
美 [doʊ]英 [dəʊ]
  • v.做;进行;完成;做出
  • auxv.用于实义动词前构成否定句和疑问句;构成附加疑问句
  • n.社交聚会;社交活动

复数:dos 第三人称单数:does 现在分词:doing 过去式:did 过去分词:done

do work,do job,do thing,do business,do everything
neither do,probably do,do well,apparently do,do away



1.[t]~ sth做,干,办(某事)used to refer to actions that you do not mention by name or do not know about


2.[i](以某种方式)做,行动,表现to act or behave in the way mentioned


3.[i]+ adv./prep.(问询或谈论时用)进展,进行used to ask or talk about the success or progress of sb/sth


4.[t]~ sth从事(工作);进行(活动);执行(任务)to work at or perform an activity or a task

5.[t]~ sth(与名词连用,表示打扫、清洗、整理等)used with nouns to talk about tasks such as cleaning, washing, arranging, etc.

6.[t]做,从事(熨烫、烹调、购物、演戏、写作等)to perform the activity or task mentioned


7.[t]~ sth从事(职业)to work at sth as a job


8.[t]~ sth学习;攻读;研究to learn or study sth


9.[t]~ sth解答;解决to find the answer to sth; to solve sth


10.[t]做出;制作to produce or make sth


11.[t]~ sth演出,编排(戏剧、歌剧等)to perform or produce a play, an opera , etc.

仿效copy sb

12.[t]~ sb/sth仿效,模仿,扮演(尤为逗乐)to copy sb's behaviour or the way sb speaks, sings, etc., especially in order to make people laugh


13.[i][t]完成;做完to finish sth


14.[t]~ sth走过,旅行过(一段路程)to travel a particular distance

15.[t]~ sth走完,完成(旅程)to complete a journey/trip


16.[t]~ sth以…速度行进;达到…速度to travel at or reach a particular speed


17.[t](informal)~ sth参观;游览;在…观光to visit a place as a tourist

度过spend time

18.[t]~ sth度过(一段时间)to spend a period of time doing sth

处理deal with

19.[t]~ sb/sth处理;照料to deal with or attend to sb/sth

适合;足够be suitable/enough

20.[i][t]适合;足够to be suitable or be enough for sb/sth


21.[t]~ sth烹制;煮;烧;煎to cook sth


22.[t][usupass](informal)~ sb欺骗to cheat sb


23.[t](informal)~ sb (for sth)惩罚;处罚to punish sb


24.[t](informal)~ sth(从某地方)盗窃;抢劫(某地方)to steal from a place

吸毒take drugs

25.[t](informal)~ sth吸(毒)to take an illegal drug


大多数含 do 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 do a bunk 在词条 bunk 下。Most idioms containingdo are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for exampledo a bunk is atbunk .

be/have to do with sb/sth

关于;与…有关系(或有联系)to be about or connected with sb/sth

have (got) something, nothing, a lot, etc. to do with sb/sth

与…有些(毫无、有很大等)关系used to talk about how much sb/sth is connected with sb/sth

it wont do

(表示情况不令人满意、需要改变或改进)那不行,这不合适used to say that a situation is not acceptable and should be changed or improved

not do anything/a lot/much for sb

并不使某人漂亮一些╱很多used to say that sth does not make sb look attractive

nothing doing

(拒绝请求)不行,办不到used to refuse a request

no you dont

不,你办不到;不,我不许你这样做;你敢used to show that you intend to stop sb from doing sth that they were going to do

that does it

(表示不愿再接受)行了,得了,够了used to show that you will not accept sth any longer

thats done it

这下可糟了;这下可完了used to say that an accident, a mistake, etc. has spoiled or ruined sth

that will do

(制止行动或说话)行啦,够啦used to order sb to stop doing or saying sth

what do you do for sth?

你是怎么设法获得…的used to ask how sb manages to obtain the thing mentioned

what is sb/sth doing…?

