
美 [ˈdaɪəl]英 ['daɪəl]
  • n.表盘;(钟表等的)针盘;(仪表等的)标度盘;(电话的)拨号盘
  • v.拨(电话号码);用矿用罗盘测量;调;用标度测量
  • 网络刻度盘;钟面;表盘式

复数:dials 过去分词:dialed 现在分词:dialing

dial number,dial code,dial phone
luminous dial
automatically dial


n. v.

1.表盘;刻度盘;标度盘;仪表盘the face of a clock or watch, or a similar control on a machine, piece of equipment or vehicle that shows a measurement of time, amount, speed, temperature, etc.


高一英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... whatever pron 凡是.....;无论什么 dial vt 拨号 according adv 依照 ...


电气类专业常用英语词汇1000个_百度文库 ... gear 齿轮 ,传动装置 49. dial 刻度盘 50. semiconductor 半导体 51. ...


高考英语考试大纲核心单词汇总(985个) - 豆丁网 ... diagram n. 图解, 图表, 简图 dial n. 钟面, 拨号盘 diamond n. 钻石, 菱形 ...


钟表配件(英汉对照)解释 ... ●ELECTRONIC MASTER-CLOCK - 电子主钟 ● DIAL表盘 ●DIVERS WATCH - 潜水表 ...


高职高专英语B级词汇(英汉) - 豆丁网 ... device n. 装置,设备,器具,仪器 dial n. 钟(表)面,标度盘,拨号盘 diary n. 日记 …


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...(980N), 150Kg (1471N)硬度读取表盘式Dial )保菏时间2 ~ 60S试件最大高度170mm仪器尺寸520X240X700MM (长X宽X …

