don t stop

  • 网络别停;别停下来;蔡依林

don t stopdon t stop

don t stop


dj舞曲舞曲歌曲,dj舞曲舞曲专辑 ... 262. La La La Song - dj 舞曲 C 286. Don t Stop 别停 287. Viva El Amour 华丽探戈 ...



中文歌曲翻唱英文对照表___梦醒人散°_百度空间 ... 003. Dreams 卡百利 006. DON T STOP 蔡依林 007. BROWN EYES 天命 …


DJ舞曲的歌,DJ舞曲歌曲,... ... 307.Color Of My Life - E 加入列表 310.Don t Stop 别停 加入列表 313.OI Happy 快乐摇 加入列表 ...

You think about your organisation, what you need. You don't stop and think about the philanthropist's point of view. 你只想到自己的机构和需求而不是停下来想想行善者的观点。
As if to prove the point, two police cars creep by the crowd of girls standing in the port, but don't stop. 似乎是为了证明这一点,在港口两辆站满了女孩的警车缓慢驶过,但没有停下来。
Behind the sands, the darkness is coming. As the blood is in the wind, it's being nearer. Don't stop, or you will lost yours. 在沙尘之后是黑暗的降临,夹杂着血腥的风暗示着它的逼近。不要却步,否则将自我沉沦。
If you find something that's just a bit better than your current job, that's better . . . but don't stop there. 你能找到比目前的工作更好一点的当然不错,但是别就此浅尝辄止了。
Don't stop thinking of me, don't make me feel this way, Come on over here and love me, you know what I want you to say. 不要让我感觉到你已不再想念我,继续到这里来,继续爱我,你知道我想听你说什么。
We are often so ready to defend or push our own position that we don't stop to think about other perspectives. 我们时常准备着保卫或推动自己的立场,却从不停下来想想其他人的看法。
I'll send the pair of you to see the headmaster if you don't stop mucking about. 你们要是不停止胡闹,我就把你们两个都送去见校长。
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes don't stop. 善意的话简短易说,但是它的回音却是无穷的。
Walking, don't stop the step, you will difficult for you to see in front of the flowers. 前行的人啊,可别停下艰难的步伐,你要看到前面等待你的花海。
But don't stop there, Adler says, because data quality problems are not just a matter of factual inaccuracies in data records. Adler说,但是不要就此止步,因为数据质量问题不仅仅是数据记录不准确。
I am to tell to it, but he don't stop talking or not gave me a time to talk. 我本想解析一下,可是他不停地说,不给我说话的机会。
'No, ' 'don't, ' 'stop. ' Anyway, it was obvious. I was trying to scratch him and push him off me. ‘不要,’‘停止,’‘住手’我说的明明白白。我试着抓他,把他从身上推开。
We've already captured five of them. . . If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second. 我们已经抓住五个了…如果你再派杀手来,我就派一个(杀手)去莫斯科,而且不必再派第二个去了。
I've noticed that students at Sudbury Valley, who are free of any imposed curriculum, don't stop such play as they grow older. 我注意到,萨德伯里山谷学校的学生,他们没有任何强加的课程,长大以后也不停止这种游戏。
If you don't stop making that noise now, I'll be out of patience with you! 你要是再不停止吵闹,我可要发火了!
If you feel that some of these steps fail you, don't stop trying. Don't cause physical pain to yourself that could only make you feel worse. 如果你感到这些步骤有一些失败,不要停止进行尝试。不要给自己带来身体疼痛,那只会令你感觉更糟。
Don't stop, never give up, hold your head high and reach the top, let the world see what you have got, bring it all back to you. 不要停止,永远不要放弃,抬起你的头颅到达顶点,让全世界都看到你得到了什么,拿回所有的东西。
"Don't stop, " she pleaded, her legs shaking as she held to him to keep her balance. “别停,”她恳求着,她的腿哆嗦着,搂着他保持她的平衡。
The video shows G. M. trucks driving through explosions set to the classic song "Don't Stop Me Now" by the British band Queen. A G. 宣传片中,在英国皇后乐队经典歌曲《别阻止我》的背景音乐下,通用旗下的卡车穿越重重爆炸。
third, even if it happened, we will don't stop to give the child smile footsteps. 第三,即便真的发生了意外,我们也决不会停止让孩子微笑的脚步。
Before we did that, [director Danny Boyle] said, "I'm just going to turn the camera on, and just go and don't stop. " 在我们拍摄之前,(导演丹尼博伊尔)说:“我现在去把摄影机打开,你接着使劲不要停下来。”
When you meet new words, don't stop to look them up in a dictionary. On the contrary, you should try your best to guess their meanings. 当你遇到生词时,不要停下来去用词典查阅它们。相反,你应该尽量去猜一下它们的意思。
If you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of it, don't stop. You're on to something big. 如果你发现有件事让你情不自禁为其花精力,那么请不要停。你正在做大事。
"In the long term, we don't stop terrorist attacks by doing these things, " says Alexander, "we actually create more. " “从长期看,通过逼问并不能阻止恐怖主义袭击,”Alexander说,“实际上我们制造了更多的袭击。”
Don't stop your search until at least 30 days after your first day on your new job. 至少在你到新职位上任30天之前,不要停止寻找工作。
If the tempo is faster, people walk faster too. They don't stop to look so much, and they don't buy as much. 如果音乐节奏加快,他们则走得更快,不会停下来多看几眼,也就买不多东西了。
When we're fast food positive thinkers, we don't stop to think about this. 当我们成为一个速食的正面思考者的时候,我们并没有停下来想这些。
And don't stop at jewellery, gold shoes or a gold bag are a show-stopping addition to any outfit. 可不要仅仅流连于首饰,金色的鞋子或金色的包也会为任何一身衣装增光添色的。
Take the money, sure, he advised, but don't stop fighting to overturn a system that makes it necessary. 赚钱是理所当然的,但是不要停止反抗这个使之成为理所当然的体系。
If you don't stop being such a glutton, you'll get as fat as Mammy then I'll divorce you. 如果你不停止这种大吃大喝的话,你会跟奶妈一样肥的,那样我就会和你离婚的。