为什么在…地方used to ask why sb/sth is in the place mentioned

If you do not, the report displays the row number at the beginning of every group. 如果不这样做,报告就会在每个组的开头处显示行数。
'Mr. Mendoza was not just a wild-card crazy man, ' said Mr. Fink. 'In a society without recourse for justice, people will do crazy things. ' 芬克说,门德萨不仅仅是一个不按常理出牌的疯子;在一个无法寄望于司法的社会,人们就会做出疯狂的事。
You may have to do a presentation to a small management team, and I would help you to make that happen. 您可能需要做一个介绍一个小的管理团队,我会帮你做到这一点。
Do not know where's a wind, so that even such a mainstream non-mainstream. 不知道哪来的一股风,让非主流竟如此主流。
It's not up to her to do that anyway. And she was only really stating the obvious. 因为不管怎样,这还轮不到她来决定,而她也不过是在陈述一个显而易见的事实。
Without a logical articulation which does not bring in any prejudice about what is to be wished for the subject, what do you know about it? 假如主体所被期望的需要,没有这个不属于任何偏见的逻辑表达,你们要如何能够知道呢??
"The only thing worth fighting for is family, and I'm going to do everything and anything I can to end this. " Lincoln says. 林肯说:“只有家人才值得我为之奋斗,我要把一切做个了断。”
He said he would do me a favor. 他说他愿意帮助我。
'Sadly, last week they actually did break up, ' said Graham. 'It had nothing to do with getting pushed off the rope swing. ' 上周他们分手了,我们都觉得很难过,不过这跟克雷顿推杰西卡下悬崖玩秋千那件事儿没关系。
No matter what he decides to do with it, it will always be good for my son to have Chinese in his back pocket. 无论他决定以后做的事是否与此有关,对我儿子来说,懂得中文总是有好处的。
It was, he said, "the right thing to do" . 他说,这才是正确的事。
As mentioned earlier, do not skimp on acceptance criteria, or be ready to pay the price of rework. 正如之前提到的,不要跳过验收标准,或者准备好返工的代价。
For, just as each nation is wont to reckon by that monetary standard with which it is most familiar, so must we do in other matters. 因为,正象每一个民族都被用最为熟悉的肤色标准估算,因此我们必须采取另外的做法。
And one of the ways they wanted to do it was to put a tracking chip inside one of these humpback whales. 他们想阻止这一切。途径之一就是在这些座头鲸之一身上植入追踪芯片。
A game on the face of it doesn't seem to do a lot, but the key gameplay fixes and changes create a domino effect on the rest of the product. 这是一个表面上不需要做很多改动的版本,但关键的修复和改进会产生多米诺效应。
When companies discount an average-risk project, they do not use the company cost of capital as we have computed it. 当公司要贴现一个具有平均风险的项目的时候,它们并不会运用我们已经计算出来的公司资本成本。
Do you guys have some sort of computer image where I can see a before look of me to an after look on how I'm gonna look after my surgery? 你们是否有一定的计算机图像的排序,在那里我可以看到我看看前一个后,我要去看看我的手术后如何看?
"They said, 'How much do you want: $10 billion, $20 billion? ' It was unbelievable. " “他们问说,你要多少?一百亿?两百亿?真不可思议!”
Maybe it's going to get uncomfortable. How do we open it up, to really be able to have a conversation? 也是这会使我们感到不舒服。我们怎样才能畅谈一番,真正的进行一次对话?
He was very clear with me, it was clear what he wanted to do with the team, and my role in the team, so we had a good conversation. 他对我的情况非常了解,而且对于我今后在球队中的角色等也都很明确,我们进行了很棒的交流。
Beijing Branch of the body should be . I do not know whether the foreign sales. 你可以试试。北京体科所应当有。不知能否对外出售。
Most Wiccans do not ask the God or Goddess energy to leave unless the ritual calls for the departure of these spiritual energies. 除非仪式要求这些精神上能量的离开,大部份的Wiccans不会要求上帝或者女神的能量要离开。
But, knowing what is human oil Juetu told me three, if you do not know, you should not to ask, continues to look. 不过,知道什么是人油就跟我狂吐三下,不知道的也别问,继续看吧。
Their doings do not permit them To turn to their God; For a spirit of harlotries is within them, And they do not know Jehovah. 他们所行的不容他们归向神;因有淫乱的灵在他们里面,他们也不认识耶和华。
When he was living on the island, he made a number of their own simply can not do normal things, the completion of his childhood dream. 当他流落到荒岛的时候,他做了一些自己平时根本做不到的事,完成了他从小的梦。
Next time you're getting ready to jog but don't feel 100 percent eager to do it, why not go out for a skip instead? 下次你准备去慢跑时,不要觉得非这项锻炼不可,为什么不改在室外跳绳呢?
How much of your list did you actually do? 你的任务清单到底完成了多少
I do not like the name Jesus much, for it has become so caught up with a distorted version of what I stand for. 我不太喜欢耶稣这个名字,因为它紧跟着一个我形象的扭曲版本。
I do not know how you think, perhaps you will say I am silly, talk about my unreasoning passion. 我不知道你怎样想,或许你会说我傻,说我痴情。
patients and their families lack of understanding of schizophrenia, relapse prevention of drug adherence do not know the importance. 患者及家属对精神分裂症的认识不足,对坚持服药预防精神病复发的重要性认识不深。