The dial on the right indicates how much power is being drawn--the motor makes out at 30 kilowatts, or about 40 horsepower. 右侧的表盘显示多大的权力正在制定-电机马克塞斯了30千瓦,约40马力。
A week later, Lisa Dial received a cable from the Navy Department saying that her husband was missing and might be a prisoner of war. 一周后,丽萨·戴尔收到了美国海军部发来的电报,上面说他的丈夫失踪了,可能被俘。
The IPX protocol cannot be used for dial-out on more than one. IPX协议在同一时间里只能由一个端口发送。
The only benefit gained from deleting an obsolete UM dial plan is to reuse the name or perform general Active Directory housekeeping. 删除过时UM拨号计划的唯一好处是可以再次使用该名称或执行常规的ActiveDirectory维护管理。
Invest a few dollars in a good dial-type tire pressure gauge and use it to check your tire pressure once a week. 花钱买个刻度盘式轮胎气压测量仪,并用它每周一次检查轮胎压力。
We were struggling a bit too much with the understeer, but just trying to dial it out. 我们在转向不足的情况下相当挣扎,但正试着解决这个问题。
Yes, a software modem lets you dial connections just as you would with a standard hardware modem. 是的,软件调制解调器使您可以像使用标准硬件调制解调器一样进行拨号连接。
The UG MAS consists of a standard UG Dial governor equipped with a special cover assembly and a separate electronic driver box. 该UG的MAS的构成一个标准的UG的拨号总督配备了特别包括大会和一个单独的电子驱动器框。
The Club was christened 'Dial Square' by David Danskin, a few weeks after the Scot had founded what was to become Arsenal Football Club. 大卫*丹斯金创建了如今的阿森纳足球俱乐部的的前身几周后,俱乐部被这位苏格兰人命名为‘方形大钟’。
And Isaiah the prophet cried unto the LORD: and he brought the shadow ten degrees backward, by which it had gone down in the dial of Ahaz. 先知以赛亚求告耶和华,耶和华就使亚哈斯的日晷向前进的日影,往后退了十度。
clever to represent your dial-up service with a picture of a telephone sitting on a desk, but it actually imprisons you in a limited design. 用桌子上的一张电话图片代表拨号服务似乎是聪明的,但它实际上将用户限制在缺乏创意的设计中。
ChenLiGong believe I can survive the torture, her teeth were dial the out, she said I could make it through the pass is due to ChongFeng. 陈丽红置信本人能挺过酷刑,她的牙齿被拨了出来,她说本人能熬过这一关是由于崇奉。
That was a driving factor behind the decision to dial back operations in Iran, a person familiar with the matter said. 知情人士说,这是驱使华为做出削减伊朗业务决定的一个因素。
Before an IP gateway can be used to process calls , a UM IP gateway must be associated with at least one UM dial plan . 在IP网关可用于处理呼叫之前,必须先将UMIP网关与至少一个UM拨号计划关联。
I passed out on to the road and saw by the lighted dial of a clock that it was ten minutes to ten. 我穿过站台走到路上,看到灯光照亮的表盘上是差十分钟十点。
In a quiet field, Dr. Dial, 57, with a shaved head and goatee, stands out with his evangelical zeal about understanding bird flight. 戴尔博士今年57岁,剃个光头,留着山羊胡子,对于研究鸟类飞行有一种宗教般的热忱。
It was an online community like CompuServe and eventually started offering people dial-up access to the Internet for a monthly fee. 就像CompuServe和一样,它还是也是个在线社区,只是后来开始为网民们提供上网的接入,并且每月收取一定的费用。
Now you do like this. First pick up the receiver. Then you put the money in. After that, you wait for the dial tone and dial. 现在你要这样做。首先拿起听筒。然后放进钱。之后,你就等待拨号音并拨号码了。
The phone number the wizard is trying to dial is currently busy. Click Redial to try again. Click Help for more information. 向导正在拨打的电话号码目前正忙。请单击“重拨”再试一次。单击“帮助”可获得详细信息。
Large, easy-to-read dial helps ensure rig safety Extra-large face and moving pointer provide instant trouble indications from a distance. 便于阅读的大表盘确保测量安全超大表盘和可动指针可以即时指出远程压力出问题的迹象。
The value dial makes it a simple matter to adjust amp types and parameter values. 价值拨号使得一件简单的事情,以调节放大器的类型和参数值。
Xiao Feng has been here for three days, he finally decided to his mind. He took out a business card to dial a telephone. 肖宇风到这儿已经三天了,他最终决定了他的主意。他拿出名片拨了一个电话。
Les did dial the telephone, but it wasn't to call in another deejay. He called his mother first, and then his girlfriend. 莱斯确实打了电话,但却并没有打给其他主持人。他先打电话给他妈妈,然后是他女朋友。
She picked up the telephone on her desk and began to dial. 她拿起桌上的电话开始拨号。
You've seen how much good your money can do. Please dial 1-877-IDOL-AID. 你已经看到你的钱所起的巨大作用了。你拨打1-877-偶像-资助。
If I'm in a very nostalgic mood it will take me back to the days of a 14. 4 dial-up modem. . . but I'm not that nostalgic that often. 如果我是个怀旧的人,一下让我回到14.4版拨号上网解调器无所谓……可现实是我大部分时间里都不想去怀旧。
Dillon said he unscrewed the dial of the watch and used a sharp instrument to mark the historic day on the president's watch. Dillon说,于是他拧开了表盘,用锋利工具将这一历史时刻刻入了总统的表中。
It said the service lets people dial one of three international telephone numbers and leave a voicemail. 谷歌说,通过该服务提供三个国际电话号码,用户可拨打其中任意一个并在语音信箱留言。
As you max the dial, you'll have more brake at middle, but brake at high speed is still on the line of magnet profile, not exponential. 当你把报盘调到最大,在中速时的制动会更大,但是刹车在高速时仍然按照线性的刹车参数,不是指数参数。
Children must be accompanied by an adult in the elevator. In case of emergency, please dial the emergency center for help. 儿童乘坐电梯,须有成年人陪同。紧急情况,请拨打求助电话。