
美 [pɔɪnt]英 [pɔɪnt]
  • n.要点;〈美〉站;分数;〈美〉要领
  • v.指向;指出;表明;强调
  • 网络点数;得分;积分

复数:points 现在分词:pointing 过去式:pointed

key point,main point,important point,good point,strong point
make point,illustrate point,reach point,come point,Miss point


几何(Points) PTS ADD 在网格的某一特定位置加一个几何点。 注意: 点的坐标为当前所 定义的坐标系。




国际壁球单打比赛规则 - 壁球规则 - 沈阳壁球会 ... 2.计分方法( The Score) 3.得分Points) 4.发球( The Service…


澳洲技术移民最新评分表-2011年7月1日开始执行 ... Description 具体细节 Points 分数 Age 年龄 ...


  P 就是积分points)。  例:  1. Angola, collecting one point with a 0-1-1 record, currently stand third with one goal conceded.


略字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 疆界〖 boundary〗 要点;概要;概况〖 points〗 谋略〖 strategy〗 ...


雅思必考40大场景词:选课场景 ... Open/Close Book exam 开卷/闭卷考试, (points学分, score/points/marks/grades 分 …

Even a few percentage points matter, because fuel accounts for around three-quarters of the lifetime cost of a turbine. 区区几个百分点的差别却意义重大,因为燃料约占整个涡轮机寿命成本的四分之三。
Unfair Advantage challenges you to understand two points of view and experience how financial knowledge is the unfair advantage. 《不公平优势》这本书让你了解这两方面的内容,以及财务知识如何变成不公平优势的经验。
The huge amounts of money thrown at this problem since Libor peaked almost five percentage points higher than it is now have had an effect. 自从Libor达到峰值(较目前水平高出近5个百分点)以来,为解决危机投入的巨额资金起到了效果。
Any interconnection between telecommunication networks within a local network shall have two or more interconnection points in principle. 在一个本地网内各电信网网间互联原则上应当有两个以上(含两个)互联点。
We'd sit down, read a few verses of the Koran, translate or discuss how it should be interpreted, and many points of view would be offered. 我们坐下来读古兰经上的经文,翻译或者讨论应该如何解释它们,大家会提出很多观点。
Until recently, researchers could typically look at information from just a few places for a few points in time. 直到现在,研究者们通常可以通过几个区域寻找几个点的信息。
Despite all these good points, I have seen news reports trying to tie you to that economic chamber of horrors, the Great Depression. 尽管有如此多的好处,但我发现许多报道都试图把你与经济大魔头之一,著名的大萧条相提并论。
One of Rizzo's major points is that the concept of efficiency has no meaning apart from the pursuit of specified ends. 里索的主要论点之一是,脱离了追求的特定目的,效率的概念毫无意义。
She points out that every time it seemed our kids had grown up enough for her to start working, something would happen to change that. 她说,每次我们的孩女看起来已经长大,她能够开始工做的时候,就会有什么事发生让她不得不呆在家里。
Peter points us to Christ whose life had no blemish of sin on it at all. He was like the lambs in the Old Testament. 彼得叫我们留意基督的一生,是如何的无瑕无疪,和不被罪所玷污。
Me at least an additional 400 points (do not know why only now offering a reward of 100), more can to express my gratitude to them. 我至少会追加积分至400(这会儿不知道为什么只能悬赏100),更多都可以,表达我的谢意而已。
Longitude values are indicate the angular distance between the Prime Meridian and points east or west of it on the surface of the Earth. 经度值都表明,角之间的距离本初子午线和分东方或西方的它在地球表面。
The best policy: the wash site for a period of time, more points proper business, the stock market is not the only avenues. 上上策:金盘洗手一段时间,多干点正事,股市不是唯一门路。
Some words can be difficult to turn a simple place, thank you, and relatively long, well I would add points. 有的难翻的词可以用简单的代替,谢谢了,比较长,好的我会再加分的。
These points all address "Managing Risk, " which is at the heart of what architecture is all about. 找出重要的部分。这些地方都说明了“管理风险”,它是架构所涉及内容的核心。
A line is drawn through the points to best represent the various regimes where the pressure exponent n may be considered to be constant. 一条线是制订通过点,以最能代表各种制度下的压力指数n可被视为常数。
I ran back to the wheel to keep her into the wind, while Keefer tied in the last few points and started to raise sail again. 我向机轮跑去操作来使船顺着风,而基弗结紧了最后几个结点开始再次把帆升起来。
"We are now running 10 to 15 points ahead of him in his home state, so I understand, " he noted. 麦凯恩说:“据我了解,我们现在在他的州里比他高10到15个百分点。”
He made me sign a performance-based contract, requiring me to score 40% of Fernando Alonso's points by mid-way through the season. 他在合同里要求我在赛程过半的时候要拿到阿隆索成绩40%的分。
Mubarak may have been a military man with an entrenched military apparatus, he was still one man, Nafaa points out. 穆巴拉克可能是一个根深蒂固的军事机器军人,他还是一个人,Nafaa指出。
Wearable completed, the following points Winnie button, the boss of your points, the dress does not look good to be out of shop! 穿戴完毕,点小熊下面的按钮,老板会为你打分,打扮的不好看会被踢出店门哦!
Due to the points mentioned above, Prof. Hu's opinion seems to be overcompensating, and also seems to have a rebellious tone. 基于上述判断,胡教授的观点似乎真的矫枉过正了,也似乎有离经叛道的意思。
In short, a dog has fixed points to which he returns time after time, depending upon the occasion. 简而言之,依据偶然,狗确定了他一次次返回的地方。
Joel Kotkin, a demographer, points out that California has always had fires during dry years, at least since the time of the Spaniards. 人口统计学家约尔·柯特金指出,加州在干旱年份总是有火灾,这至少始于西班牙人统治时期。
Adamson points out that the hardness of an overlay and concrete are not the same, therefore the harder the surface, the cleaner the cut. 亚当森指出,一个覆盖和具体的硬度不一样,因此很难从表面上看,清洁的削减。
Depending on the breakdown of what you want to measure, it might be necessary to reset the start variable's value at certain points. 取决于您希望测量的具体细目,可能必须在某个时间点重置start变量的值。
What could have been a presentation simply listing safety rules in bullet points to be scanned now was something far more personal. 而如果仅仅以要点的形式把安全规则列出来,这样的展示效果会怎么样呢?像现在这样就明显更加个性化。
Polls come and go, as politicians like to say, but the two big parties seem to be trading fairly consistently at around six points apart. 政客们常说民意无常,但是这两大党似乎一直在你追我赶,彼此间的差距总是保持在6%左右。
Once the imaged circular points of a projective plane are identified, then projective distortion may be rectified up to a similarity. 根据射影矫正基本原理,只要获得了平面虚原点的图像,平面的射影失真可以通过其虚原点的图像矫正到相差一个相似变换。
think voters didn't know what to make of woman candidate, you know, they were sort of stymied, they had no reference points. 在我们有很多女性官员之前,我想选民不知道那女候选人是怎么造就的,你知道,他们有点接受不了。