this game

  • 网络这一局;这一次比赛

this gamethis game

this game


SLIVER ... l win,you lose.|我赢,你输 This game.|这一局 lt's an unlucky apartment building.|这是个不祥的公寓 ...


高手帮我翻译一下吧谢谢... ... (5)我会更加勇敢地面对人生! I will be more courageous to face life! (1)这一次比赛 this game ...

But the unit has lots of potential growth products and quite a few financial sponsors will be keen to be part of this game. 但该项业务拥有许多潜在增长性产品,相当多的出资方将乐于参与其中。
In this game you drive a fast car along the circuit trying to beat a very smart adversary . 在这个游戏中你驾驶汽车沿高速电路试图殴打一名非常聪明的对手。
This game intends to put you into the hot-seat of an air traffic controller. AirTrafficController这个游戏旨于将你放置到飞机交通控制器的位置上。
Shut down, it's just such a shame --- i'm losing at this game, no fair --- why don't you seem to care? 你关上了门,羞耻迎面掷地---我在博戏中迷失,不见公平---为何你,竟似了无分毫在意?
Small but good comrades, at least gained brother so that there is no small can seriously I would not touch this game. 小可是好同志,至少虎子哥这么认为,没有小可我就不会认真接触这款游戏。
What is the solution to this game of subordination to creators who do not know enough to guide any creation home and are really false gods? 什么是这场服从不足够知道指导任一造物回家、且确实是虚假神的造物者的游戏的解决方案?
The iPhone's position isn't unassailable, Turner argued. "We're back in the game, " he said. "And this game is not over. " iPhone的地位并不是牢不可破的,Turner争辩道,“我们回到这场游戏中来了”他说,“并且游戏还远没结束。”
"Shefollows me up and down the country so, knowing her, she would've had aright go at me for not playing this game, " he said. 她和我一起四处奔波,为了她我可以不踢比赛,也可以做任何事。
I feel very excited and a little bit of pressure for this game as well. 我感到很兴奋,一点点的压力,这场比赛也。
"We knew that if we won this game we'd get at least two more matches in the semis so it's always good to progress, " he said. “我们知道如果我们赢下这场球我们就至少还有2场比赛的表现机会,所以晋级太好了,”他说。
With over 10 million players currently, and growing, it's easy to see how this game impacted gaming. 因为目前它有着超过10万的玩家,并且越来越多,很轻易就看到这个游戏是如何影响游娱乐业的。
Then I got the game winner, in fact, this game means a lot for me, If I had not winning in the game, I might not stick with it. 这个比赛后来我得了冠军,这个比赛对我来讲其实意义很大,如果当初我在比赛中没有得奖,我可能就不会坚持下去。
If I have to analyse this game, then I say Palermo had three shots on goal and Gigi Buffon did not make a single save. 如果我必须对这场比赛做出解析,那么我想说的是巴勒莫仅仅三次射正球门,而吉吉-布冯一个也没有扑出。
It was just too much for me to handle or control. God knows what would have happened to my family if I'd stayed away from this game. 这已经超出我自己的控制了,上帝才会知道如果我不参赛的话我的家人会发生什么。
He get in junior high and we play this game where I give him a real simple word and he got to come up with a fancy one like it. 上初中的时候我们喜欢玩一种游戏,我给他一个简单的词,让他提出一个相近的词。
The stuff that he had to go through opened the door for all minorities to be able to play this game. 他克服重重障碍,为一切少数民族能够参加棒球赛打开了大门。
Don't you know that this game is to play Just as long as it's time Can't you see that my heart's gotta know When you're gonna be mine ? 难道你不知道人生本如戏行乐须及时?难道你没发现我内心想要知道你何时将属于我?。
How much do you really know about your best friend, roommate, girlfriend, boyfriend, lover, spouse, etc. ? This game will tell you! 多少钱你真的了解你最好的朋友,室友,女朋友,男朋友,情人,配偶等?此游戏会告诉你!
We have no right to win this game. Batter is MVP of this game! ! Got to love the big shots he has taken. 我们没有权利去赢得这场比赛,巴蒂尔是这场比赛的MVP,真的非常的喜欢他那些伟大的投篮。
Xiaowu is an undergraduate, also be network game " demon animal world " player, play this game already a year superabundant . 小吴是大学生,也是网络游戏“魔兽世界”的玩家,玩这个游戏已一年有余。
"To be honest, I've never seen anything like the interest there has been for this game, " he said. 老实说,我从来没有见过这样有趣的比赛。
Now the secret to this game is, no matter what happens, never, never take your eye off the ball. 现在我来告诉你这个玩意的诀窍,无论发生什么,永远永远不要把你的眼睛从乒乓球上移开。
I did not think he would be able to move. I figured, that long of a layoff in this game? 我没想到他能够自如地移动,我以为这么长时间没有打球,他的球技会生疏。
The standardization of workflow behavior and interoperability is late to this game, trying to standardize everything all at once. 工作流行为和互操作性的标准化试图一次性让所有方面标准化,但对于整个过程来说已经晚了。
How much do you spend on this game expect the access fee? 你每个月花在这个游戏上多少钱,不算上网费?
Not to be proud of rabbit and the tortoise looked down on this game, but the game as a pastime, some good turtle ridiculed. 骄傲的小白兔并不把与乌龟的这场比赛放在眼里,而把这场比赛当作消遣,好好奚落乌龟一番。
That's what I notice so far, big difference for me and good job from Bethesda and supporting this game a year after it has been released. 那我到现在为止注意的,大的不同为我和来自毕士大的好工作而且在它之后支援这游戏年已经被释放。
I do not know how China views these things, but if someone in Finland play this game, then it would be their last business trip. 我不知道中国怎样看待这些事情,但如果有人在芬兰玩这个游戏,那么这就会是他们的最后一次商务旅行。
Did not dare challenge his natural inertia, then this game is definitely the perfect choice for your virtual! 不敢让自己挑战自然惯性,那么这游戏绝对是你虚拟的绝佳选择!
You can use this game as a starting point for your own game and build it out however you please. 您可以使用这个游戏作为您自己游戏的一个起点,并按照自己的意愿来打造游戏。