dont know

  • n.(回答问卷)没有明确意见的人
  • 网络不知道;资信征询银行;中国强大

dont knowdont know

dont know


线上聊天的英文简写 ... 9,happy bday=happy b-day=happy birthday!= 生日快乐 10,dunno=dont know= 不知道 13,plz=please= …


外贸术语翻译_百度知道 ... 5.样品本 sample 7.资信征询银行 dont know 9.定金 earnest money ...


2009 二月 « 炮台山学会 ... 没有 NO 中国强大 dont know 中共霸权! China‘s rapid development ...


剑斗兽 双斗(dont know)剑斗兽 追斗1奴隶猿2-3纽特纽特纽特塔瓦弯刀恶魔塔瓦弯刀恶魔塔瓦弯刀恶魔巨盾守卫者巨盾守卫者巨 …

Ted Arroway: I dont know, Sparks. But I guess Id say if it is just us. . . seems like an awful waste of space. 泰德?亚若威:我不知道,火花。但是我猜,我想说的是,假如这里仅仅只有我们…看起来就太糟蹋空间了。
I have question 4 u but to me it seems kinda personal and if I were to ask you it, I dont know if you'd think lowly of me or hate me. . . 我有个关于你的问题,但对于我来说好像有点八卦,不知道你是不是会讨厌我问你这些…
I dont know how to tell you. but i know you are not willing to let me live here. 不知道应该怎样跟您说我知道您不愿意让我在这里住
I guess it was lucky I couldnt understand, I dont know if I could of helped myself from challenging him in front of everyone. 也许我听不懂他说的话倒是好事了,不然我不知道自己是不是会在众人面前跟他比划几下子。
I dont know why China cares about this at all. They will just sent the goods through a foreign middle man country first. 我不明白为什么中国会关心这些。即使法案生效,他们也只需先把货物发给中间人。
Im the type of person, if you ask me a question, and I dont konwthe answer, Im gonna tell you that I dont know. 我是如许的人,要是你问我1个问题我不知道答案的话,我会直接告诉你“我不知道”。
The girl of the future, when he is joking with you, please just pretend like you dont know, cuz he just a kid who like to play. 未来的那个女孩,他是一个长不大的小孩,在他捉弄你的时候,请假装不知道。
They are beating on the door right now, and I dont know how much longer our turret will hold them off they have us surrounded. 他们在门上打,现在我不知道多久的炮塔,将举行它们赶走他们包围了我们。
"One of the biggest problems for children is not that they are vulnerable but that their parents dont know what there doing, " he said. 孩子们最大的问题之一不是他们易在网上上当受骗,而是他们的父母不了解孩子的所作所为。
I dont know y he talk too much to me , he said that he want even marry me . 我不知道他为什么会对我讲很多话,他说他甚至希望能娶我。
You dont' know how much pain I am in. 你不知道我在经历多大的痛苦。
I dont know if it is the luck, injuries, form, weather, nature of the English game or just London itself, but it certainly is very sad. 我不知道这到底是因为运气、伤病、阵容、天气、气候、英式踢法还是就是因为伦敦这个城市,反正是很糟糕。
I dont know if you need a last name or not if you do I could make one for you as well. 我不知道你需要个姓吗?如果你需要我就帮你想一个。
What I dont know - all them things I dont know - could get you killed if I come to know them. 我没跟你开玩笑。我不知道——那些事我都不知道——假如我知道了就宰了你。
Robbie Turner: Yes but, if all we have, rests on a few moments in a library three and a half years ago then I am not sure, I dont know. . . 罗比:对,可是,如果我们所有的一切只剩下三年半前书房的那一刻,那么我不能肯定,我不知道……
I dont know but she might have implants, either way we love you Anna! 我不知道,但她可能植入物,无论哪种方式,我们爱你安娜!
Frankly, I have great respect the Mr. Singh; but he is not fit to be a PM, i dont know if i should feel angry or sorry for him. 坦白说,我特尊重辛格,但他实在是不合适当总理,也不知道该气他还是为他感到遗憾。
Today, she dont know me. Tears hide over a year going to release. 今天,她不认识我,整年的泪也想奔出。
If you dont know how to pronounce the word, you'd better go to look it up in the dictionary. 就像如果你不能发音单词,请从字典里查阅句号。
Third, learn from each other. If you your classmates dont know how to answer a subject, if you know, please teach them with your patience. 第三,彼此学习。如果你同学问你一个问题,如果你知道,请耐心教导。
My dearest parents, I dont know if this election is correct. But not all that case. I dont have opportunities to risk this manner, no? 我亲爱的父母。我不知道这次选择是否正确。其实我真的不敢再冒这次险了。难道不是吗?
I dont know how to say, please take good care of him. 我…真的不知道应该怎么说。
shahrukhismine i dont know if its the most or not. . . but i feel its extremely sensual and romantic. 我不知道这是不是最浪漫的…但我感觉这首歌非常浪漫,充满欲望
I dont know about the rest of you, but i'd like a break. 我不知道你们是否要休息,但我想休息片刻。
I dont know why the company want James Whistler out of prison. 我不知道公司为何要把JamesWhistler弄出监狱
Ed Tom Bell: I dont know, he ought to. Hes seen the same things Ive seen, and its certainly made an impression on me. 爱德·汤姆·贝尔:我不知道,不过他应该知道,他能看到我看到地事情,这让我真地留下了很深刻地印象。
I dont know if the tech can support this, but making immolate not consume a charge(and i guess not receive the haste) would really help. 我不知道从技术上能不能支持这个,不过要是让献祭不消耗次数(同时也不受到加速影响)会很有帮助。
I dont' know. We just cry. You know, when it hurts. 我不太清楚。你知道,当我们感到难受时,就会哭。
just one more chance, hold me tight and keep me warm, cause the night is getting cold and i dont know where i belong, just one last dance. 最后一舞,抱紧我、温暖我,因为夜正越来越冷,而且我不知我该去哪里。最后一舞…
MH: i dont'know he just got mad. What is there for him to get mad over. Men. Young or old i don't know why they're all the same really. 我不知道,他也许疯拉,他什么时候才能停止呢。男人。老的还是年轻的怎么都一个样呢。