how are

how arehow are

how are

Finding the carpet you want is all well and good, but how are we going to pay for it? 找到你要的地毯也好,不过我们打算怎样付款呢?
Q. You and the car look to be in shape. How are the mechanics, with all the pit stop simulations you've done? 你和车的情况看起来都很不错。那从模拟测试中完成进站的情况来看,机械师的状态如何?
They do not know how to cross six lanes of the road, how are countless little finger of the office floors. 他们不知道怎样穿过六车道的马路,小小的手指怎么也数不清写字楼的层数。
Let's get ready to rumble. . . -But they're boys! You know, how are we going to beat three boys? 让我们来个冠军争霸…-但是他们都是猛男啊!你知道,我们怎样才能打败三个男人?
"Andy, Andy, how are you doing? " she said, using the name of my older brother. (Laughter) "I'm Bruce, " I said, and promptly passed out. 她喊着我哥哥的名字问我(众人笑)“我是布鲁斯,”我说,接着就晕过去了
What I said to God through my gasping sobs was something like this: "Hello, God. How are you? I'm Liz. It's nice to meet you. " 在我喘息的呜咽中,我跟神的对话,类似这样:“哈啰,神啊。您好吗?我是小莉。很高兴认识您。”
How are people able to understand complex explanations like this? 这样复杂的解释,如何让人们能够理解清楚哪?
Dear friends we are very sorry to hear that you are in trouble because of the earthquake. How are things with you now? 亲爱的朋友们,听说你们由于地震都处在困境之中,我们很难过,现在你们都怎么样了?
"Well, " he said, "I saw you across the street there. I thought it was you. I was just coming out to your place. How are you, anyhow? " “你瞧,”他说,“我看到你在马路对面,我就猜是你。我出来正想上你那儿去。不管怎么说,你好吗?”
Did not know until recently, when you told me are so so good, and I how how are selfish. 到现在才知道,当时你对我是那么那么地好,而我是多么多么地自私。
One little bit of trivia that we haven't touched on so far is how are these SOAP messages transmitted back and forth? 到目前为止,我们尚未涉及的一个细节是这些SOAP消息是如何来回传递的?
How are you supposed to ask for what you want if, as a child, you were repeatedly made to feel wrong for wanting more? 孩提时,人家一直使你觉得你要求大多是错的,那你如何认为该要求你所需要的?
How are we going to realize these ideals I think I shall tell you a little story which just came to my mind. 我们要如何实现这些理想,我想,我可以告诉各位一个我刚想到的小故事。
How are we to compare the profile of students assumed in the design of the programme with that of the students actually admitted? 怎么样我们在节目的设计假设的学生档案与那学生比较实际上被录取?
And how are we going to understand all this complex information? 我们如何理解这些繁杂的信息?
As for the clients, how are they able to afford such entertainment in a recession; are their companies paying for this entertainment? 对于那些顾主来说,他们拿什么在经济萧条下为此类娱乐买单;难道他们的公司为这种娱乐报销么?
Now c'mon, I haven't got all day, and the two of you are running late for a pair of family reunions. So how are you paying? 快点吧,我没时间陪你们耽误一整天,而且你们两个的家庭聚会就要迟到了。你们怎么付款?
In school, a director sister began to know how are we going to do, want to say what, do what action. 到了学校,导播姐姐就开始知道我们要怎么做,要讲什么话,做什么动作。
The fox rolled his eyes and said: "Hi, my dear crow, how are you? " The crow did not answer the fox. 狐狸赔着笑脸说:“亲爱的乌鸦,您的孩子好吗?”乌鸦看了狐狸一眼,还是没有回答。
"Glad to meet you, " I said. Then, trying to hide my nervousness, I added, "How are you? " “认识你很高兴,”我说。随后,我竭力想掩饰自已的不安,便又说道:“你怎么样?”“我很好。问题是:你怎么样?”
So how are the top schools doing? 950 was the average APR for all the male sports teams in Division One in the last report in May. 那么顶尖学校的表现怎样呢?5月份最新的报告显示,所有第一区男子运动队的平均APR值为950。
I saw you walk in, and I've been meaning to call since the service, but work's been so crazy so. . . how are you doing? 我看见你进来,仪式后我就想打电话给你,但工作忙得要死…你现在怎么样?
How are you enjoying working out with Chinese people? How are they different to, you know, North America? 你喜欢与中国人在一起健身吗?他们跟北美人有什么不同?
How are studios supposed to make money? You know, other than from ticket sales and DVDs. And merchandising. 要不然除了票房和出售DVD之外,电影工作室怎么赚钱呢?还要打广告嘛。
How are we going to get some of the essential elements out of those products and have them reused in the manufacturing process? 我们怎样将其中一些必要的组件回收,重新利用到生产过程?
Q. So how are the foram cages you left on the seabed located a year later? Sounds impossible, but obviously there is a reliable technique. 你们在海底安放沉积物捕获器,一年之后又是怎么找到它们的呢?听上去有的不可思议,但显然你们有可靠的技术。
B: Pretty good. I enjoy it. A: How are you getting along with your colleagues? B: So far, so good. They are really nice people. 你觉得新工作怎么样?:不错。我喜欢。:你和你的同事相处的怎么样?:到目前为止很好。他们都是很好的人。
Butterflies of the United States and its contribution to us, how are we going to harm them, to do damage to their homes? 蝴蝶把它的美贡献给我们,我们又怎能去伤害它们,去破坏它们的家园呢?
"How are your second-grade daughter progressing? " , issued from her lips with increasing frequency. “你二年级的女儿一切进展的怎样?”不断从她的口中传出声音。
It's time to move from the debate about climate science to 'What are we going to do about it . . . how are we going to adapt to it? 现在是时候放弃对气候科学的讨论了,我们应该讨论的是‘我们准备做些什么……我们该如何适应它?