
  • short.did not



At this point I was telling Nancy I want out of here, I didnt need to understand what he was dribbling to know this was some sort of scam. 在这个时候,我实在忍无可忍了,我不需要明白他在说什么,我说NANCY咱们出去吧。
If I could just tell her Im sorry, that Im, you know, Im really sorry, and that I didnt mean for any of this to happen. 如果我能向她道歉,告诉她,我真的很抱歉,我不想事情变成这样子。
I didnt notice but it had got very dark and I was really, Really out of my mind. 我没有看到,但它已经变得很暗,我真的,真的出了我的脑海。
"hello, see you next time" she said , but she told me she didnt like the man , the foreigner was ugly and black. “hello,seeyounexttime”她说。但是她却告诉我她不喜欢那个男的,说那外国人是丑的还是黑色的。
Bob Lee Swagger: Theres going to be more shooting, more people are going to die. I didnt start it, but I mean to see it through. 他们打算发动更多的射击,更多人将会逝世往。我可不想这么做,但我会打算往看透这一切。
he said that he didnt believe it for a minute, that them television fellers could make things look real that we rent. 他不赞同,说自己一秒钟也不曾相信过,那些『玩电视的家伙』可以让假的东西看起来像真的一样。
There was this temp assignment i had started work on tuesday, but the next day i didnt turn up for work as i turned off the alarm clock. 曾有一个临时任务需要我在星期二开始工作,但是第二天我没有起来工作因为我把闹钟关了。
A: When I started in sales, I didnt realize how much I'd miss it if I left. 答:当我开始做销售的时候,我从没意识到假如我离开销售行业会有多大损失。
I waited for him in front of the KFCs door. I havent seen him for a year. And in a year, we didnt come into contact with others frequently. 于是我在肯德基门前等他。我大概有近一年没有见他了。而且在此期间我们也很少有联系。
Yao didnt seem to jump for the rebounds. He just stood there with his hands up. YAO看上去都没有跳起来去抢篮板,他只是站在那里举着双手。
You were nice to try and help her ^-^ and even if you didnt know what she was saying it was still nice that you tried to help her. 你人很好,因为你尽力去帮助了她,即便你听不懂她在说什么,你仍然尽力去帮了她。
You did not need to threaten me I was only trying to resolve this so I didnt have to purchase something that I did not want. 你不必威胁我,我只是想解决问题,所以,我不会买我不需要的东西。
Really? He is always late, and he didnt come here for dinner for several days. Oh, but you agreed him to live alone before. 是吗?他老迟到啊?他也很久没来我这吃饭了,恩。那你当初还同意他一个人住。
Before the one last seconde I saw him on the visual, I didnt notice what would happen. I was just fighting for a head against time. 和他对视的前一秒,我还没意料到会发生什么,我只是在和他争抢一个蛋疼的头球而已。
Not only was it a language I didnt understand, the letterforms, to my eye, were little more than squiggles . 并不仅仅是因为我不懂那里的语言,还有我所看到的胡乱写的字体。
I DIDNT edit or direct the video so please do not place hostility at me if you arent happy with what you have seen or see. 我不编辑或直接视频所以请不要将在我,如果你不是敌意满意你看到了什么或看见了。
sorry didnt find too many questions to answer. . . and just a reply back to all is difficult. next time then. . . will get ready now. 抱歉,没有找到很多问题问…也不能一一回复你们。下次见…要去做准备了
Such a shame he didnt have the right people around him from financial advisors to solicitors. 可惜他没有适当的财务专家和律师在身边。
It moisturizes well and I didnt find it to be irritating to my baby's skin at all. 我宝宝用了感觉很滋润,一点都不排斥。
What god didnt tell hello m was that I would check hellos email and find all thee-mails to and from hellos new girlfriend. 那末GOD没告诉他我会检查他的邮件并且发现他和新女友偷情的e-mail么?
He went to all the trouble of organizing a leaving party for her, and she didnt even bother to turn up. 他不辞辛劳地为她组织了一个欢送晚会,但她竟然没肯露面。
But a great day didnt bring so many great persons, but a bunch of normal persons, at least I'mone of them. 但是这样一个伟大的日子去没造就出很伟大的人,而是相当多平庸的人,至少我也是其中的一个。
If I grew up on a farm, and was retarded, Bruges might impress me but I didnt, so it doesnt. 假如我是在一个农场长大并且还是笨蛋,那么布鲁日也许会激动我,可是我不会,就是不会。
I didnt care who he was talking to back there, he says, as long as I didnt hear a voice coming out of that black void. 特里斯塔尼说:“我不介意他跟后面的谁说话,只要那片黑色的虚空里不传出声音就可以。”
Nobody told me that you were ill, so I didnt know about it . 谁也没通知我你病了。所以我不晓得。
Neil didnt teach Ariel speak, I wonder to practise to see how the level of "Parrot Talk" can be. 尼尔以前没教过爱瑞儿说话,我很想实践实践看看鹦鹉学舌的程度。
I didnt understand why my mum kept writing Johnny when he never wrote back. 约翰从未回信,我不明白母亲为何还要坚持写下去。
Medical school didnt exactly prepare me for situations like this. 医学院没教我如何处理这一类的病况。
sorry i dont really remember you, because first time i saw you , you were wearing a hat so i didnt say hi to you last time. 对不起,我不记得你的样子了,因为第一次见你时你带着一个帽子,所以上次没和你打招呼。
Didnt you know? I would be a fool to love. 你知不知道,我可以像个爱情里的傻瓜。