
美 [hʌ]英 [hʌ]
  • int.用于问题、建议等之后;表示愤怒、惊奇、异议等;表示没有听清楚
  • 网络哈;哼;哼嗯



1.(用于问题、建议等之后,尤希望对方同意)people useHuh? at the end of questions, suggestions, etc., especially when they want sb to agree with them

2.(表示愤怒、惊奇、异议等,或认为没有什么了不起)people sayHuh! to show anger, surprise, disagreement, etc. or to show that they are not impressed by sth

3.(表示没有听清楚)people sayHuh? to show that they have not heard what sb has just said

魔兽争霸人物台词 - Nef.的日志 - 网易博客 ... - Yes? 是的? - Huh? ? - Master? 主人? ...

寻个好看的英文单词_百度知道 ... Wow 哇 Huh timeless adj. 永恒的 ...


HIT YOUR HEART_百度百科 ... 「HOT ISSUE / 热门话题」、 02. HUH / 哼嗯 03. INVITATION / 邀请 ...

Section 10_Robbie... ... 198. Have a safe trip home. 路上小心点。 199. Huh. 。 200. Well,hi,fellas. 你们大家好。 ...

◆1 科幻◆分类下的所有日志 – Mtime时光网 ... Elsa:Really? 真的吗? Elsa:Huh? ? Clive:What? 什么? ...


CCTV-教育频道 ... Aren’t you forgetting something? 你忘记了一些事情 Huh? 什么 What? 怎么了 ...


战锤40K单位语音翻译补完——兽人Orks -... ... Who you wan' me to cut? 你要我砍谁? Huh? 嗯哼? Stormboyz 突击小子 ...

Louis: Seems like you got yourself in a jam, huh? I wish there was something I could do to help you out. 路易斯:看起来你自己好像有麻烦了,哈?我希望能帮你点忙。
This overturned the next day they continue to work to see these words on the dare not move, huh, huh! 这样第二天他们继续干活推倒时看到这句话就不敢在动了,呵呵!
Huh? [His eyes seem to clear for a brief moment. ] I do not know what, uh. . . thash not uh mine. 嗯?【他的眼睛似乎有了片刻的透彻。】我根本不知道,呃……那石么和额没关系。
Why don't you tell everyone how much you make from Google, huh? 你为什么不告诉大家你从Google拿了多少钱,嗯?
What's the matter with you all, huh? You lost your sense of humor? 这些和你有什么关系吗,啊?你已经丢失了你的幽默感?
You think you can just throw some cash at us, huh? We'll forget everything, call it a day ? 你以为你施舍点钱就行了么?我们就什么都忘记了,打完收工到此为止
The point of this is for you to realise, AFTER it's been done, that the task wasn't as huge as you IMAGINED it. Huh? 关键要点是要让你明白,在完成了一件事后,这项任务并没有你想象中的那样艰巨,难道不是吗?
the only HUH? ? factor here: i might be paying more for the postage than the book itself. could go up to 5 times more! ! 唯一让我啊??的一点:我可能得付比书更贵的邮费。可能高达五倍!!没办法啦!!
You think you know what it means to be a guard, huh? 你知道当守卫意味着什么吗?
Connie, I might have to leave early today. Uh-huh. 康妮,我今天可能是要早走。嗯。
We are trying to bring them back to life. Let me show you. imagine doing all this, huh? What's your excuse? 我们正试图让他们改邪归正,想想做这些事情你的借口是什么?。
Uh huh. What about it trivializes that crime? I guess it's just that there's no moral lens that we're looking at it through. 嗯,那它把罪行平凡化呢?,我想它只是,它只是没有我们看透的道德伦理。
The 32 Battalion. That's right. You know, contrary to what you might think about us. we fought with the blacks, huh? Yeah. Side by side. 在32排-没错知道吗,与你的想法相反的是,我们和黑人一起战斗,肩并肩。
"Huh? " Trying to avoid question. Very obvious. He looked preoccupied. Which he would. As he was avoiding the question. “咦?”试图回避的问题。很明显的。他看上去心事重重。他会的。当他回避了这个问题。
He thought of the surging great river flowing towards the frontier. Huh, the language people used there was of a completely different order. 他想起了那条浩浩荡荡地向边境流去的大河,哦,在那条河上人们讲的是另一套行话。
Uncle Bob: Hey, I knew it was your favorite movie star! Remember all the corny jokes we used to tell, huh. How do two porcupines make love? 鲍博舅舅:对,他是你最崇拜的影星,噢,你还记得咱们讲过的那些笑话吗?讲两个刺猬拥抱亲热的故事。
Huh, tell you the truth, I can't get him out of my head at all, everything I met everyday remind me of him. 唉,告诉你吧,我根本就忘不了他,每天遇到的每件事都能让我想起他。
Yeah, well you know what. I'm the one with the badge and the gun. Huh? You know you're not the only forensic anthropologist in town. 没错,不过告诉你好了,我还有警章和枪呢。你没吧?说起来方圆五百里又不是只有你这么一个人类学家。
must be a polar bear out there looking for a little bit of trouble, huh? 看来外面有只北极熊啊难道它还想找点麻烦对吗?。
Another gold digger, huh? Heh heh. . . Well then, how much am I worth? 又是个掘金者吗?呵呵…那麽,我值多少钱呢?
Cindy: being tired of it already? Huh? Who the hell was that begging me to borrow money for that god damn cab? 辛蒂:烦了?啊?当初是谁死乞白赖要我借钱买出租车来着?
SA: Huh. You know, I've been a member of this prestige class for years, and I never actually noticed that before. 哈,要知道,我进阶这个职业好些年了,可是以前从来没注意过。
"Always the last to know, huh, " she said, and then winced, as if speaking hurt. “哈,总是最后一个知道,”她说,然后皱起眉头,好像说了伤人的话似的。
What's with you and Garber, huh? Tell me about him. 你跟葛伯有什么过节?说说他吧。
Kind words from Huh and Mankoff are fine, but the endorsement of a comedian with his own eponymous show on cable would be invaluable. Huh和Mankoff说的那些话不要紧,但是有一名喜剧演员和他的同名电视节目支持,这就非常有价值了。
Henryk Szpilman: What' s the matter with you all, huh? You lost your sense of humor? 亨利克·斯皮尔曼:这些和你有什么关系吗,啊?你已经丢失了你的幽默感?
Uh huh . They 'll be there any minute. You've got to get out , quick ! 嗯,他们马上就到了,你最好快点出去!
Relax, I was just kidding. So that's all you think I've done, huh? Just wasted my life away. I don't say that. 放轻松点,我只是开玩笑。这辈子都白活了。我可没这么说。
You must be real excited to be riding in the front of the squad car for a change, huh? 终于可以换换地方坐在前排了你一定觉得很兴奋吧?。
Uh-huh. Let's see. Uhm, well, first you need to lose any kind of empathy. You can't be empathetic at all. That's number one. 嗯嗯。让我们看看。嗯,好的,首先你需要失去所有同情心。你根本就不能同情别人。这是第一件。