
美 [ˈdɪfɪkəlti]英 [ˈdɪfɪk(ə)lti]
  • n.困难;障碍;难局;异议


great difficulty,serious difficulty,extreme difficulty,tremendous difficulty,unforeseen difficulty
overcome difficulty,face difficulty,meet difficulty,see difficulty,encounter difficulty


At last he seemed to have solved the main difficulties. But he did not publish his findings at once. 他似乎终于解决了主要的难题,但他并没有立刻发表他的发现。
Well, it sounds as if I'm exaggerating the difficulties, but the facts is I'm only telling the truth. 好吧,听起来好像我是在夸大其词,但事实上我说了句大实话。
In fact, among the many difficulties of life and even the failure, can only be regarded as a bunch of years of uncoordinated Song notes. 其实,人生之中的许多困难乃至失败,只能算是岁月之歌中一串不协调的音符。
But family pressure had induced him to follow his father into medicine, and he began to be fascinated by the difficulties of birth. 但是家庭压力让他不得不跟他爸爸一样当个医生,接着他就对难产这一问题产生了兴趣。
Mr Dobson is at the heart of his movement's difficulties, just as he used to epitomise its success. 杜布森正面临他人生的关口,这就像是他过往成就的一个缩影。
It was referred to possible breastfeeding difficulties, speech problem, malocclusion and gingival recession. 它可能造成母亲哺乳困难、小孩说话不清楚、不正咬合、牙龈萎缩。
Throughout this period she also continued to receive counseling for her marital difficulties through an Employee Assistance Program. 在这期间她还通过职工辅导项目连续地进行婚姻困难方面的咨询。
He had by no means realised the gravity and the complication of the difficulties which he would have to face. 他决没有想到他要对付的困难是如何严重,如何复杂。
Bobbie was not the kind to be discouraged by obstacles and later his ingenuity overcame the difficulties. 博比没有因困阻而气馁,不久之后他就克服了困难。
The poor peasant's son worked his way through difficulties and finally became a specialist in forensic medicine. 那个贫苦农民的儿子历经艰难困苦,终于成为一名法医专家。
Jeanie arose from her devotions, with her heart fortified to endure afflictions, and encouraged to face difficulties. 珍妮祷告之后站起身来,果然觉得坚强起来,能够忍受一切痛苦,面对一切困难。
Despite these difficulties, Dimon said the bank has the money to repay taxpayer funds it received from the U. S. government in October. 尽管面临诸多困难,迪蒙称该行有能力偿还去年10月从政府处获得的纳税人资金。
The two countries continued to have difficulties reaching a compromise on a solution to the problem of acid rain. 这两个国家就解决酸雨问题仍然难以达成妥协。
"I cannot pretend that India will be unaffected by the economic difficulties that are appearing, for instance, in the US, " he said. 他表示:“我不能假装印度不会受到正在出现的经济困难——例如,美国正出现的问题——的影响。”
I can only speak of attempts to throw light on psychic facts that obscure to me, of efforts to overcome therapeutic difficulties. 我只是试图聚焦一些平时自己感到费解的心理现实,努力去克服心理治疗中的难题。
The company is in difficulties at the moment, but we expect it to do well in the long run. 这家公司目前处于困境,但是我们期望它终究会经营很好。
It has its way of resolving its own difficulties or internal problems, " he said. " There may be delays. 伊拉克有自己的结构,自己的宪法,用自己的方式来解决自身的困境或内部问题。
and I still have in my possession the press release put out by one of the big four clearing banks denying that it was in difficulties. 我手上有的而且发出的新闻稿中有一则关于四大倒闭银行之一的银行否认它处于困难之中。
Difficulties arise because these two types of contracts are not always easy to separate, and in China the two are frequently inter-woven. 困难是这两类合约好些时不容易分开,而在中国,这两类合约往往是织合为一的。
With a bit of savvy management, you'll continue to dig yourself out of the financial difficulties you found yourself in the past. 用你经营自己的能力,你会继续引领自己走出过去的财政困难;
It wasn't easy to be off the pitch for a period, it's normal when there are difficulties in life. . . but then the dark times pass. 要结束长时间不赢的局面不是很容易,但这是正常的,生活中总会遇到困难…艰难的日子总会过去的。
The U. S. State Department has no comment but officials privately confess to a certain "schadenfreude" at Chinese difficulties. 美国国务院没有发表评论,但官员们私下里坦诚,他们对中国的困境感到有些“幸灾乐祸”。
I considered the fate had been just to me. I was confident that on account of my exertions, I would overcome all difficulties. 我觉得老天是公平的,我相信通过我的努力,我会战胜一切困难!
At least half will have to be paid in stock or 'contingent capital, ' meaning it won't be paid if the bank hits difficulties. 至少有一半奖金要以股票或“或有资本”的形式发放,这意味着如果银行遇到困难,这类奖金就泡汤了。
He may have persuaded many Italians that his legal difficulties are the result of a conspiracy by left-wing prosecutors and judges. 他可能已经说服很多意大利百姓,自己的法律困境是因为左派检察官和法官共谋串通的结果。
At this point, I not only think of the word: the book's own house of gold, the text of its own difficulties. 此时,我不仅想到了一句话:书中自有黄金屋,文中自有克难计。
My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. Whenever I encounter difficulties, her eyes will encourage me help me cheer up . 我母亲有一双敏锐的、会说话的眼睛。那双眼睛能洞察我的心情,给我鼓励,促我坚强,因此我能面对一切困难。
He said he would take up my difficulties with the headmaster. 他说他要向校长提出我的困难。
Sir John had not been prepared to unload at the port and had to bear extra costs for the difficulties. 约翰先生没有在港口卸货的准备,因此遇到了很大的麻烦,只能承担这部分额外费用。
Analysts said the persistent chatter that banks might be in serious difficulties was reminiscent of the runup to the 2008 financial crisis. 分析人士表示,目前对银行业已深陷泥潭的说法,不禁让人想起了2008年金融危机来临前的市场状况。