the nuts

  • 网络坚果山;雱涭笭

the nutsthe nuts

the nuts


...我一直很向往的地方,此次没能去成很是遗憾)之称的“坚果山”(The Nuts)脚下,现在可以在路边的观景区停车远望一下了...


... 飑涤飑?(Pop Ver.) 镣圭偣镣? 雿?雱涭笭(The Nuts) 涓嬩竴棣?/span> Chantey Chantey (靸嫲靸嫲)澶忓畨浣?澶忓畨浣…

"The last thing I wanted to figure out was the nuts and bolts of keeping track of receivables and payables, " he said. “我最不愿意做的事情大抵就是要持续不断地去追踪应收账款和应付货款这些具体数据,”他那时侯这样说道。
Roast the hazelnuts in the oven until brown . Let cool , rub off the skins , and grind the nuts to a fine powder . 把榛子放到烤箱里烤至焦黄。待冷却后去掉外皮,打成粉末。
Albert did as his mother told him to do, and found that he could easily get the nuts. 阿尔贝特照他母亲所说的做,然后发现自己可以轻松地获得坚果。
At the time the nuts were hoarded, the Miocene period, crocodiles, apes and palm trees were all common to western Europe. 根据研究,在坚果被贮藏的哪个时期,也就是中新世纪的时候,在西欧随处可见猿猴和棕榈树!
He wasn't willing to give up the nuts, but his hand was in the bottle and couldn't put out, either. So he cried sadly about this. 他不愿放掉榛果,手又拿不出来,于是他伤心大哭起来,为拿不到榛果而伤心。
Announcements like this are the reason I secretly rewind and replay that Superbowl commercial where he takes it in the nuts repeatedly. 这也正是我偷偷的反复倒带,重复播放观看超级杯广告的原因。在那支广告里,贾斯汀一直很疯狂。
I spent over a year learning the nuts and bolts of this job. 我花了一年学习这个工作的基础知识。
Walnuts are the healthiest of all the nuts and should be eaten more as part of a healthy diet, US scientists say. 美国科学家称核桃是所有坚果中最为健康的一种,应该作为健康饮食的一部分多吃。
The spare saw blades can be taken out of the L-shaped lumen by screwing the nuts down from a handle sleeve barrel. 从手柄套筒上拧下螺帽就能从L形管腔内取送备用锯条。
he says he took a lot of people out to lunch to learn about the nuts and bolts of the business world. 他说自己是在与许多人共进午餐时学到了商业世界的具体细节。
You might look like a genius when you flop the nuts and somebody pays you off, but the odds say that's just not going to happen too often. 有时你翻牌成了最大的牌,赢了别人很多,看上去像个天才,不过比率证明这种情况不是经常发生的。
Monte Carlo Simulation and Finance explains the nuts and bolts of this essential technique used to value derivatives and other securities. 蒙特卡罗模拟和财务说明螺栓螺母和证券衍生品和其他技术用于这一重要价值。
A chimpanzee was high in the tree, feeding on the nuts, but the African failed to notice the animal until he had climbed well up the trunk. 一只大猩猩在大树的上边,正在吃果实,直到爬了很高,这个人才发现这只大猩猩。
It will review the nuts and bolts of the format, give you examples, and tell you what you need to know to get started. 文中将讨论这种格式的具体细节,给您一些例子,并说明在开始之前您需要了解哪些东西。
While it is important to know the nuts and bolts of administration, it is often more convenient to have a tool. 虽然理解管理的具体细节很重要,但如果有工具可用通常会更方便。
In class I can only address some theoretical issues. This afternoon in the lab we'll deal with the nuts and bolts. 课上我只讲些理论问题。具体细节下午到实验室再说。
Pulling off their masks and tearing their robes, they fought with one another for the nuts. 他们脱下面具,撕毁他们的衣裳,他们又打了一个又为坚果。
He gave careful attention to the nuts and bolts of his operations. 他仔细注意了他的操作的螺母和螺栓。
Our Lord created the nuts, but he did not crack them for us. 我们的主创造了果实,但是他没有替我们剥开。
Today, a random woman walked up, kicked me in the nuts and told me to never call her again. FML. 今天一个陌生女人走过来,照着我的裆部狠狠一脚说别再给老娘打电话。FML。
Now that we've covered the basics, what packages are, and what you need, it's time to talk about the nuts and bolts of building packages. 既然我们已经介绍了基础知识、何为软件包以及您需要什么,现在该讨论构建软件包的细节了。
That will lead to what you may call the "nuts and bolts" period to enable the physical changes to commence. 这将引领至你们称为的“具体细节”时期,允许实在的转变发生。
Microsoft is launching a new operating system - the nuts-and-bolts software on which a computer runs. 微软推出全新的操作系统–一种计算机运行的基础软件。
This arrangement made it impossible for personnel to lift the container by the cord handles without scraping their hands on the nuts. 这个设计使操作人员很难不被螺母划伤手而用绳子提起容器。
Later, the Romans used to celebrate the nuts and apples to the harvest festival with the Celtics on October 31 of the dissolve. 后来罗马人用果仁和苹果来庆祝的丰收节与凯尔特人的10月31日溶合了。
You still are. Look, you're pounding on the nuts, but they're bouncing all over the floor. 现在你也不灵巧啊。瞧,砸个坚果弄得满地都是。
In the fifth week after April 1, the nuts grow fast, Comparing the first period of fruit, which end in advance about a week. 果核的快速生长与果实第一次快速生长同时开始,但提前约1周结束。
The birds come and peck at the nuts hung up in the garter. 鸟儿飞出来,啄食花园里挂着的果核。
They like to put garlic to fried the nuts, so make it very nice to taste. 花生是配套里的,他们喜欢放蒜头一起炒花生,所以很香很好吃。
Racks are arranged on both sides of a feeding insertion rack board; the nuts connect the racks to Z-axis after the nuts pass the racks. 喂料植入滑轨板两侧设有导轨,螺母通过导轨,使其与Z轴相连;