rock star

  • n.摇滚巨星
  • 网络摇滚明星;摇滚歌星;摇滚之星

rock starrock star

rock star


珍妮佛·安妮斯顿 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... 上班一条虫 Office Space 摇滚巨星 Rock Star 麦田捕手的女孩 The Good Girl ...


...赫瑞克(Stephen Herek)执导的喜剧片《摇滚明星》(“Rock Star”),此片将于9月14日上映,讲述的是一个摇滚歌星成长的故事。


80《摇滚歌星》(Rock Star)2001[DVDRip]DivX-ViTE81《步履不停》(Even If You Walk And Walk)2008[DVDRip]XviD-MOC 82 …

摇滚之星,结合乐曲的伴奏,玩家不同按下相应的按键进行节拍配合。摇滚之星 适用android1.5及以上版本,游戏狗提供摇滚之星(


香港二楼书店 ... ... 28.Ghost Towns 鬼城 29.Rock Star 石头明星 30.Insomnia 失眠 ...


  多个月前方宇文在西增区出席警察委员会会议时,有民众以摇滚乐明星(rock star)来比喻她的受欢迎程度。警察委员潘伟旋表示…


2001年美国电影票房榜 ... The Musketeer 全职剑客 Rock Star 摇滚星梦 Amelie 天使爱美丽 ...

Although the music was very different to our music today, in contemporary terms it would be appropriate to see her as a rock star figure. 尽管当时的音乐和现在有很大的不同,但在当时来看她是应当是个摇滚明星。
It's a skill we have developed from a young age and perfected over time. But, a rock star has learned that procrastination is the enemy. 这是我们从小就养成的一个“技能”,并且随着时间而日趋娴熟。
And you've had -- not rock star status, but celebrity status in doing what you wanted to do for most of your life. 而且你拥有——非摇滚明星的地位,而是名人的地位,可以在一生的大部分时间中自己想做的事情。
The moment I fell in love with a Chinese rock star. Fall of 1996. There was no turning back. 我和一个中国摇滚乐手谈恋爱的那段时间。那是1996年的秋天。但过去的不会再回来。
Mr. Hartlaub: Yeah. He was "in-one-take Charlie" . They're all in awe of him. He's like a rock star when he walks into LeapFrog. 哈特劳布:是呀,他号称“一遍定音小查理”。那些制作人都对他佩服得不行。他走进跳蛙玩具公司时,整个一副摇滚巨星的姿态。
The instructor is from Tennessee. Blond, shirtless, and a bit of a yoga rock star. 教练来自田纳西州,金色头发,赤膊上阵,有点瑜伽摇滚明星的范儿。
Sometimes later, I found a photo of a rock star dressed in a Kimono. 后来,我看到一张摇滚明星身着和服的照片。
He exudes both competence and self-contained charisma, and has been called a "rock star" by one PR executive who used to work with him. 托莱达诺散发出能力与自制力的双重魅力,一位曾与他共事的公关高管把他称为“摇滚明星”。
And now I have to deal with this little voice in my head constantly reminding me that I'm going to be a rock star, not a scientist. 而现在我却不得不去应付常常出现在我脑子里的一个小小的声音,它总是提醒我,我将来要成为摇滚歌星,而不是科学家。
Prof. WIENER: Well, you know, it's a little hard to believe today that a president would fear the power of a rock star. 维纳:好的。你知道,在今天看来,我们很难相信一位总统会害怕一个摇滚明星。
How much time per day do you spend doing social media? How has it impacted your daily life of, y'know, being a rock star? 你每天花在社交媒体上的时间是多少?作为一个摇滚歌星,它对你的日常生活带来了什么样的影响?
My lower self had me believe that it was just a far out wish; much similar to my one of being a rock star. 那个堕落的我使我相信那只是个遥远的梦而已;就像是我想要成为一个摇滚歌星一样。
The BAU team investigates the mystery behind a trail of murders that all seem to align with the tour schedule of a rock star. BAU团队调查一起貌似符合摇滚明星巡回演出时刻表作案留下的尾巴让BAU们揪出来的神秘案件。
Rock Star mode: start out in a garage and work your way up to filling the biggest arenas with fans! 摇滚巨星模式:从车库起家,要您努力获得的最广阔的舞台与最忠实的歌迷;
IN 2003, Bono, the rock star and activist, warmed hearts in the Great White North when he said that "the world needs more Canada" . 2003年,当时的摇滚明星,积极分子博诺曾说“世界需要加拿大更多的参与”,继而温暖了无数加拿大人民的心。
They will profess that they always supported you and never doubted you'd become the rock star that others are saying you are about to be. 他们会宣称道,他们从过去就一直支持你并且在人家说未怀疑过你会成为大明星,就像其他人说你会成为那样。
Wouldn't it have been nice if you could have been the best buddy of a rock star or a movie star who gets all the girls. 如果你能够成为得到所有女孩子的摇滚明星或者电影明星的最好的朋友,这样不是很好吗?
To be writing code for a living when you're 50, you will need to be a rock-star developer and be able to out-code the new kids on the block. 要想在50岁时还能以编程为生,你必须成为一个明星式的开发者,要有能力比那些孩子们在这一领域做的更好。
Since Depp used to be a rock roll star, Captain Jack acts like a rock star too. 由于德普以前是一个摇滚歌星,他所饰演的杰克同样继承了摇滚的血统。
That old rock star has one foot in the grave. He's been a heavy smoker and drinker for years. 那个年老的摇滚巨星已是风烛残年。他已经喝烟酗酒很多年了。
Rock star as he is, Salman had a rollicking time with host Karan Johar as well! 摇滚明星,因为他是,萨勒曼曾与东道国卡兰乔哈尔毕加索时间以及!
His old one was on its last legs, and if he wanted to become a famous rock star, he needed the right equipment. 他的旧吉他快报废了,而如果他想成为一名著名的摇滚明星,他需要合适的装备。
rock star John Lennon was shot to death outside his New York City apartment building by an apparently deranged fan. 年摇滚巨星约翰蓝侬被枪杀了纽约市的公寓外一个明显失常范。
Eddie let go of his dream to be a rock star, and focused on schoolwork instead. 埃迪放弃想成为摇滚明星的梦想,而专注于学业。
She had become my glimmering girl: She looked like a rock star. 她是我出色的孩子:她看起来像个摇滚明星。
Barack Obama, America's "rock star" president, greeted us with a smile and a handshake. 美国“摇滚明星”总统奥巴马微笑着迎接我们,并与我们握手。
I quit the band and never looked back . I made it as a rock star on my own . 我退出了乐队,但并没有不后悔。而我自己成了一个摇滚明星。
On previous visits to Europe - even before his election - Obama has been greeted like a rock star, by the public and politicians alike. 在奥巴马之前的欧洲访问中——甚至是获选前——他就像是摇滚明星,受到民众和政治家的欢迎。
'He says that he no longer wants to have rock star hair and wants to look like his older brother. 他说他再也不想要摇滚明星那样的头发了,他想要像他哥哥一样。
Kobe would have made a great coach-firing rock star of a tennis player. 以科比的条件,他完全可以成为一名为所欲为的网球明星。