
美 [ˈrekən]英 ['rekən]
  • v.认为;想;估计;计算
  • 网络总计;估算;数

第三人称单数:reckons 现在分词:reckoning 过去式:reckoned

reckon cost



1.[t][i](informal)~ (that)…想;认为to think sth or have an opinion about sth

2.[t]被普遍认为是;被看作是to be generally considered to be sth

3.[t](informal)~ to do sth料想;预计;指望to expect to do sth

4.[t]估算;估计;计算to calculate an amount, a number, etc.


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BHP and Rio reckon this is unfair and that they should be awarded a bigger piece of the "freight differential" between them and Vale. 必和必拓与力拓认为这不公平,它们应该从与淡水河谷之间的“运费差价”中得到更多好处。
and as the man rolled up his eyes at him in the last agony, 'George, ' said he, 'I reckon I settled you. 墨利在断气前翻起一双眼睛瞪着他。“乔治,”西尔弗说,“这下我可让你闭上嘴了。”
Jeanie was one, like the angels in heaven, that rather weep for sinners, than reckon their transgressions. 珍妮是安琪儿下凡,她宁可为犯罪的人流泪,而不会责备他们的罪过。
But its rapid growth, especially on Apple's American home turf, has made it a competitor to reckon with. 但是它的迅速成长,尤其是在苹果的主场——美国的优异表现让它成为了一个需要顾及的对手。
With him in the side I reckon we would have won the Grand National and the Boat Race. 有他在,我感觉我们甚至可以赢得全国赛马和赛艇比赛的冠军。
Woman: Well he's hoping to earn a few brownie points with the bosses. There's a new position opening up and I reckon he'll apply for it. 我看哪,他是想在老板面前多表现挣一些品行分(印象分)呢。(因为)公司有一个新职位,他可能要准备申请。
But I don't reckon that's the point. If I understand it right, you don't know if the cat's dead or alive until you look at it. 但我认为那不是重点。照我的想法,如果你不去查看的话,就没法确知猫是否真死了。
The American newspapers were a power with which the British government had to reckon in the struggle of the colonies for independence. 在殖民地为独立进行的斗争中,美国报纸是英国政府不得不加以考虑的一种力量。
Some senior postal executives reckon that next-day delivery will have to go, at least for business customers. 部分邮政行业的高级行政人员表示,至少在商业领域,“隔日邮递业务”必须中止。
Some Americans reckon that this sort of pressure works better. 一些美国人认为这种压力可能会更奏效。
I reckon a piece like this would cost you two of three hundred dollars at least of you had to buy it in a shop. 我估计像这么一块皮草如果你在商场买的话可能得两三百美元。
I reckon being ill AS one of the great pleASures of life, provided one is no too ill and is no to binged to work till one is better. 我认为只要病得不太厉害,而且在未痊愈之前不必急于工作,生病也是人生一大乐事。
You had better reckon without me, as I am not sure whether I shall be able to come. 你最好别把我计算在内,因为我是否能来还说不定。
By the time it reaches a deep red, the makers reckon, it might be wise for an online trader to take a break and cool down. 当它变成深红色的时候,发明者认为,对一个在线投资者而言,明智的选择就是,休息一下,将头脑冷静下来。
My aunt went in and the old woman, seeing that I hesitated to enter, began to reckon on me again repeatedly with her hand. 姑妈进去了,我却踟蹰着,不敢向前;老太太见我害怕,便连连招手。
First of all, I'd like to ask all the male population, do you reckon your life a disaster to your parents, or at least a heavy burden? 首先请教所有男同胞,是否认为自己是父母这一生的大包袱?
Denisov took Tihon from his menial work, and began to employ him on expeditions, and to reckon him among the Cossacks . 杰尼索夫免去了他干杂活,外出侦察敌情时就把他带在身边,并把他编入哥萨克队伍。
But Asur and Huberman reckon this is just the beginning, and that their technique should be able to predict social outcomes of many kinds. 但阿苏尔和休伯曼认为,这仅仅是个开始,用他们的技术完全可以预测多项社会结果。
Had he lived just a few more years it would have changed my life in so many ways I can hardly begin to reckon the difference. 如果他可以多活几年的话,我的人生会从很多方面会生变化。我几乎无法想象这种差异。
Russell: I know, I haggled him down to $25, so I reckon I've got a bit of a bargain. 罗素:我知道。但我跟他杀价,降到二十五元。我想想,算是买到便宜货。
I reckon the Confederacy means as much to me as it does to you, me with four boys in the Troop and you with none. 我认为南部联盟对我像对你一样重要;我有四个男孩子到了营里,可你一个也没有呢。
For, just as each nation is wont to reckon by that monetary standard with which it is most familiar, so must we do in other matters. 因为,正象每一个民族都被用最为熟悉的肤色标准估算,因此我们必须采取另外的做法。
As America starts to grapple with its out-of-control spending habits, we as a nation really should reckon with our education costs. 随着美国开始与它搏斗外的控制消费习惯,我们作为一个国家确实应该估计与我们的教育费用。
But people familiar with the firm reckon it could have pulled off the deal had it been able to limit itself to buying half of Continental. 但相关人士认为如果舍弗勒只买半个大陆,它还是可以顺利完成这笔交易的。
"If it happened in Beijing, then I reckon if half of the buildings didn't fall down, then at least one-third would. " “如果它发生在北京,那我估计即使没有一半的楼房倒塌,至少也会有三分之一。”
I reckon about 60 per cent of Watford's goals this season have come from Ben's assists. It's been a great experience for him. 我估计沃特福德本赛季60%的进球都和福斯特有关。这对他来说是一次伟大的经历。
"You reckon folks really act like that? " Bigger asked, full of the sense of a life he had never seen. “你合计人们真这样干事情吗?”别格问,对一种他从未见过的生活很有感触。
This reluctance to call a spade a spade reflects an inability to reckon with changes the US and Europe have to make to avoid a repeat. 西方领导人在这一点上不愿实事求是,这反映出,他们不可能认真思考美欧为避免危机重演而不得不进行的改革。
We did not have to reckon, as American Muslims did, with the constant second look, the elasticity of liberty when a country gets scared. 我们是幸运的,因为我们不用像美国穆斯林们那样,在国家受难后遭受旁人的冷眼和自由的摒弃。
A loss of power lasting just a few days, reckon some, starts to cause a cascade of economic damage. 一些人估计断电仅持续几天便开始引起一连串经济损失。