right now

  • na.目前;方才
  • 网络现在;马上;立刻

right nowright now

right now


初中英语短语大全 ... 47.right away 立刻 48.right now 此刻,刚才,现在 51.leave the hospital 离开医院 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... right away 立即,马上 right now 立即,马上 run away 逃跑, 失控 ...


小学英语单词表_爱问知识人 ... can v aux. 能够 right now 立刻 there is 有,存在 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 47.right away 立刻 48.right now 此刻,刚才,现在 51.leave the hospital 离开医院 ...


求this is where i belong的中文歌词_百度知道 ... Right here, 就是这里 Right now, 就是现在 I am coming alone, 我独自归来 ...


《希望-英语杂志》已有光盘节目目录 ... 旅居中国 Living Abroad 此时此刻 Right Now 计算机词汇 Computer Words ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... right away 立即,马上 right now 立即,马上 run away 逃跑, 失控 ...


要是当下(right now)没做好 还可以乔啊练习著多次机会 让自己想做的事不会被气氛搞到很怪 或许,这样的19岁一年 也只让我 …

Ministry of Defense was to pass these villages to municipal authorities long ago and it is ready to do it right now. 国防部早就打算把这些小乡镇移交给(当地)市政府来管理,现在也正在筹备。
The past all right, now all right. I never expect received from her what, but she gave me so much. I wish my life can continue forever. 过去也好,现在也好。我从不指望从她那儿得到什么,可是她给了我这么多。但愿我的生活可以这样继续,直到永远。
Remember, you don't have to DO anything right now, you just have to see the truth of your life with an unsparingly honest eye. 记着,你不必立刻进行任何”行动“,你只要用一个毫不留情的诚实目光看待你生活中真相。
It''s just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient of you right now. 如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下曰程安排的问题。
Well, right now I can't decide whether I want white or yellow for the door, but I'll let you know tomorrow for sure. 好的,但现在我还不能决定门是用白色还是黄色,但我确信明天会告诉你。
At first, scientists thought a new strain of disease might be responsible. Right now, he said, that doesn't appear to be the case. 刚开始,科学家们认为可能某种新型疾病是罪魁祸首。现在,杰夫•佩蒂斯认为情况并非如此。
I still needed a belt, but they were just right now, with a bit of room to spare (the 32 will fit up to a 33 actual measurement waist). 我仍然需要扎腰带,但裤子现在正好合身,还剩余一点空间(看来32最大可以适合实量33的腰围)。
It's just the matter of the schedule, if it is convenient for you right now. 如果你们现在方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。
That's probably not a message June brides want to hear right now, but at least a few will probably wish they had once the honeymoon's over. 这也许不是六月份的新娘们现在想听到的信息,但一旦蜜月结束,至少有几个可能会希望听到。
If you're aware of that feeling right now, as you're reading this, you're living in the moment. 在你读本文之时,如果你现在就明白那种感觉,你就是正活在当下。
Mancini believes Balotelli can be the best player in the world, but right now he has run out of patience with him. 曼齐宁一直认为超级马里奥是世界上最好的球员,只是现在曼齐宁的耐心被消磨光了。
'When you read her books, you feel like the characters could be with you right now, ' says Ms. Baldwin. 鲍德温说,在读奥斯丁的作品时,你感觉书中的人物此刻就在你的身旁。
Of course the Arsenal striker is out with a broken foot right now and will miss Holland's games over the course of the next week. 当然这位现阿森纳射手在对抗曼联的联赛中脚部受了伤,将会缺席下周荷兰队的比赛。
On her stellar fans: "They're girls my age who I'd be hanging out with if I was at school right now. " 说到她的粉丝我的粉丝就是一些我学生时代愿意和她们成为朋友一起出去玩的那种女生。
Right now there's intense debate about how aggressive the United States government should be in its attempts to turn the economy around. 当前,人们激烈地争论美国政府正试图如何更有效地摆脱经济衰退。
The answer is no; these two properties are equivalent, and we are going to see that right now. 答案是不可能;,两个性质是等价的,现在就来看看。
There's never been a greater opportunity for designers to put their ideas to work in provocative and intriguing ways than right now. 对设计师而言,从未有比现在更好的机遇,他们可以将自己的创意以充满诱惑的迷人的方式表现出来。
Hi there, be right with you. We're a little busy right now, but take a look around, I'll be right with you. 你好,我很快就来帮您。我们现在有点儿忙,但请四处看看,我很快就来帮您。
In the beginning, of course, there was a sexual attraction but right now sex has very little to do with it. 一开始,当然有性方面的吸引,现在性的需要几乎一点没有了。
It changes. I had a cross, a foot and a little ball for a while. Right now just a ball because the strings broke on the other once. 不固定。曾经带过十字架、音步和一个小球的组合。现在只剩小球了,以为另外两个的线断了。
No matter how much it's being emphasized by minimalist bloggers right now, it's not the only or even the best way to practice minimalism. 不管那些奉行简约主义的博主们怎么强调它的好处,这也不是唯一或最好来实践它的方式。
You know, in the next 50 years we're going to have to grow 70 percent more food than we do right now, 70 percent. 未来的50年我们需要比现在种植多70%的粮食。这是我们过去30年在非洲投资的总计。
"If I cannot play in the Olympics for my country this time, it will be the biggest loss in my career to right now, " he said. 尽管复出与否给他带来了很大的压力,但他仍表示“如果这次不能代表我的国家参加奥运会,那这将是我职业生涯中最大的遗憾。”
Event organizer: You'll have time later to think about that. Right now, you need to get out there for the Q&A. They're waiting for you. 节目策划人:稍后有时间再考虑。现在,你需要进入问答环节。他们都在等着你。
'If you bought even the best companies in the last three to four years you might be underwater right now. It might have been too soon. ' 在过去三到四年,哪怕你买入最好的公司,现在可能都会亏损。那时投资的时机可能还是太早。
Right now he is focused on trying to shift dirty, low-wage manufacturing out of Guangzhou to the countryside, where jobs are still scarce. 汪洋目前的重点是把肮脏的、低工资的制造业从广州转移到就业机会仍然稀缺的农村。
No, I can't. Right now, it's got to be my music-and my music alone. It hasn't been easy to get this far. 我不能。现在,只有我的音乐-只有我的音乐。走这么远不容易。
Right now it strikes me that it is a mission by no means easy to complete. 此时此刻我突然间想到这是个绝非容易完成的任务。
My husband took one look at me, let out a heavy sigh and said "right now? " 我丈夫看了我一眼,重重的叹了一口气问道:“现在?”
Sign Up for Prescription Savings Programs: Just about every store out there right now offers some sort of prescription program. 注册处方储蓄计划:几乎所有的商店那里现在提供了一些处方程序排序。