
美 [dreɪn]英 [dreɪn]
  • n.消耗;下水道;排水管;耗竭
  • v.排空;流出;(使)流光;放干
  • 网络漏极;排水沟;耗尽

第三人称单数:drains 现在分词:draining 过去式:drained

drain Economy


v. n.

1.[t][i]~ (sth)排空;(使)流光;放干to make sth empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it; to become empty or dry in this way

2.[t][i](使)流走,流出to make liquid flow away from sth; to flow away

3.[t]~ sth喝光;喝干to empty a cup or glass by drinking everything in it

4.[t]使(精力、金钱等)耗尽to make sb/sth weaker, poorer, etc. by using up their/its strength, money, etc.


通道的极性与其漏极drain)与源极相同,假设漏极和源极是n-type,那么通道也会是n-type。通道形成后,MOSFET即可让 …


关于汽车专业的英语单词_百度知道 ... drag 阻力,阻碍物;牵引 drain 排出,排水 drainage 排水系统 ...


阿拉伯语手册6 - nizi73224的日志 - 网易博客 ... 风车 windmill 排水沟 drain 水轮 water wheel ...


基本英语的 850 个单词 - 豆丁网 ... door 门, drain 排水管, drawer 抽屉, ...


石油钻井词汇 - spaceboy77的日志 - 网易博客 ... downhole tools 井下工具 drain 消耗,耗尽 dump data 回放数据 ...


一段情 两颗❤ 三个字 。 ... 370. dominate v. 支配 371. drain v. 排走;耗尽 373. exaggerate v. 夸大 ...


关于家务活的英语单词_百度知道 ... doorstep 台阶 drain 下水道 drain-pipe 排水管 ...


关于汽车专业的英语单词_百度知道 ... drag 阻力,阻碍物;牵引 drain 排出,排水 drainage 排水系统 ...

The speed of the reflex seems to favor the first theory, as it happens much too quickly for tears to be generated and drain into the nose. 该反射速度似乎有利于第一种理论,因为它发生的眼泪过于迅速生成并于鼻漏。
No matter how much 'control' he exerts on himself, he's just going to drain away his account in a controlled manner. 无论那些人怎么控制他自己,他也只会是稳稳地把钱都亏出去。
Either of two large veins that drain blood from the upper body and from the lower body and empty into the right atrium of the heart. 腔静脉把血从身体的上部和下部抽光然后流入心脏的右心房的两支大静脉之一
One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. 其中一个每天都可以坐在自己的床上一小时来帮助排空肺里的积水。
His wife's illness has been a great drain on his income. 他妻子的病要用去他的大部分收入。
The lamb was allowed to sit up in hissed for an hour a day to drain the fluids from his lungs. 小羊每天可以从床上坐起来一个小时,用来排出他肺里的液体。
In the case of a pit drain, ensure an adequate air gap exists between the bottom of the drain line and the bottom of the pit. 在坑内排放时,请确保在排放管线和坑底部之间有适当的气隙存在。
The victim was still alive at this point and remained so as firefighters used a tow truck to pull him from the drain. 然这时候的他还活着并没有死,于是消防队员就用拖车将他从雨水道里拉了出来。
It's incredibly addictive, and you'll notice your phone battery quickly drain as you spend hours trying to conquer each level. 这游戏极其令人上瘾,你会发现自己的手机电池很快耗光在征服每个关卡所花的时间上。
He hitched one end of a rope around the drain pipe and the other one around his waist, then climbed down the building. 他把绳子的一头拴在下水管上,另一头拴在他的腰上,借助绳子爬下了楼。
For Ford, its failed attempt to build a European-led range of premier marques has been a drain of both cash and management time. 福特企图建立欧洲高级车型的失败耗尽了它的资金和管理层精力。
I never have enough of the soap dishes that drain (I don't like the plate types), and I "discovered" this by accident. 底部可以控水的肥皂盒我从不嫌多(而我不喜欢那种碟子状的)。
"Look at my frog! " said Avery, placing the frog on the drain board and holding out his hand for pie. “看看我的青蛙吧。”艾弗利说,把青蛙放在滴水板上,伸出手去拿蓝莓派。
Neptune retrograde may have created a bit of a financial drain, or some unforeseen expenses. 海王星逆行已经创造了个一段金融漏管,或一些不可预见的花费。
When the Kelveys were well out of sight of Burnells', they sat down to rest on a big red drain-pipe by the side of the road. 凯尔维姐妹俩一直跑到看不见耐尔家才停了下来,她们跌坐在路边红色的大水管上休息着。
The potions both Snape and Hermione made Vanish must have ended up in a drain or other disposal location then. 斯内普和赫敏消失的魔药肯定被倒在排水沟里或别的处理它的地方。
An excrement outlet at the bottom of the close stool is connected with a toilet drain tube through the siphon tube. 坐便器底部的排便口通过虹吸软管与卫生间排污管连接。
After turning off the engine, wait for at least 5 minutes for the oil to drain back into the bottom of the engine. 在发动机熄火后,为了让机油流回发动机底部,至少要等5分钟。
Rubber hoses will not be used to connect a hot system with a cold system or to drain hot liquids from any system. 橡皮软管不能用于冷系统和热系统之间的连接或从任一系统排放热液体。
During pregnancy the extra estrogen in your system is responsible for less strands ending up in your brush and down the shower drain. 怀孕期间身体系统内多余的雌激素保证你每天梳子上和洗漱池里面掉少量的头发。
Hackett was prepared to pour the batch down the drain if it tasted awful. 如果味道糟糕的话,哈科特准备倒掉这批酒。
He said "our banking system is going to lose hundreds of billions of dollars" and taxpayer money was "going down the drain" . 他说:不仅“我们的银行体系将要损失数以千亿的美元”,而且纳税人的钱也会付诸东流。
For a while it was such a drain on News Corporation that the parent company came close to bankruptcy. 但是成立不久它就快耗尽了新闻集团的财力,它的母公司濒临破产。
If you're a mobile warrior, and you want to run around with a notebook, it's going to be a terrible drain on batteries. 如果你是一个“移动的战士”,而且你想要带着一台笔记本到处跑,这将会对电池是个巨大的损耗。
Then the water on the side of the road went down into a big drain, and the boat did, too. 这时路旁的水往下流进一个大排水管里,这艘船也跟着驶进去。
The trouble with trying to maintain an old car is that you're always pouring money down the drain to keep it roadworthy. 试图维修这辆旧车的困难在于,总要花大本钱才能使它开得动。
Let's dry in a hot towel and let all that water drain out of the tub. 用热毛巾把自己擦干净,然后放掉浴缸中的水。
the other half, it landed him in solitary. Warden Norton's "grain & drain" vacation. Bread, water, and all the privacy you could want. “另一半情况,他则会被关禁闭――典狱长诺顿的“吃饱与消耗”休假。面包、水,所有独处(禁闭)用的必需品。”
Can be part of the migrant workers back to farming, but many have no way of the drain, must be rehoused in other ways. 部分民工可回乡务农,但不少却已是无地的外流人员,必须以其它方法安置。
The drain bottle holder is provided behind the front panel for easy to check the drain water level. 前面门内面设置了透明排水塑料桶,便于观察水位。