
美 [ˈdʌz(ə)n]英 ['dʌz(ə)n]
  • n.很多;(一)打;十二个;十来个
  • 网络一打;12个;许多




1.[c](一)打;十二个a group of twelve of the same thing

2.[c]十来个;十几个;十多个a group of approximately twelve people or things

3.[pl](informal)许多;很多a lot of people or things


ea是什么单位_外贸术语_eBay外贸门户 ... (generalized system of preferences) 普惠制 (dozen) 一打 (weight) 重量 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... downstairs ad. 在楼下;到楼下 dozen n. 十二个;几十,许多 drawer n. 抽屉 ...


2011年中考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... downstairs 向楼下,在楼下 333. * dozen 一打,十二个 334. draw 画 335. ...


人教版高中英语单词表(第二册下必修) - 豆丁网 ... organization n. 组织;机构 dozen n. 打;12 个 outer adj. 外部的;外面的 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... decade 十(年) dozen 打(十二个),(复)许多 dusk 黄昏 ...


自考“英语(二)”词汇(9) - 自考365 ... John Anderson 约翰?安德森 dozen n. 一打,十二个;十来个,十几个 electoral a. …

Billy is a bit of a lady's man -- every time we go out for drinks, he gets at least a dozen phone numbers from cute girls. 比利很有女人缘,每次我们出去喝酒,他至少要接听一打来自漂亮女孩的电话。
The next morning the barber found a dozen bibles at the door to his shop. 第二天早上理发师发现店门口有一打圣经。
In most cases, half a dozen of both units is all that is required to overcome most obstacles. 在大多数情况下,拥有各半打海豚和水翼艇就可以应付大多数阻碍了。
It was close to midnight, and he and a half-dozen peers at the checkpoint stood around our car on the snowy mountain road. 那时已接近深夜,他和其它六个人在围绕着我们的汽车,站在一个布满雪花的山路上,眼睛凝视着检查站。
That may not sound like much, but remember a person with TB can infect another dozen or so people over the course of a year. 这一点点提高看起来不过如此,但是记住,一名结核病人一年可以传染给超过一打的其它人。
Much of South Korea's wealth is concentrated in just a few dozen large conglomerates, known as chaebol, such as the Samsung group. 韩国的不少财富都集中在三星集团这样的少数几十家大企业集团手中。
It is ok if you subclass only a few controls but it's going to be a nightmare to subclass a dozen or so controls. 如果你子类化的控件仅有几个,那么这种方法仍可行。但是当你子类化一打(十二个)左右的控件时它将是一个恶梦。
My girlfriend and I had been living together for a dozen years, and those findings seemed so clear to me that I went home and proposed. 我和女朋友已经一起生活了十几年,而这些研究结果似乎很明确,所以我回家之后提了一个建议。
He had come half a dozen times to call upon his sister. 他曾来过五六次看他的姐姐。
Well, said the policeman, When we pulled her up she had two five-pound lobsters and a dozen good size Dungeoness crabs on her. “哦,”警察说:“当我们把她拉上来时,她身上有两个5磅的龙虾和12个邓杰内斯蟹。”
America's financial system is now dominated by a few dozen firms that are assumed to be too big to fail. 目前美国金融体系被几十家公司垄断,而这些公司被认为太大而不能倒。
But competition is tough, with maybe four or five brokerages slugging it out for the big deals and up to a dozen on the mid-sized ones. 但这个领域的竞争十分激烈,大约有4到5家的券商在竭力争取大型交易,12家左右的券商则力图争取中等规模的业务。
Men carried corpses in blankets away from the scene and a dozen others tried to turn over a car with two bodies beneath. 人们用毯子卷起尸体搬离事发地点,十几个其他人试图翻转一辆汽车,车下压着两具尸体。
He said several dozen workers have rejected the offer and are trying to disrupt work at the factory. 他说,有几十名工人拒绝了这套方案,并试图扰乱工厂的工作。
I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread. 我没有特别津津乐道的长途火车旅行中,并沿着十几杂志带来了阅读和重读。
Aviation is one of a dozen or so areas of advanced technology, including renewable energy, in which China intends to become a global player. 航空业是十几个包括新兴能源的高技术领域之一,中国打算成为一个全球玩家。
Already there were two dozen young men in the place; he found a cornerwhere he stood waiting his turn to be interviewed. 那儿已经来了20多个年轻人,他找了个角落等待着轮到自己面试。
The lady took him by the hand and went into the store, and asked the clerk to get a half dozen pairs of socks for the boy. 女士牵着他的手走进了商店,让店员去取半打棉袜。
O'Connor said the Baby Gaga was just one of a dozen radical new flavors at the shop. 奥康纳表示,“嘎嘎宝贝”只是该店出售的12款独特风味冰淇淋之一。
He dreamt of that man and half a dozen times he awakened just as he thought a kriss was being drawn across his throat. 他老是梦见那个人,他有六、七次都觉得有人在用马来短剑割他的脖子而惊醒了。
But by the end of the hour I found I had learnt at least half a dozen signs, more than enough to get me going with Tom back at home. 然而要结束的时候,我已经学了至少半打肢体动作,足够让我在回家后跟Tom交流了。
I did not expect him to come here for training of 3 months to see the result is not his fight, a dozen were on the back. 想不到我送他来这里受训了3个月,看到的结果是他这样不经打,被人一打就倒。
He made his way to a burial ground planted neatly around with pines. There were a dozen grave mounds. 走到一块坟地,四四方方的种着些松树,树当中有十几个坟头。
Miranda: You think a dozen roses and a card that says "Best wishes" qualifies as a grand gesture? 你认为一束玫瑰和一张写着“美好祝愿”的卡片就能算作“大动作”了吗?
When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew what I could do for him, and I put together a dozen of my very best roses. 今晚当我看到那个小男孩时,我知道我该怎么做了,我把最好的玫瑰送给了他。
Every new answer breeds a dozen new questions. What I know, compared with what I do not know, is like a grain of sand by the sea. 每解决一个问题就会产生一打新的问题。我所懂得的比之于我所不懂的,只不过是茫茫大海边上的一粒沙子而已。
School districts in at least half a dozen other states have made similar decisions not to air the President's talk. 在美国其他几个州,至少有一半的学区也做出了相同的决定:不广播总统讲话。
While you're struggling with a little bitch like that there may be a dozen cunts on the terrasse just dying to be laid. It's a fact. 在你正跟一个小婊子拼命搏斗时,也许外面露天咖啡座上有十来个娘儿们恨不得马上跟你睡呢。
There were pools of blood in the streets, and protesters carried at least a dozen wounded from the front line of the clashes. 在街头都是血泊,抗议者已经至少将12个伤者从冲突前线抬下来了。
Upon his request, the 35-pound dress made of a dozen thin-cut flank steaks was quickly transported to the meat freezer at a local deli. 根据他的请求,这件35磅重的礼服被快速运往本地的一个大型冷冻室,之后被展示在Vigilato的标本工作室内。