
美 [ɡreɪt]英 [ɡreɪt]
  • n.伟人;名人;伟大的事物;大事;名家;全部;〈英俚〉牛津大学学士学位考试
  • adj.伟大的;优异的;贵族的;很多的;伟大的;擅长;巨大的;数量大的
  • adv.〈口〉很好地;很好地;极好地;很棒地
  • 网络最大的;即比较字符的编码大小;最伟大的

比较级:greater 最高级:greatest 复数:greats

great success,great pleasure,great importance,great progress,great power
look great



1.[ubn]大的;巨大的;数量大的;众多的very large; much bigger than average in size or quantity

2.[obn](informal)(强调尺寸、体积或质量)很used to emphasize an adjective of size or quality

3.非常的;很多的;极大的much more than average in degree or quantity


4.伟大的;优秀的;杰出的;卓越的extremely good in ability or quality and therefore admired by many people


5.(informal)美妙的;好极的;使人快乐的very good or pleasant


6.[obn]重要的;重大的;给人深刻印象的important and impressive

有影响with influence

7.地位高的;位高权重的;影响大的having high status or a lot of influence

健康in good health

8.身心健康的;心情愉快的in a very good state of physical or mental health


9.[nubn](informal)~ at (doing) sth擅长;精通able to do sth well


10.(informal)~ for (doing) sth适合;(对…)有用very suitable or useful for sth

强调for emphasis

11.[obn](强调某种情况)used when you are emphasizing a particular description of sb/sth


12.(冠于家庭成员的称呼前,表示更高或更低一辈的亲属关系)added to words for family members to show a further stage in relationship

较大的动物╱植物larger animals/plants

13.[obn](用于相似动植物中较大者的名称前)大used in the names of animals or plants which are larger than similar kinds

城市名city name

14.(与城市名连用,指包括市区和周围广大地区在内的区域)大used with the name of a city to describe an area that includes the centre of the city and a large area all round it


be going great guns

做得快;顺利;成功to be doing sth quickly and successfully

be a great one for (doing) sth

老做,总是做,喜欢做(某事)to do sth a lot; to enjoy sth

be no great shakes

不太出色;不太有效;不怎么合适;不怎么样to be not very good, efficient, suitable, etc.

great and small

大小;高低;贵贱of all sizes or types

great minds think alike

英雄所见略同used to say that you and another person must both be very clever because you have had the same idea or agree about sth

the great …in the sky

(人死后回到)天上的老家,天国,西天;(东西无用了进)博物馆used to refer to where a particular person is imagined to go when they die or a thing when it is no longer working, similar to the place they were connected with on earth


java单词_百度文库 ... S2 consumer 消费者 S2 greatest 最大的 S2 Samsung 三星 ...


记载 - BlogJava ... 55.GREATEST 返回一组表达式中的最大值,即比较字符的编码大小. 56.LEAST 返回一组表达式中的最小值 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... neither adj.pron. 两者都不 greatest adj. 最好的,最伟大的 restaurants n. 餐馆, 饭店 ...


莫若_百度百科 ... 莫不闻〖 nobodydoesnotknowthat〗 莫大greatest〗 莫非〖 canitbethat〗 ...


《Friends》词汇表A ... neither adj.pron. 两者都不 greatest adj. 最好的,最伟大的 restaurants n. 餐馆, 饭店 ...

Sing Thousands... ... 或许 不该 should not;to owe nothing 不该 extremely;greatest;highest;too 太 遥远 distant;remote ...

