open for business

  • un.开始营业
  • 网络开店达人;开业;开业特惠

open for businessopen for business

open for business


怎么安装模拟人生2原版啊??_百度知道 ... Nightlife 美丽夜未眠 Open For Business 开店达人 Pets 宠物当家 ...


1971年开业 (open for business) 的仓敷咖啡馆就在仓敷旅馆旁。这家强调自家烘焙咖啡豆的老字号咖啡馆,原木色的装潢混合 …


Gossip Girl绯闻女友 第二季 第九集... ... rumor has it: 传闻 open for business: 开始营业 quit: 辞职 ...


  ● 开业特惠Open for Business) +250声望   每日任务:外域   下面的这些任务需要你在外域完成,对比前一部分不那么简单快 …


...员的马丁内尼,在二○○九年七月就任时,宣布巴拿马「开门营业」(Open for business),在运河五十二亿美元拓建、首都 …


  在网路的世界里,「开店营业中」(open for business)这句话不再代表著我们过去所熟知的实体意义。事实上,这句话现在代 …

Hit the ball out of the moment, Tianjin, Beijing-based Golf and Country Club officially open for business. 球被击出去的那一刻,天津京基高尔夫乡村俱乐部正式宣布营业。
By October 10 it was clear the bank would not be able to open for business the following Monday unless drastic steps were taken. 到了10月10日,很明显,除非采取激进措施,否则该银行下周一就无法开门营业。
It was brought down in the morning only because the exhibition hall near Seattle where it was airborne was about to open for business. 人们将Pelican在第二天早上降落到地面的原因是Pelican将被其制造者带到西雅图的一个展厅进行商业展览。
Level LG leads to a bank but in the video the bank is not open for business thus that level is locked out. LG楼层通往一间银行,但片段中银行并不是在营业中,所以不停该层。
One sailor sustained light injuries, but there was no oil leak and the strait remained open for business. 这次事故中一位船员受了轻伤,但没有发生原油泄漏,霍尔木兹海峡依旧对商开放。
A bail -in like this would have allowed Lehman to open for business on Monday . 像这样的内部救助可以使得雷曼在星期一开业。
White House officials hope it shows the rest of the country that the Gulf is safe and open for business. 白宫官员希望这次旅行向全国表明,墨西哥湾是安全的,并且对外营业。
BUS pulls up, the doors are flung open and suddenly a quiet bland warehouse in a Sydney industrial suburb is temporarily open for business. 一辆公共汽车停下来,车门猛地被打开,悉尼工业市郊一个寂静的仓库突然变成了临时商业区。
The purpose of the meeting that spring day was to declare the Banco di San Giorgio open for business. 春季这一天的会议,目的是宣布圣乔治银行(BancodiSanGiorgio)开业。
Jane Wangui owns a hair salon in downtown Nairobi, one of a handful of shops in the area open for business on Friday. 简.旺桂是内罗毕市中心一家美容店的老板,这家店也是星期五为数不多仍在营业的店铺之一。
Last season, thirty-seven of the fifty states had operating ski areas. Nationally, close to five hundred ski areas were open for business. 上个滑雪季,五十个州中的三十七个经营滑雪场,全国来说,近500家滑雪场营业。
Angola is not only open for business, its economy is beginning to boom " says de Sousa. " 德索萨说:”安哥拉向商业开放后,经济也开始繁荣起来“。
And one thing is clear, which is at least now we know that Africa is open for business. And that business is agriculture. 有一件事是很清楚的:至少我们现在都知道非洲对买卖是开放的,而这里所说的买卖就是农业。
Tomorrow, I'm pleased to announce that the Washington Monument, as well as the entire federal government, will be open for business. 明天,我将欣喜的宣告,华盛顿纪念碑将继续开放,整个联邦政府也将继续为大众服务。
Our financial institutions remain strong, and the American economy will be open for business as well. 我们的金融机构依然强大,美国经济也将恢复正常。
Their company, Saltworks Technologies, has set up a test plant beside the sea in Vancouver and will open for business in November. 他们的SaltworksTechnologies公司已经在温哥华的海边建立起一个试验性设备,这一设备将在11月份投入运营。
Location is good for lots of reasons though on a Sunday it's a very quiet area with few of the bars and restaurants open for business. 因为多种原因酒店位置不错,虽然星期天这是一个非常安静的区域,只有几家酒吧和餐馆在营业。
Following the approval, the partners will work on the venture's infrastructure and plan to open for business later this year. 获批之后,两家公司将着手搭建合资公司的基础架构,并计划于2011年晚些时候开业。
"Business Day" means a day on which banks and foreign exchange markets are open for business in the Republic of China and New York. 指在中华民国与纽约,银行与外汇市场营业之日。
They had turned an airfield with no lights or navigational equipment into one that was open for business around the clock. 他们已把一个没有灯光和导航设备的飞机场变成一个24小时开放的机场。
Of the five independent investment banks open for business at the start of the year, only Goldman and Morgan Stanley remain. 今年初,华尔街还有5家独立的投资银行开张营业,目前则只剩下了高盛和摩根士丹利。
I think most manufacture are open for business, at least some staff on duty these days. 我想绝大部分工厂都是营业的,至少在这几天仍然有些工作人员在上班。
All exhibitors are required to open for business negotiation with local enterprises. 有意提供品牌代理合作或特许经营权予本地企业合作。
PLEASANT RIDGE BAPTIST CHURCH, set on a busy commercial street in Hueytown, a dozen miles south-west of Birmingham, was open for business. 曾特里奇浸信教会,座落在惠伊镇一个繁忙的商业街集上,位于伯明翰西南十几公里外,开门营业了。
But leverage will return and the securitisation market will be open for business, albeit in a more sober form. 但是杠杆会恢复并且证券市场会为商业敞开大门,纵然不温不火。
By mid-November, the ski resorts that ring the lake typically have enough snow to open for business. 11月中旬滑雪胜地的塔霍湖的范围内通常有足够的雪湖去商业区。
Also asked to declare their rectification after the fire, the after approval, you can once again open for business. 同时要求其整改后进行消防申报,经审批同意后,即可再次营业。
"We're open for business in making strategic acquisitions, both large and small, " he told analysts on a conference call. “对于进行战略性并购,我们持开放态度,大型公司和小型企业都可以,”施密特在一次电话会议上说。
Short learning curve. Get up to speed and open for business, making money in 30 days or less. We've seen it happen time and time again. 很容易学习。跟上公司节奏开一家店,30天左右就看到收益,在我们这儿是常有的事。
Less than 24 hours after the accident, it proudly announced that the Wenzhou line was again open for business. 在事发不到24小时,中国铁道部就自豪地宣布温州线已再次开通营运。