
美 [peɪst]英 [peɪst]
  • v.粘贴;粘合;拼贴;贴入
  • n.面团;糨糊;肉(或鱼等)酱(作涂抹料或烹饪用)
  • adj.人造的;假的
  • 网络贴上;浆糊;糊剂

第三人称单数:pastes 现在分词:pasting 过去式:pasted

almond paste
paste poster


n. v.

1.[sing]面团a soft wet mixture, usually made of a powder and a liquid

3.[u]糨糊a type of glue that is used for sticking paper to things


xhEditor进阶使用 - xhEditor技术手册 ... Copy: 复制 Paste粘贴 Pastetext: 文本粘贴 ...


贴上 (paste) 即 可。请注意:只限报8堂!


居家生活用品英语大全_百度文库 ... outlet/receptacle 插座 paste 浆糊 glue 胶水 ...


常见剂型的英文写法 - gloria的日志 - 网易博客 ... 乳膏剂( Cream) 糊剂Paste) 阴道霜( Vaginal Cream) ...

普通英汉小词典_翻译家( ... past 过去的 paste 糊; pastime 消遣 ...


大学英语四级词汇表 ... past a. 过去的 n.过去 paste n. 糊,酱;浆湖 pastime n. 消遣,娱乐 ...

The paste is a little thick, but try to think of it as a mask for your teeth. 这种糊状物有一些厚重,但试着把其作为牙齿的保护膜吧。
You can argue that it is possible to copy and paste it out of Netflix, but the cost of doing this is prohibitive for individuals. 你也许会说你可以复制并且粘贴到Netflix以外的文档,但是对于个人而言,这样做所付出的代价是昂贵的。
sugar six money, flour paste 3 money, onions, ginger and a little bit of soy sauce mixed with a good opening tune. 糖六钱,面酱三钱,葱,姜,酱油一点点的良好开局调混合。
Clifford likes the smell of the paste . He thinks it would be good to eat. He is wrong. I have to wash out his mouth. Clifford喜欢浆糊的味道。他以为会很好吃的。可惜他错了。我不得不把他的嘴巴清洗一下。
paste , and drag and drop operations retain outlining information , but do not always persist the state of the collapsible region. 另外,“复制”、“剪切”、“粘贴”和拖放操作保留大纲显示信息,但不始终保持可折叠区域的状态。
You can paste standard versions of these functions into your program and enhance them as you see fit . 您可以将这些函数的标准形式粘贴到您的程序中,并根据您认为合适的方法将其增强。
The whole exhibition hall with a few paper-cut like a paste made of sun through the "cut off" the gap shines into the hall. 整座展馆像用几张剪纸粘贴而成,阳光透过“剪掉”的缝隙照进大厅。
Furniture scratch repair: Make a paste of coffee grounds and a little water and apply to furniture scratches with a Q-tip. 修补家具上的刮痕:用少许水将咖啡渣制成糨糊状,然后快速地粘在家具的刮痕处。
Note it down in a piece of paper and paste it onto the wall of your room! 把它写在一张纸然后贴在你房间的墙上!
For the one side scared face, it didn't easy like put only one paste on your face, but it had to do a resin model after his face. 为了做好有伤疤的那一边脸,不是在脸上涂浆糊那么简单,而是得根据他的脸型做个树脂模型。
There is a winter, the boys wake up the middle of the night, also saw his mother bent over a lamp in the body under the matchbox paste. 有个冬天,男孩半夜醒来,看到母亲还躬着身子在油灯下糊火柴盒。
Absolute Maryland for the dark oily paste, with a similar chocolate - nuts, fruit. 马里兰净油为深黑色油状膏体,具有类似于巧克力-坚果的果香。
After all that, it had to be ground into a paste and then made into an unleavened dough. 接着,它还要被研磨成糊状,然后再做成一种不发酵的面团。
But it has a big disadvantage. It doesn't allow you to run both operating systems simultaneously, or copy and paste material between them. 但它也有一个巨大的弱点,不允许同时运行两个系统,也不能在两大系统之间复制粘贴。
Copy and paste the following selection into a new layer and assign it a 44% Opacity. 复制粘贴下图所选择的图形到一个新的图层,并分配其44%的不透明度。
Camera calibration code, OPENCV did not provide a complete example of its own collation, then paste it records. 摄像头标定的代码,OPENCV没有提供完整的示例,自己整理了一下,贴出来记录。
He said, "I applied a paste to his shoulder, and he felt much better later that day. " 我在他的肩上涂了药膏,那天他就觉得好多了。
Complete the wordsearch on-screen, print it out, make it into a website or copy it to paste into Word or Excel. 完成wordsearch在萤幕上,打印出来,使它成为一个网站,或将它复制粘贴到Word或Excel。
During Spring Festivals, every family would buy one and paste it on the wall at home, giving the family a strong sense of festivity. 一到过年,家家户户都会买上一幅回家贴上,真的是年味儿十足呢。
And so all I had to do was actually put a little shrimp paste on the front of the load cell, and they'd smash away at it. 因此,我不得不做的是确实需要放点儿虾酱在这个测压元件的前面,他们会把它捣烂。
Paste or dough made of wheat flour, eggs, and water, often formed into shapes and dried and used in a variety of recipes after being boiled. 食用面糊由小麦面、鸡蛋和水做成的面糊或面团,通常加工成一些形状并烘干,做熟后可用于种种烹饪
PourIng the red paste onto the brush, I cleaned my teeth as If there was no tomorrow. 我把红色的牙膏挤到牙刷上,我开始拼命地刷,好像明天就是世界末日一样。
and was an ideal method to determine and characterize the particle size and size and size distribution of paste PVC emulsion. 是测量和表征PVC乳液颗粒粒径及粒度分布的理想方法。
Ginger and powdered gold are beaten into a paste and spread thickly over the body, giving it that Goldfinger look. 生姜与金粉捣成的糊状物厚厚地涂抹到全身后,恰似《金手指》里雪莉•伊顿的模样。
I keep my diary at home, and if I trade at the office, I bring my printouts with me and paste them up in the evening. 我把交易日记放在家里,如果我在办公室要交易,我会头天晚上把打印出来的东西贴在一起。
Registry operation in more detail, so that some users do not know how to operate the registry only need to copy and paste to see! 注册表操作更加详细,让一些不懂操作注册表的用户只需复制粘贴即可查看!
Okay, what else goes in here? -And then we need to put in uhm, just some water, to make it a paste. -That's it? 好的,还要些什么?-然后我们需要放入,嗯,一些水,让它成浆糊状。-就这样吗?
Copy and paste into a new layer the following selection and assign it a 65% Opacity. 复制粘贴下图所选择的图形到一个新的图层,并分配其65%的不透明度。
Worst-case scenario, this is one of these animals that deals with annoying primates by trying to stomp them into paste. 最坏的情况是,被打的动物很生气,后果很严重,它要把你这个讨厌的灵长类动物,踩成浆糊。
White particles which appeared on the surface of beans and the wall of bottles, during the shelf life of broad bean paste were investigated. 成品蚕豆酱随着货架期的延长,在豆瓣表面及其瓶壁上会出现一些乳白色硬质圆粒状小点,有时呈较大的片状结构。