
美 [dɪŋ]英 [dɪŋ]
  • n.(尤指造成汽车上的凹痕、划痕等的)一击;叮当;丁零
  • v.叮当(或丁零)作响;使(汽车等)轻微受损;打
  • 网络空;扔;丁薇

第三人称单数:dings 现在分词:dinging 过去式:dinged



n. v.

1.(尤指造成汽车上的凹痕、划痕等的)一击a blow, especially one that causes slight damage to a car, etc.

2.叮当;丁零used to represent the sound made by a bell

Netor万家姓首页@网同纪念 ... 禤 xuan ding 匡 kuang ...

坚决抵制,对日本猪,就他妈的一个字“杀”_ ... Ding!( )-小米粥 ...

温情的雨夜 - 慕遥 - 网易博客 ... (na,0/3) 雌性;例如:鸡乸=母鸡 (ding,2/5) (niao,0/6) 生气/ ...


华语女歌手英文名对照表 - 问心 - 博客生活 ... 邓丽君 Teng_Teresa 丁薇 Ding_Wei 丁文琪 Ding_KiKi ...


英汉翻译:“钟声,思念,远方”三词!_百度知道 ... 远方: distance 钟声ding 思念: missing ...

快递生意承让 - 生意转让 - 滴答论坛 ... 4楼 email:weifeng-xuhotmail.com 7 ding ...


【女优推荐】_里美尤利娅吧_百度贴吧 ... 强撸灰飞湮灭吗 Dear_JM 回复 收起回复 ding 马克 mark ...


大闹天宫 讯雷下载特快!!_大闹天宫吧_百度贴吧 ... 也顶一下 xuexue 谢谢了 ding 顶 hao ...

Every man has a good and bad angel allen ding on him in particular, all his life long. 每个人都有一位善良的天使和一位邪恶的天使终身陪伴他。
Ding Mou also said he did not officially work to work for a living. 丁某还称,自己没有正式工作,以打工为生。
Jingzhou to join the history of the early years of his Ding, Ren main thin, Ding that he particularly close. 早年他投靠荆州史丁原,任主薄,丁原待他特别亲近。
In the dark, I could not see his face. However, Ding Yu's words with carefully and firmly, but I feel a huge shock shock of the soul. 黑暗中,我看不清他的神色。然而,丁宇的话中所透出的认真与坚决,却让我感觉到一股巨大的震撼冲击着灵魂。
I jumped up into a "ding ding" car, No one on board, only a few foreigners in video scenes. 跳上一架“叮叮”,车上没什么人,只有几个洋人在摄录街景。
This led to an altercation in which Ding was thrown against the corner of an outside wall, causing injuries to his face and wrist. 之后,对峙演变成肢体冲突,丁被摔到商店外墙的角落,导致面部和手腕受伤。
Even well-paid workers sensed their decline in status. obedience to the ding-dong of the bell-just as though we are so many living machines. 让我们听从于叮叮当当的钟表,简直就把我们当成了活生生的机器。
I drove up the road with our ayi (nannie) Ding the other day and asked her in Chinese why she thought this was all happening. 一天,我和保姆丁阿姨驱车行使在京顺路上,我用中文问她,她觉得为什么会发生这样的变化。
Two of the children wee engaged in a ding-dong battle in the bicycle shed, surrounded by a circle of gaping class mates. 两个学生在自行车车棚里打了起来,周围围着一圈同班同学,吃惊地看着。
Ding is not proud of the fact that she weighs more than her mother. 她一点也不为比妈妈还重而感到自豪。
I had a bit of a ding-dong with him about his mistakes. 就他的错误我跟他吵了两句
On the out of the airport, Ding Li has magically transmute something into a "real" cake in front of her. 出了机场,富贵又神奇地“变出”一个真的蛋糕捧到她眼前。
Ms. Ding frequently talks with her long-distance boyfriend on the phone or video chats with him using Skype. 乔伊经常与她身处异地的男朋友通过电话交谈,或利用Skype与他进行视频聊天。
Except, of course, a glass of champagne at a wed ding or a hot toddy when confined to bed with a hard cold. 当然,在婚礼上喝杯香槟,或者感冒很厉害时上床睡觉前喝杯热棕榈酒,也还是可以的。
Ding Jun Hui who has not even finished his junior high school study was "yanked" out of his classroom by his father in 2001. 2001年,初中还没读完的丁俊晖被父亲从教室拽了出来,“你别念书了,以后就专心打台球吧”。
Hanging in her room are the sketches of six children. The portrait she did for Ding Ling is luckily kept by the latter's family now. 在她家里的墙上贴着她为六个孩子们画的小副精美速写,而她为丁玲作的画却几经波折仍旧为丁玲保存着。
However, let me surprise, Zhang and Ding Yi, together, and I and Mr. Fang is not how the relationship between the kind. 可是,让我吃惊的是,张方和丁逸一起来,而我和张方的关系并不怎么样。
Ms. Ding had to remember to call her friends -- and not text them -- to set up a time and place to meet for the game. 乔伊必须记得给她的朋友打电话(而不是发信息)确定见面的时间和地点。
I've always liked Japanese anime Doraemon did not expect the Expo I have also been a return to "Little Ding Dong. " 我一直都很喜欢日本动漫小叮当,没想到这次世博会我也当了一回“小叮当”。
Liang is just so popular over there now and I think he might have even overtaken Ding Junhui in the popularity stakes. 梁文博现在也非常受欢迎,我认为他的受欢迎度有可能会超过丁俊晖。
Earlier this year Ding said he, too, wanted to get into pig farming, with a focus on raising organic livestock. 今年早些时候,丁磊说他也想进军养猪业,并将重点放在饲养有机牲畜上。
hello! thanks for your reversion! your photo gives me a feeling of very ring-a-ding and kindness, so i seed messages to you . 你好!感谢你的回复!我之所以给你发信是因为照片上的你给我的感觉很好心、很开朗的样子。
Ding said he is soon to publish another study in Science predicting Asian monsoon activity over the next 100 years. 丁一汇透露说,他很快就将在《科学》上发表一篇文章,预测未来100年的亚洲季风活动状况。
Ding urged the city government to put population management on its agenda in the next Five-Year Plan, which starts this year. 丁金宏敦促市政府将人口管理列入从今年开始的新一个“五年计划”的议程之中。
Red Ding building exudes quaint atmosphere during the day, evening charming sparkling, go to the front could be so domineering amazing! 大红鼎建筑,白天散发著古朴的气息,夜晚迷人耀目,去到跟前竟是如此霸气惊人!
The big clock makes such a loud sound "Ding dong, ding dong" as it goes every quarter of an hour. 每隔一刻钟,这个大钟会发出很大的声音“叮,咚,叮,咚”。
Ding Dezhu tremendous work pressure. that the individual has a strong sense of responsibility. to work seriously. 顶得住巨大的工作压力。个人认为有很强的责任心。做事认真。
Another lawyer, Ding Xikui, complained that the police bloodied the face of his client, Hou Xin, as they dragged her away. 另一名律师丁锡奎申诉称,他的女代理人侯欣被警察拖走的时候,脸上因为警方的原因出了血。
David Ding was an American, I know him on TV . This American moved me so deeply. 丁大卫是个美国人。我认识他是在电视上。这个美国人带给了我深深的感动。
Now, many kids and their parents no longer like to be addressed with this term, and Ding is one of them. 现在,很多小孩和家长不再喜欢用这个词了,丁薇就是其中一个。