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He began to go to the top of a hill each evening and look at the colors that filled the sky to try and understand how to make them. 他开始在每天傍晚爬上山顶,在山顶坐看夕阳满天空。一边边思忖怎么把这色彩再现在画布上。
Last time, we listened to princess Rose go to the top of the tower, and found a room with a old woman. 上一次我们听到了公主走到了宫楼顶部,屋子里有一位老妈妈。
Many times I would go to the top of a hill where I could look out to sea in hopes of catching sight of a ship. 很多时候我会去一个山顶在那里我可以看出来在追赶船舶视线希望出海。
Now go to the top of the frame, place the mouse cursor over the TestActivity icon, and a menu bar appears. 现在转到框架的顶部,将鼠标放到TestActivity图标上,会出现一个菜单栏。
Ability will enable a man to go to the top , but it takes character keeps them open ! 才华能够使凳上顶峰,但需要有优良的品格才能开启!
It was soon time for another sister to go to the top of the sea. 不久,另一个姐姐该到海面上去了。
NOAA says the safest thing you can do is move to higher ground at once, or go to the top of a tall, strong building. 诺阿说,最安全的事情你可以做的是转移到地势较高的一次,或到楼顶的一个高大,强壮。
I've always wanted to go to Paris. The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world! Did you go to the top? 我一直都很想去巴黎。埃菲尔铁塔是世界上最著名的名胜之一!你登到塔顶了吗?
Go to the top menu and select "Skin" bind skin, and select the little options box next to smooth bind. 转到顶部的菜单中,选择“皮肤”绑定的皮肤,然后选择选项框旁边的小顺利结合。
The day now came when the oldest of the princess was fifteen and could go to the top of the sea. 这一天来到了,最大的公主满十五岁,可以升到海面上去了。
After you open up your image, go to the top of the actions list and select "Layer, Duplicate Layer. " 打开图像之后,进入顶层图层菜单,选择复制图层。
Through the years I've seen these two teams go to the top and stay there. But lately, something's gone amiss. 这些年来,我看着这两支球队走向辉煌并称霸各自的联赛。不过最近,事情好像有点不大对头。
"Strange, " he thinks. "How do I go to the top to meet the woman with the beautiful voice? " “奇怪!”他心想。“我怎样才能上到塔顶去见这个歌声优美的女人呢?”
Shall we go to the top floor of a bird 's-eye view from there . 我们要不要到它的顶楼,鸟瞰一下风景呢?
There's one last thing you have to do. Go to the top of the Staff Tower. There's an open window up there. 这是你最后要做的事情,去标志塔的顶端,那里有一扇敞开的窗子。
They go to the top of the Empire Sate Builing and look out over the city. 他们到了帝国左手Builing上方,并期待在出城。
Fear of heights? Go to the top of the building. 你怕高的话,就到大楼顶端
Go to the top if you're being harassed or held back. Don't be too quick to judge your loved ones. 如果你感到困扰或者退缩的时候要勇敢面对,不要对你爱的事物武断判定。
Go to the top of your highest mountain! 迈向你们山峰的顶端!
England's cricketers have beaten India and so made sure that they'll go to the top of the international Test match rankings. 英格兰板球队员击败了印度,而这样将确保他们可以进入国际比赛排行榜的高位。
Shall we go to the top floor of the hall to have a bird's-eye view from there. 我们是否到它的顶楼上去俯视一下。
And I go to the top of the list and do the hardest thing. 然后我就看看执行单的上头,开始做那些最难做的事情。
Let me go to the top. 让我们从行业顶端开始看
The third and final stage give the most spectacular view. You'd better not go to the top landing directly. 当您上第三个平台,也就是最高一层平台的时候,您看到的景色就更为壮观了。
I know you are very keen on climbing mountains. You can go there by bus, and go to the top of the mountain on foot. 我听说你非常喜欢爬山.我们可以坐公交去那里.然后步行到山项。
Go to the top-level site in the site collection. 转到网站集中的顶级网站。
Due to my bad NCEE's score, I had no chance to go to the top universities in China. 由于我的成绩不好,我已经NCEE没有机会去一流大学在中国。
If you go to the top by the lift, you can get a view of the whole city. 如果您乘电梯到顶端,您可以看到城市的全景。
The rain's letting up. Do you want to go to the top of your hill? 雨停了,想去你的山顶吗?
Don`t worry. I hear you are very keen on climbing mountains. We can go there by bus, and go to the top of the mountain on foot. 别担心.我听说您非常喜欢爬山.我们可以坐公交去那里.然后步行到山项。