the best choice

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the best choicethe best choice

the best choice


English xxyy... ... 44. choose to do something 选择去做某事 45. the best choice 最好的选择 47. come over 顺便来访 ...


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她重申她不反对离婚,而且在一些情况下,离婚是个最佳的选择(the best choice)。Mary Ann Hogan, ‘The Good Marriage?’


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The space filling Z-order curve might not be the best choice for geodetic data, given the closed nature of the earth's surface. 对于大地数据,由于地区表面具有封闭的特性,因此空间填充Z顺序曲线可能不是最好的选择。
Currently the German Shepherd, Dutch Shepherd and Belgian Malinois have proven to be the best choice as the standard military working dog. 目前,德国牧羊犬,荷兰牧羊犬和比利时玛利诺犬已被证明是最好的选择,作为标准地做好军事工作犬。
Loop is not the best choice unless you know the characteristics of the enumerator object the collection exposes. 循环不是最佳选择,除非您知道该集合公开的枚举数对象的特征。
If you want suiting that makes you to stand out and look like a gentleman, you'll find a double-breasted suit to be the best choice. 如果你想要适合你使你看起来引人注目看起来更绅士,你将会发现双排扣会是你最好的选择。
"We were told European countries would be in a fierce tussle for 2018 and that aiming for 2022 would the best choice, " he said. 他说,我们都知道欧洲国家为了2018年的主办权进行了一场激烈的斗争,把目标定在2022年事最好的选择。
While each of these products has its place in the furniture maker's repertoire, aliphatic resin glue is the best choice for the beginner. 虽然上述的各种胶水在家具制作领域都各有用武之地,但对于初学者来说脂肪树脂胶(黄胶)是最好的选择。
The advisor is not trying to make money selling a financial product that may not be the best choice for a client. 没有什么黑幕,规划师不会为了赚钱而将一个不合适的理财产品卖给一个客户。
It is often the best choice to do all letters in either in lowercase or uppercase. 最好是将所有的字母统一为小写或是大写。
"The computer engineering program offers great flexibility and good prospects, and I felt it was the best choice for me, " he said. 他说:“科大的计算机工程学课程灵活,而且前景很好。我相信这是最好的选择。”
Purity is always cherished mostly in people's hearts. For life, the pure color glazed tile is the best choice to break this kind of style. 纯净,永远使人们心中最后固守的心灵包裹。对于生活来说,纯色瓷砖无疑是打破这种风格的最好选择。
I do not understand you, but do not know my heart! For us, breaking up is not the best choice? 你不懂我,更不懂我的心!分手对我们来说是不是最好的选择?
College is just not the best choice for every person, and to say that it is merely sets students up for wasting four years of their lives. 大学并不是给每个人最好的选择,而且要说这只是让学生浪费他们四年光阴的话。
As it is crucial to be a postgraduate, and oral English is not included in the examination, so review at home is the best choice for me. 由于成为研究生对我来说至关重要,而且研究生入学考试不考口语,所以在家复习是最佳选择。
You have a few choices for how to go about this, and the best choice depends on how much you know about the artifact that interests you. 对于怎样去操作您有一些选择,最佳的选择取决于您对感兴趣的工件了解多少。
In addition, the best choice for all the long flight feathers about to leave the nest together with a flightless bird as well. 此外,最好选择飞羽全部长齐与快要离巢出飞的鸟为好。
Commitment to your most profound vision is not easy, and will ask much of you. Yet you know it is the best choice. 恪守承诺以实现最远大的憧憬并非易事,你会为此付出许多。然而你要相信这才是最佳选择。
After nearly two hundred years of development, Suspension bridge has become one of the best choice when super large-span bridge is needed. 悬索桥经历了近两百年的发展,已成为超大跨度桥梁的最优选择桥型之一。
Leave you. So of final outcome, to you, to me, would be the best choice. 离开你。这样的结局,对你,对我,都将是最好的抉择。
As an important form of management information system, ERP is now the best choice to Chinese enterprises. ERP作为信息化管理的一个重要发展阶段,是目前阶段我国企业的首选。
After considering my interests and talents I feel that science or engineering might be the best choice for my career. 鉴于我的乐趣所致我感受到理科或者工科是我未来职业的最好选择。
The best choice for a sustainable, affordable, clean, available form of energy is nuclear ". " 能获得的可持续的、廉价的、清洁的能源的最佳选择是核能。
When an experiment has prior on important order of the factors, the GMC design is the best choice compared with any other optimal ones. 当对因子重要性有先验认识的前提下,相比于其它的最优设计,GMC设计是最好的选择。
Maybe it is the best choice to leave you at the present. I do not expect understanding from others, let alone forgiveness. 现在,或许最好的办法就是离开你…我已经不指望别人能理解,更不奢望得到原谅…。
Efficient service, the company experienced staff is absolutely the best choice for you. 高效服务,公司员工经验丰富绝对是你的最佳选择。
Innovative products, good publicity, the company is a corporate image and product marketing, promotional gifts to promote the best choice. 产品新颖,宣传效果好,是公司树立企业形象及产品促销,推广宣传赠品的最佳选择。
Torres: never mind, I do not deny that he is a good manager, But he might not be the best choice for me. 托雷斯:不要担心,我不否认他是个好教练,但我觉得继续留在他帐下不是最明智的选择。
Finally the sentence "Beautiful lady is a disaster . " was the best choice to do with all the problems. 最终一句“红颜祸水”就成为了解决一切问题的最佳选择。
If you need to see color and detail then likely the best choice is the dimmest white light for the shortest amount of time. 如果你需要看彩色及细节,用很暗的白光,并且尽可能缩短时间。
In my mind, XML is not always the best choice for data representation -- not even in many of those cases where it seems obvious. 对我而言,XML并不总是数据表示的最佳选择―甚至在那些看上去它明显很适合的情况下。
ASP is simple to install , easy to operate , while the advantages of strong second development is the best choice to users . ASP具有安装简单、操作方便、同时可二次开发性强等优点,是使用者最佳的选择。