do something

  • un.害人;想个办法
  • 网络马上行动;做点什么;做某事

do somethingdo something

do something


do something_百度百科 ... Fuck! 疯子 Do Something 马上行动 Ow! 喔! ...


远离伊甸园_百度百科 ... It’s Your World Now 世界是你们的 Do Something 做点什么 You Are Not Alone 你并不孤单 ...


求经典老歌,大家来把自己... ... 05. GENIE IN A BOTTLE 瓶中的妖怪 06. DO SOMETHING 做某事 08. BABY ONE MORE TIM…


《2006欧美流行冠军榜》 -... ... 13 IT'S LIKE THAT 就是这样——(玛丽亚—凯丽) 14 DO SOMETHING 做就对了——(小甜 …


主管部分必需要有所作为(Do something)!   南边都市报(City News)那著作写道:中超亲密收官,积分榜(Standings)涌现出显著反 …


〓【3000首名歌名曲连听】〓特辑奉献__亲风吻雪 ... Genie in a bottle 瓶子里的神灵 6 Do something 做某些事情 7 I try 我试试 ...


布兰妮-(Do Something )( Baby One More Time )金雅中-(星)(玛利亚) 白智英-(不爱) 蔡妍-(两个人) 金建模-(错误的 …


Module 6 The Olympic adventure -... ... still 仍然 do something 做些事情 help 帮助 ...

That's like an extra day and a half each time for you to do something that you will really enjoy or something that's really important. 这就像是额外的一天可以让你做一些你真正想做的或是一些重要的事情。
It's been great but I think I feel now I'm ready to do something. 这很好,但我想自己已经准备好开始工作了。
And one of their projects was to see what makes meetings boring, and to try and do something about it. 他们其中的一个项目是看是什么导致会议很无聊。
As a citizen of Beijing, we've got to do something for her. 作为一个北京市民,我们也得尽一份力。
When the doctor tells you to do something or you will die, who says, 'Gee, that's a little more than I was hoping to spend today'? 当医生告诉你,如果不做些什么就会死时,谁会说:“哎呀,这比我今天预计花费的要多”呢?
This should be an outstanding time of the month for you, so try to do something special. 这将会是这个月突出的一天,尝试做一些特殊的事情吧。
Eckhardt did not want the Turtles to say. "I had a period where I made some money, so now I can do something different. " 埃克哈特不希望海龟们说:“我有一段时间赚钱了,所以我可以做点其它事。”
"None of us like this situation we're in but it's our job to do something about it, " he said. “我们没有人愿意看到现在我们面临的情况,但是我们的工作是对此有所作为。”他说到。
"We must do something about Grandfather, " said the son. "I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor. " “我们必须对爷爷做些事情,”他儿子说道。“我已经受够了他泼洒的牛奶,嘈杂的进食,还有在地板上的食物”。
he must do something, even though the something is as simple an action as opening the book, closing the door and beginning to read. 他必须要做点什麽,即使仅仅是像打开书,关上门,开始阅读这麽简单的动作。
Do something new and unexpected at least once a week and you will become more relaxed about life and you will know your inner self better. 每周至少做一件新鲜事或一件计划之外的事,这样能够让你更享受生活并能让你更好的理解内在的自己。
"I wanted to do something in my life, " she said. "But they thought it was not a good idea. " “在我的一生中,我想做一些事”,她说。“但是他们认为这不是一个好主意。”
This was the moment when she realized she had to do something about our disappearing natural rescouces. 那时她意识到她得为我们日益减少的自然资源做些事情。
You got a dream, you got to protect it. People can't do something themselves. They want to tell you you can't do it. 你若有梦想的话,就要去捍卫它。那些一事无成的人想告诉你你也成不了大器。---《当幸福来敲门》。
You use the imperative to ask or tell someone to do something, or to give advice, warnings, or instructions on how to do something. 祈使句用以请求或告诉某人做某事,提出建议,警告或指示。
There is no doubt that we shall be able to do something for you. 毫无疑问,我们将会帮你点儿忙。
The point is simply to do something, anything, with one of your ideas. 重点是用你的其中一个想法简单地去做某件事,任何事情。
The only real solution is to do something, anything, but that's small consolation when a project is taunting you with its unfinishedness. 唯一的解决办法是随便做点什么,但这只是你对于任务没完成的小小安慰而已。
Making the decision to do something about it right now is often times the hardest step in achieving your goals and going after your dreams. 在追逐梦想达成目标的过程中,最艰难的就是下定决心立刻采取行动的那一步。
There was somebody to oversee the use of equipment and help users, if they would not be able to do something themselves. 有人负责监管所有设备的使用,并且向用户(假如他们无法依靠自身的努力来完成某些事情的时候)提供帮助。
You can do anything that you want to. It's not written in stone that it has to do something we want you to do. 你可以做任何你想做的事情,并没有规定你必须做我们想你做的事情。
Last week, my 5 year old daughter said to someone, "My mommy always says, 'in a minute' when I ask her to do something" . 上周,我五岁的女儿对别人说:“当我要求我妈妈做什么事时,我妈妈总是说,等一分钟”。
So far my tenured colleagues have been supportive; a few are even jealous that I'm free to do something so unconventional. 到目前为止,那些获得了终身教职的同仁们还是支持我的;甚至有几个人还感到嫉妒,因为我可以做一些如此反传统的事情。
And he wants to do something good, but I compare with the situation in the United States: the Congress has not changed. 他想要做出点成绩,但是我把美国的情况作了个对比:国会并没有改变……
For new users, or people who get stuck on a screen in the game when trying to do something, it's going to be invaluable. 对于新玩家,当在游戏中试图做有些事的时候容易被误倒,那将是很没有价值的事情。
No one is really your friend if they are trying to get you to do something wrong. 还是要讨神的喜欢如果有人要拉著你做这些坏事情,那他就不是你的朋友。
That's why we've got so much poverty and other troubles in this country, and if you get another term you've got to do something about it. 这也是为什么我们这个国家会有这么多贫困问题和其它问题,你要是还能再干一届,可得多想想办法了。
It's really an historical moment for me and for the Bahamas, just to be able to do something like this. 夺取冠军对于我以及所有巴哈马人来说,都是一个意义重大的历史时刻。
Did I react in such a way, that this person might do something like that again? 我是否做出了这样的一种回应,让这个人会继续这么做下去?
Sometimes that porn business is a bit too much for me and I think I should do something else, but I do not really know yet. 有时候porn这行业对我来说已经足够了。我想干点别的事情,但我还不是很确定。