
美 [dɪˈzɜrvd]英 [dɪˈzɜː(r)vd]
  • adj.该奖[罚]的
  • v.“deserve”的过去分词和过去式
  • 网络应得的;活该;理所当然的




《Friends》词汇表B ... gracious adj. 亲切的, 高尚的 deserved adj. 应得的, 当然的 colleague n. 同事, 同僚 ...


活该(Deserved) 2006-09-27 13:16 得知未来的少年的一天(A Day A Boy… 2006-08-30 17:40 苏秀才在东京(Skillful Writer Su…


今晚谁有兴趣和我一起收听空中英语教室,明... ... 1、 briefly 简短的 3、 deserved 应得的,理所当然的 5、 be no better of 不 …


欧洲杯 - 最新闻 ... Alex Ferguson( 弗格森) deserved( 配得上) to punished( 惩罚) ...


新浪新浪网 - Dictionary ... desertscape 荒漠景观 deserved 应得的,该受的 deservedly 应得报酬地,当然地 ...


DLI Chinese Unit 11 flashcards... ... 摇钱树 / 摇钱树: a ready source of money 应有 / 应有: deserved 报偿 / 报偿: reward ...

But I felt we deserved the win and their goalkeeper was the man of the match. 但我认为我们本来就理所应当胜利,不过他们的门将是本场比赛的最佳。
President Obama said he was surprised and deeply humbled, saying he did not feel he deserved to be in the company of past winners. 奥巴马总统表示感到非常吃惊,而且非常谦虚。他表示,他觉得与过去的和平奖获得者相比,自己不应该获奖。
and in his opinion, advertising, or "puffing" as he called it, deserved to be taxed out of existence. 在他看来,广告,或者用他的话来说“膨胀”,应当被征税直至消失为止。
His liberality had a rich repayment, and the general goodness of his intentions by her deserved it. 他的慷慨行为得到了丰厚的回报,他好心好意地对待她,也应该受到这样的报答。
The Liverpool manager felt it was a thoroughly deserved victory by his team and was delighted with the overall display. 红军主帅认为这是他的球队一场酣畅淋漓的大胜,对整场比赛的表现感到欣喜。
Justin Bieber! Did that really happend? Ok, he deserved that. That just shows how much you suck, b Bieber! 贾斯汀·比伯!那真的发生了?好!他活该!这就能说明你有多烂!比伯!
He was a man of integrity, but unfortunately he had a certain bad reputation. I believe the reputation was not deserved. 他是一个正直诚实的人,但不幸有某种坏名声。我相信他这个坏名声是不该有的。
As I sat listening to him, I knew I could trust him, and that he deserved every bit of loyalty I could give to him and to Pioneer. 当我坐在那里听他说话的时候,我知道我能够信任他,我知道他值得我为他和先锋国际奉献出自己的忠诚。
If I began to identify as a gay and claimed my integrity , surely I deserved to lose my family and possibly my job and all of my friends. 如果我开始认定我是一名同性恋着,并且诚实地告诉大家,我就会理所当然地失去我的家庭,我的工作和我的所有朋友。
But Japan, for all that it will celebrate dealing the LDP a punishment it has long deserved, will want an answer. 但是,尽管日本将会对长期丧失了执政危机感的自民党进行惩罚,民众会希望得到一个回答。
He felt that Dobby deserved just as grand a funeral, and yet here the elf lay between bushes in a roughly dug hole. 他觉得多比应该得到和那一样隆重的葬礼,可是现在,小精灵只是躺在灌木丛中一个勉强挖好的洞里。
Norway striker John Carew was unlucky not to have been awarded a second half penalty, but it would have been more than they deserved. 但是下半场挪威前锋约翰-卡鲁在禁区摔倒裁判没有给予点球,但是他们本场的比赛难堪上本场的胜利。
If you've been working hard, don't be afraid to take a break and give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back or to reflect on your goals. 如果你一直在努力工作着,不要害怕停下歇会,给自己找个靠背享受一下你应得的小憩或者静下来反思一下自己的目标。
With the recent sharp decline in Chinese manufacturing output, the global decoupling theory seems to have died a well-deserved death. 随着中国制造业产出最近大幅滑坡,全球脱钩理论似乎已寿终正寝。
He felt that her praise of him was deserved. 他觉得她对他的赞扬是应得的。
We're very happy with the result - we were all very focused and determined to work hard and that's why we got the win we deserved. 我们对这个结果很高兴,我们都很精力集中,努力训练。这就是我们该赢的原因。
The fact that she fully deserved my outburst does not seem to carry much weight with her, nor my beloved wife. 而虽然我对她发脾气是完全有理由的,但对她而言,这个事实似乎无关紧要;我所深爱的妻子也这么认为。
Webster's view was that the new country deserved its own approach to English, more accessible than the version it had inherited. 韦伯认为这个新诞生的国家理应拥有一套自己的、使用起来比它原来继承的更加得心应手的英语用法,。
The consensus, deserved or not, has become that Vista was one of Microsoft's worst operating systems. 不论应得与否,Vista已被一致认为是微软公司最烂的操作系统之一。
It's fair to say I took part and played a few games but I would like to have played in more games to really feel I deserved a medal. 说我参与了并且为阿贾克斯踢了一些比赛是公正的,但是我更希望通过打更多的比赛来让我觉得这块奖牌是我应得的。
Then he comes to men and says, 'I sinned, and perverted what was right, but I did not get what I deserved. 他在人前歌唱说,我犯了罪,颠倒是非,这竟与我无益。
It was just an episode, we would have deserved to win. The game was very uneven, it was a bit of a confused game. 这仅仅是个细节,我们本应当获得胜利,比赛过程不平坦,有一点点混乱。
If you think about what he has done for the company he founded since his return in 1997, the retirement is well-deserved. 回想他自1997年重掌苹果这个他一手创立的公司,到今天他所为公司所做的一切,他的退休也是当之无愧的。
The old order has been destroyed as it deserved to be; it has been transformed into a heap of ruins as it deserved to be. 旧东西已经象应该破坏的那样被破坏了,也已经象应该变成废墟那样变成了一堆废墟。
He might have got the praise but there were a lot of other people who deserved it too. 也许他已经备受赞誉,但事实上很多其他的孩子也值得称赞。
Wray insisted on burying the bodies. He said he had killed them, and they deserved a decent burial, and it was his responsibility. 沃伊中尉坚持掩埋尸体,曰其人既然为己所杀,应得象样儿埋葬,也属责任所在。
For centuries there were differences of opinion among the specialists as to which stones deserved to be called sapphires. 然而哪个宝石可被称为蓝宝石,这个问题数百年来已被专家们激烈讨论。
Her hair had been cropped like a Marine's, she'd gained weight, and she was wearing glasses so ugly her parents deserved jail time. 她的头发已经出现像海军陆战队的,她会体重增加,她戴着眼镜,使她的父母应有的丑陋牢狱之灾。
She said she voluntarily left her position on which she has worked for two decades, adding she received a severance payment she deserved. 她表示是自己主动要求离开这份已经工作了二十余年的工作岗位,退休时她领到了自己那份应得的遣散费。
In truth it was no more than the away team deserved and they continued to make the better of the chances following the interval. 但事实证明了客队在半场后不断创造机会的精彩表现完全让他们配得上这场胜利。