
美 [daɪ]英 [daɪ]
  • v.死;死亡;消失;消亡
  • n.模具;冲模;压模
  • 网络死了;已死;去世

第三人称单数:dies 现在分词:dying 过去式:died

person die,father die,soldier die,wife die,woman die
needlessly die


v. n.

1.[i][t]死;死亡;凋谢to stop living

2.[i]消失;消亡;灭亡to stop existing; to disappear

3.[i]停止运转to stop working


be dying for sth/to do sth

渴望;极想to want sth or want to do sth very much

die a/the death

彻底失败;完全消失to fail completely

die in your bed

寿终正寝to die because you are old or ill/sick

die laughing

可笑极了;笑死人to find sth extremely funny

old habits, traditions, etc. die hard

(旧习惯、传统等)难以改变,根深蒂固used to say that things change very slowly

to die for

就是去死也要;不管怎么样都要if you think sth isto die for , you really want it, and would do anything to get it


英语—医学 ... not improved[ 未愈] died[ 死亡] home[ 家] ...


美女上错身 S1E04 | 爱酷英语|iCoolEN ... dog: 狗 died: 死了 cloned: 克隆 ...


英文问题_百度知道 ... He died a millionaire. 他死时是个百万富翁。 died1. 已死 It is a dead volcano. 那是座死火山。 ...


联系句中的the worst等语境可知,此处指祖父母都去世(died)了。46.A.Possibly B.IndeedC.Instead D.Luckily解析:选C。


die的过去时 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... Apr 28,1934. Styles. 音乐风格. d. died 逝世. Dao. Daoism,Daoist 道教. ...


消失的英语怎么写_百度知道 ... 3.clear away 清除, 消失 5.died 死亡,消逝 6.pass away 去世 ...

He lost all the lands that his father had left him, and was at last shut up in prison, where he was kept until he died. 他丢掉了父亲遗留给他的全部领地,最后被关进监狱,一直到死。
The famous tenor Enrico Caruso was said to have had the ability, but after he died his wife denied these rumors. 曾有人说著名男高音恩里科•卡洛斯有此本领,但是在他死后,他的妻子却否决了这些传闻。
Everything in whose nostrils was the breath of the spirit of life, of all that was on the dry land, died. 凡在旱地上,鼻孔有生命气息的,都死了。
The moment when hostilities ceased on the Western Front became universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war. 那一刻停止敌对行动前,已成为普遍对西方与战争纪念那些谁是已经逝世。
One of my viewer's uncles died on a particular day, and he chose to commemorate it with a piece of hate. 我的一位观众的叔叔有一天去世了,而他选择用一份“恨”来纪念它。
The most famous account of the Nagasaki bomb was written by one of its victims, radiology expert Takashi Nagai, who later died of leukemia. 关于长崎原子弹爆炸的最著名实录是由受害者之一、放射学专家永井隆(TakashiNagai)撰写的,他后来死于白血病。
Her mother's just died. It's been a terrible shock to her. 她母亲刚去世。这使她极为震惊。
Thousands of people died while building the wall. Thus the Great Wall came into existence. 所有工作都是用手完成的,成千上万的人在修建长城时死去。长城就是这样出现的。
The children were a great consolation to him when his wife died. 他妻子去世后,几个孩子就是他极大的安慰。
When his Uncle Jules died and left him a comfortable amount of money it really seemed only correct to find someone to share it with him. 他的叔叔朱尔斯去世留给一比可观的财产,好像需要找一个女人和他共同分享才正确。
The shoot took place four months before Marilyntragically died, and yet we see nothing of a woman on the verge of a breakdown. 这张照片拍摄于梦露死前四个月,从照片中我们看不出一点崩溃的迹象。
Nan, a migrant from central Hubei province, landed on his head and died at the scene, Xinhua said, without providing further details. 南钢,系中部湖北省外来务工人员,坠楼时头部着地,当场死亡(新华社报道),没有进一步报道。
His father died of war wounds when he was an infant; his mother was a charlady with no talent for communication, emotional or intellectual. 父亲在他还是个婴儿时死于战争创伤;母亲是个没有教育能力的打杂女佣,无论是情感上还是知识上。
Throughout her short life (she died at the age of 22), however, she was important in other ways as well. 她的一生短暂(死于22岁),但她在其他方面却影响深远。
Shortly after her arrival in the United States, Malcolm was assassinated, and his plans for a new organization died with him. 马尔科尔木来美不久即遭暗杀,他筹建新组织的计划也随即夭亡。
Phoebe: Well, 'cause then they'd be like my mom used to make them, you know, before she died. 嗯,因为我妈妈以前就是这样做的,知道么,在她死之前。
Still, when a Joplin family recently called to tell her one of her former patients died, she struggled. 但是,当乔普林一家人最近打电话告诉韦伯她之前照顾的一位病人离世的消息时,她还是很挣扎。
Cersei had been a year old when her grandfather died. 祖父去世的时候瑟曦只有一岁。
He was compelled to think this thought, or else there would not be any use to strive, and he would have lain down and died. 他不得不这样想,否则他的艰难搏斗将毫无意义,还不如躺下死掉。
The wide marble plaza below was as crowded as it had been on the day that Stark had died. Everywhere she looked the queen saw eyes. 下方宽阔的大理石广场里,就像史塔克送命那天一样挤满了人群,太后向四处望去,都只看到一片眼睛。
After Nu Wa died. She changed into a bird. Called Jing Wei. She hated the sea. So she took some stones in her mouth to fill the sea. 旁白:在女娃死后,她变成了一只叫作精卫的小鸟。她恨大海,所以她嘴里衔了许多石头去填平大海。
Once upon a time there was a poor boy who lived in Denmark. His father, a shoemaker, had died, and his mother had married again. 很久很久以前,在丹麦住着一个穷孩子,他父亲是个鞋匠。父亲去世后,母亲就改嫁了。
By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the departing of the children of Israel; and gave commandment concerning his bones. 约瑟因着信,临终的时候,提到以色列族将来要出埃及,并为自己的骸骨留下遗命。
She's saying how during the French Revolution, a mob set fire to her house, and her mother died. . . saving her. 她说,法国大革命时暴徒如何防火烧她的屋子,她的妈妈死了……因为救她。
if i can be anything in this world, i would like to be a teardrop. born in your eye, live on your checks and died on your lips. 如果我能成为这世上任意一样东西,我希望我是一滴泪。生于你眼中,流过你脸颊,最后,在你的唇边死去。
When Jesus died, Joseph immediately asked for the body because he did not want the body of Jesus to be disgraced. 当主耶稣死后,约瑟马上就要回了耶稣的尸体,因为他不愿意让耶稣的身体受到羞辱。
I held up the book and told him it was the greatest novel written in any language since William Faulkner died. 我举起书告诉他,这是自福克纳去世后以各种语言出版的最伟大的小说。
She was no longer of use to that circus, and were it not for the kindness of Quayle she surely would have died. 从此她对马戏团一点价值也没有,要不是因为好心的奎里愿意照料她,她一定早就死掉了。
Until I finally died, which started the whole world living, oh, if I'd only seen that the joke was one me. 直到最后我死去,整个世界开始活跃起来,哦,如果我知道那个笑话是在取笑我就好了。
In the fall after the beginning of her acquaintanceship with him she married Doctor Reefy and in the following spring she died. 在她开始和他交往之后的那个秋天,她嫁给了里费医生,然后在下一年春天她就死了。