Perhaps the greatest of these results from the lack of exercise, and is referred to by professional coach potatoes as telly belly. 也许最大的危险来自于缺乏锻炼,其后果被专业沙发土豆称为电视肚。
Among the many traits that made Charles Darwin one of the greatest minds in science was his pertinacious personality. 达尔文的各种特质中,让他成为最伟大科学智者之一的,是他执著的个性。
It is, to say the least, one of the greatest economic turnrounds in human history. 至少,这是人类历史上最伟大的经济转折之一。
From the point of view of a student, what do you think is the greatest obstacle between the two countries? 从学生的角度看,你认为两国关系中最大的障碍是什么?
That man standing atop a tall column in London's Trafalgar Square is Admiral Horatio Nelson, one of England's greatest naval heroes. 这之上,在伦敦的特拉法加广场高大的男子站在栏是海军上将霍雷肖纳尔逊,英国最大的海军英雄之一。
I think one of the greatest parts of working overtime is knowing that you're making extra money and knowing how you'll spend that money. 我想加班是因为你能挣到更多的钱,而你也想好了周末花这些钱。
She was one of the greatest Loyalist proponents outside of Coruscant. 她是科洛桑之外最伟大的忠诚者之一。
Felipe, I guess you perhaps thought of this as being your greatest opportunity, at least to be on pole position, perhaps to win as well. 菲利普,我猜你可能认为这是你最棒的一次机会,至少能拿到杆位,也可能赢得胜利。
Now, with the internet and an iPod, it is possible to follow a course from some of the greatest teachers in business for free. 现在,只要有互联网和一台iPod,人们就可以免费聆听商业领域一些最伟大教师的课程。
And I realized that by giving me Pax and taking him from me, they had given me the greatest gift anybody had ever given me in my life. 我体会到给我大同和他从我身边拿走,他们给了我最大的礼物有人曾经由于我在我的生命。
This was the greatest gift that he had, the talent that fitted him for war. 这是他所具备的最大天赋,这种才能使他适宜参加战争。
In terms of the global financial community, ATM claim to be a 20th century one of the greatest inventions. 对于全球金融界来讲,ATM算得上是20世纪最伟大的发明之一。
Andersen was born into a poor family, but ended up as one of the greatest writers of his time. 安行徒生出身贫寒,但最终却成为他那个时代最伟大的作家之一。
"I want you to know you have had the greatest influence in my life of anyone, " she said. “我要让你知道,你是对我一生影响最大的人”她说。
In their account, Smith's assertion was that purely selfish individuals are led by an invisible hand to produce the greatest good for all. 他们所理解的斯密的主张是完全利己的个体,总是跟随看不见的手,生产最受欢迎的产品。
she had reasons for believing that there was a young sister living , and her greatest desire was , to help that sister. 她有理由相信这家还有一个小妹妹活着。她的最大愿望便是帮助那小妹妹。
David Hawkes was one of the greatest translators from the Chinese of his time. 大卫(霍克思是他那个时代最杰出的中文翻译家之一。
"I don't consider it meddling when you stand on the side of the principles that made our nation the greatest nation in history, " he said. 他说:“当你坚持使我们的国家成为历史上最伟大的国家的原则时,我不认为这是一种干涉。”
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge. 鉴于对这些权利和自由的普遍了解,对于这个誓愿的充分实现,有很大的重要性。
You know that you live in a war zone when you realize that the greatest fears of the children are of what they know only too well. 而当你意识到孩子们最恐惧的恰恰是那些他们最为熟知的事物时,你知道你是生活在战区。
When looking at the blue sky will be issued a hearty laughter, passers-by from staring at us dinner seems to be our greatest happiness. 那时看着蓝天都会发出爽朗的笑声,路人来往盯着我们吃饭却好像是我们莫大的幸福。
" Lu said: " The greatest achievements and hard work is always proportional to, there is a work of a harvest. 鲁迅说:“伟大的成就总是与辛勤的劳动成正比的,有一份耕耘就有一份收获。”
And of greatest significance was that this change was effected by the new heroes in the company, following the new approach. 最重大的意义是,依照新的方法,该变更会受到公司中新的英雄们影响。
Perhaps, once more Saint Mark lent a hand in protecting the stronghold, leaving the greatest treasure of the Rhine intact to this day. 也许圣马克再度保护这座城堡,使莱茵河畔的珍宝至今仍保完整。
Smith produces his greatest depth and range yet, his performance containing an ingenuity to match that of his determined character. 史密斯生产他最大的深度和广度,但他的表现包括一个创造性的比赛,他坚决的性格。
Lincoln was also like him. Some people say that the greatest tragedy in Lincoln's life wasn't that he was shot dead but his wife, Mary. 林肯和托尔斯泰遭遇也很相似,有人说林肯一生最大的悲剧不是被枪杀,而是他娶了玛丽做妻子。
Half a century ago, the prosperity of America's middle class was one of democratic capitalism's greatest triumphs. 半个世纪以前,美国中产阶级的富足,是民主资本主义制度的最大胜利之一。
It constitutes the essential nucleus of the self and the access to it in our patients is often attained only with the greatest difficulty. 它组成自我的基本核心,从我们父母身上接近它,往往是费尽困难,才能获得。
Like the SUN, stress can grow you. Stress develops your emotional intelligence and your creative capabilities. It's your greatest teacher. 像太阳一样,可以增加你的压力。应力开发您和您的情绪智力的创造能力。这是你最大的老师。
Instead, the incident spiralled into a crisis so severe that it almost brought down one of the world's greatest companies. 可相反,该事件演变成一场严重的危机,几乎击垮这个全球最伟大的企业之一。