pay attention to

  • na.注意
  • 网络重视;对……注意;关心

pay attention topay attention to

pay attention to


大学英语四级常用词组 ... attend to 专心;照顾,护理 pay attention to 注意;重视 be attentive to 对…关怀 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... attend to 专心;照顾,护理 pay attention to 注意;重视 be attentive to 对…关怀 ...


人教版九年级英语单词表_百度文库 ... attention 注意 pay attention to 对……注意 give up 放弃 ...


理会_百度百科 ... [take notice of] 注意(多用于否定) [pay attention to] 关心;在意 [argue;debate;discuss] 评理 ...


初中英语总复习之短语 - 豆丁网 ... pay for 为…付款 5. pay attention to 注意, 关注 6. pay no attention to 不在意 7. ...


高中英语必修二单词表_百度知道 ... attention 注重 关注 注重力 pay attention to 留意 appreciate 鉴赏 感激 意识到 ...


新概念英语第二册学... ... I appreciate your help. 我很感激你的帮助。 pay attention to 思想上的注意 hang hanged hanged 绞死 ...


讲究的意思|讲究是什么意思 - 查字典 ... [nice] 精美 [pay attention to] 注重,力求完美 [study] 研究;探究 ...

She walked back and forth on the path. She has racked her brain. But she did not seem to pay attention to. 她在小路上来回走着。她已经绞尽了脑汁。但她好象还是没注意。
The solution: Runners need to pay attention to what and how much they're drinkingbefore, during and after exercise. 解决方法:跑步者需要注意在他们锻炼之前,当中和之后喝了什么和多少。
Pay attention to what you think, feel, want, and prefer. You need to be aware of these things before you can communicate them to others. 注意并优先关注自己的所想、所感、所需,在与他人就此进行沟通之前,你首先应当对其了如指掌。
Explore every corner of the Web, and pay attention to which sites seem to be popular. 探索Web中的每个角落,并留意有哪些流行站点。
Test it out first to make sure that the alarm goes off loud enough for you to hear and pay attention to. 先试一试倒计时器,确定闹铃足够响,能让你听到并注意。
His principles forbade him to pay attention to a girl if he thought any man was present whom it might suit her to marry. 他的操守不允许他去垂涎一个姑娘,要是他认为有一个适合她下嫁的男人在场的话。
How much times should I tell you that you can pay attention to your writtings? 我要对你说多少次你才能注意你的书写?
he did not pay attention to the theater, and the woman he was chatting, but it is a private conversation, none of your business. 他并灭有注意看戏,他正在和那女人聊天,但是这是个私人的谈话,不关你的事。
pay attention to what I am saying to you, swear to me that you will not tell your father this address that you know! 注意听我向你说的话,发誓你不把你知道的那个住址告诉你父亲!
then I pay attention to the story, as if it were really happening somewhere, not just in my head, and in its own way, not mine. 然后,我注意起故事来,仿佛事情是真的在什么地方发生了一样,而不是发生在我的头脑里,不以我设计的方式发生,而是以它自己的方式发生了。
I started to pay attention to other things like how much water I was drinking, my breathing, and my form on the hills. 我开始把注意力集中在诸如我的饮水量、呼吸的节奏以及我在这座小山上的形象此类事情上。
"He worked really hard to get Costco to pay attention to him, and when they did, it put him on the map, " she said. “他做了很多努力想得到Costco的重视,他做到了,因此一战成名。”她说。
Continue to make friend with him or remind him? Oh, remind him---but pay attention to how long will it take for him to call you back. 是要继续做朋友还是提醒他一下?那就提醒一下吧——但是要关注一下在你提醒之后他有多久才给你回电话。
Because there's a limit to how much visual information the brain can process, it tends to pay attention to one thing at a time. 因为大脑处理视觉信息的能力有限,因此每次只能注意一个东西。
As you listen, pay attention to the language they use to ask about vehicle types, standard features, extras and insurance options. 大家在听的时候要注意他们怎样运用语言来谈论车型、标准性能、配件以及保险事宜。
Business card printing and membership card making business-to-pay attention to these areas, to do everything, do not deal with the matter. 制卡和会员卡制作企业对这些环节都要重视,要做好每件事,不要应付了事。
Wang version of the game, pay attention to the shooting when your mouse do not out-of-bounds, as it is difficult to see death. 游戏为横版,注意射击的时候你的鼠标不要出界,否则会死的很难看得。
Some dude tries to hold up a store but nobody cares to pay attention to him. In the end he walks away with just a couple of bucks. 世上最糟糕的犯罪某个家伙试图打劫一家商店,但是没有人愿意搭理他。最后他仅拿走了几美元。
Many women don't pay attention to the price of proper clothes. Although these clothes can take a real bite out of the bank account. 许多女同胞并不在意她们中意的衣服价格,尽管这些衣服可能会花掉银行存款的好一部分。
Make it a habit to pay attention to two things at work: what you love about your job and what you dislike. 养成一个习惯,注意工作中的两件事:你喜欢什么,你不喜欢什么。
Often appears kangaroo map the road in Australia, it is often near the Kangaroo said, especially pay attention to traffic at night. 袋鼠图还经常出现在澳大利亚公路上,那是表示附近常有袋鼠出现,特别是夜间行车要注意。
Recent one or two years, to pay attention to the language art began to resurge, not to express directly the sociality but to abstract it. 最近一两年以来,重视语言的艺术开始回潮,不是直接的社会性表达,而是把它抽象化。
I thought she did not pay attention to speak and another aunt, I once again opened the door she said the sentence: it is the male! 我以为她和另一个阿姨说话没有注意,我再一次开门她又说了一句:那是男厕!
I asked for her secret, and she said, "I'm just always so busy. I only have time to pay attention to what is right in front of my eyes. " 我问她怎么能不注意,她说,“太忙了,眼下的事还顾不过来呢。”
"The problem basically was that we ran out of friends. , " Hsieh said. "We didn't know any better to pay attention to the company culture. " “最主要的问题是我们身边再也没有人脉可用了,”谢先生说到。“我们不知道如何更好地注重公司的文化。”
Love, may not need to say. Like a person quietly, quietly, quietly pay attention to, but he must not know. 爱,或许不一定要说出口。悄悄地喜欢一个人,默默地关注,静静地留意,而他却并不一定要知道。
Let me once again tell all of you senior friends, middle-aged friends and young friends, you should pay attention to this point. 再告诉你们各位老年的朋友、中年的朋友、青年的小朋友,你们都要注意这一点。
According to understand is usually does not pay attention to you, saying, you will really currency exchange is used to give false or false. 据了解通常方法是在您不注意的时候,将真币调换并称您使用的是假币或将假币退给您。
Suggest the answer: pay attention to don't want to die, so back it's easy to let the examiner feel you are a must don't. 建议答案:注意不要死背,这样很容易让考官觉得你是有准别。
Did not pay attention to the music piece where the kind of thinking brought me subtle changes. 并没有留意曲子里的乐思给我带来的那种潜移默化的改变。