
美 [ˌruˈtin]英 [ˌruːˈtiːn]
  • n.常规;例程;例行程序;正常顺序
  • adj.常规的;例行公事的;日常的;平常的
  • 网络惯例;例行的


daily routine,routine work,routine examination,routine check,routine operation
follow routine,break routine,set routine


1.[c][u]常规;正常顺序the normal order and way in which you regularly do things

2.[u]生活乏味;无聊a situation in which life is boring because things are always done in the same way

3.[c](演出中的)一套动作,一系列笑话(等)a series of movements, jokes, etc. that are part of a performance


常字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 常度〖 normalmanner〗 常规routine;rule;convention〗 常规化〖 routinize〗 ...


2012年六级高频词汇(1)_百度文库 ... rival n. 竞争对手 routine n. 常规,惯例,例行公事 scene n. 景色,景象 ...


把妹达人 ... Role play 角色扮演 Routine 惯例 Seven-hour rule 七小时法则 ...


Liran - 博客园 ... robustness 健壮性 routine 例程 rvalue 右值 ...


魔术表演_百度百科 ... ■ PROP →「 道具」 ■ ROUTINE →「 程序」 ■ SHOW →「 秀」 ...


大学课程英文翻译 ... Rotation 旋转 旋转 routine 例行程序 常式 Rows dialog box “行”对话框 列对话方块 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... appreciate vt. 欣赏,鉴赏;感谢,感激 routine a. 常规的,例行的 gas station n. 加油 …


大学英语精读单词表(第二册) - 豆丁网 ... appreciate vt. 欣赏,鉴赏;感谢,感激 routine a. 常规的,例行的 gas station n. 加油 …

Green Tea : It's inexpensive, easy to add to your routine, and one of the best-researched and most powerful antioxidants around. 绿茶:它的价格低廉,容易成为你日常生活中的一部分,而其中一个最好的研究和强的抗氧化剂。
You'd like to go an adventure, wouldn't you? To be free from the routine of life just to spend a few months on a deserted tropical island. 你喜欢冒险,是吗?想从朝九晚五解脱,想去热带无人小岛上漂流几个月。
The normal routine of the countryside has gone out of the window, as it seems to have developed the habit of doing in recent years. 乡村行的常规路线已经被抛在车窗外,似乎已发展成最近几年的习惯。
Trollope's strict work routine enabled him to keep his day job as a civil servant while being such a prolific writer. 特罗洛普严格的工作常规使他成为一名如此多产的作家同时仍能让他白天做好公务员这份差使。
Even as the old conflicts emerged once more in the routine of daily living, a deep bond remained between them. 甚至旧日的冲突重新在日常生活中出现后,他们中间仍继续保持着深厚的感情。
A dog racing week to week, will generally continue the daily routine, but once a week gets a straight gallop up the Kay track. 一周一周一赛狗,一般会继续日常工作,但每周一次得到了凯轨道直线驰骋。
But in at least three of the ponds at the Fukushima site, that routine cooling no longer seems to be happening. 但福岛核电站的反应堆燃料池中至少有三个已经无法观测到正常的冷却过程。
The best way to get used to a sleeping routine is to set a specific time each night that you will go to bed. 最好的办法是习惯于睡眠规律的形成,每晚在固定的时间上床休息。
In the last example, we remove the current routine from the stack backtrace , which is often useful in library modules. 最后一个范例,我们从堆叠倒推过程中拿掉了目前项目,这在函式库模组中经常很有用。
As it ran through its routine, it was clear to me, even then, that this wasn't the right way to keep a wild animal. 就算在那时,当它做完例行表演时我就清楚地意识到这不是对待野生动物的正确方式。
Results In routine nursing management, the EQ should be reflected and applied by the head nurse through at least nine aspects. 结果:护士长在日常护理管理工作中至少要从九个方面将情商予以体现和应用。
Weight training can be as simple as working out with a pair of dumbbells at home or as formal as a full routine on health club equipment. 重量训练可以像在家里用一对哑铃健身那么简单,也可以像固定地到健身俱乐部使用全套的健身器材健身那般地正式。
We spend so much of our lives with our parents and yet most of itis devoted to routine and commonplace things. 我们大多数时间都与父母生活在一起,但是这些时间常被琐事虚度掉了。
A navy pilot on a routine flight had given in to mild curiosity and dipped his aircraft to inspect what he thought was an oil slick. 海军一名飞行员在例行飞翔途中,看见海面上似乎有浮油,微觉奇怪,忍不住稍稍低飞察看。
I saw my problem: I had wound myself so tightly in the routine of my school life that I was no longer seeing Kenya or even Kenyans. 我认识到了我的问题:我的眼睛已经被每天例行的学校生活所遮蔽,看不到真实的肯尼亚和肯尼亚人。
Former detainees say that torture is routine, and that medical attention is often denied even when prisoners fall gravely ill. 据曾经的囚犯讲述,在狱中拷打折磨是常有的事,而且纵使犯人重症缠身,也经常得不到治疗。
No one complained about his daily routine more than Alan---right up to the day he was expelled and I lost touch with him. 在我所有的学生中,没有谁比艾伦更爱抱怨这每日的例行作业了----知道他被勒令退学。此后,我再没有得到他的消息。
It's as if the class invariant is added to the pre- and post-condition of every single exported routine of the class. 如此看来,类不变式好像是被附加到了类暴露例程的前置和后置条件上。
Work with them to arrange some means for touching base on a routine basis -- say, through a once-a-week meeting or conference call. 可以考虑建立一种常规化的工作方式,比如,一周开一次碰头会或者电话会议。
After you've had sex with the same person over and over, it's easy to fall into a routine. 你和同一个人反复做爱的结果是,做爱很容易就变成例行公事。
Yes, making employment decisions has been a routine part of several of my past jobs and my current job as well. 是的,制定招聘决策是我过去几项工作,以及现在工作的一个常规部分。
Over the past six weeks, Nicky, 42, has cut her daily routine, and all the products associated with it, out of her life altogether. 在过去的六个星期,42岁的女性尼奇做了一个极端的生活体验:彻底抛弃所有美容化妆用品。
The Lab. must be able to carry out routine tests with a minimum of time lag between sampling and testing. 实验室必须能够在取样以后一个最小间隔时间内完成常规检验。
Had the period of time has not contacted with you, under routine business regards you and your friend, family member. 有段时间没联系你了,例行公事的问候下你和你的朋友,家人。
And sexual immorality, impurity, and greed have no place in a Christian's exercise routine. 而荒淫、不洁和贪婪的行为,更不应出现在基督徒的日常生活中。
But a routine blood test revealed the Londoner had a problem with four tiny glands in her neck, which needed to be removed. 但一项例行血检显示,问题出在她脖子上的应该切除四个小腺体。
"But you know, I have been doing my squats and I started Pilates as well as my usual yoga routine, " she continued. “但是你知道,我已经在健身,我开始普拉提以及我一贯的瑜伽练习。”她继续说。
"You must endure pain to be beautiful, " she said, adding that an eye job is so routine these days "it's not even considered surgery. " “美丽是需要付出代价的,”她如是说,她还补充道,现在人们已经对眼部整形习以为常了,认为它算不上是手术。
Perhaps you were in a good routine with your blog posts . . . but your ebook kept getting shunted aside. 或许你更新博客的频率一直很规律,但是你的电子书却一直被扔在一旁。
With the heart of a servant, leaders (dean, administrator, and teacher) can experience fulfillment and real joy in their daily work routine. 俱备仆人的心,领导(系主任、行政人员、和老师),可以在一成不变的日常工作当中经历满足和喜乐。