
"With the Party [media] in the lead, " he said, "we must integrate the metropolitan media, Internet media and other propaganda resources. " “在坚持党的领导的同时,”他说,“我们必须综合利用城市媒体、网络媒体和其他宣传工具。”
The administrative and financial systems for the metropolitan government and its municipalities are the same as those for other prefectures. 东京都政府及其特别区的行政和财政体系都与其他道府县相同。
Instead, Metropolitan Atlanta sits high up in the ACF basin, about 80 miles from the headwaters of the Chattahoochee. 相反,亚特兰大市中心高踞ACF流域之上,距查特胡奇河源头约80英里。
Visitors to the fair can stroll over to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see "Tapestry in the Baroque" which opens on October 23rd. 博览会的访客还可以逛至纽约大都会艺术博物馆,参观10月23日即将开幕的“巴洛克式挂毯”。