
美 [ˈdɑkjəmənt]英 [ˈdɒkjʊmənt]
  • n.文件;【计】(电脑)文件
  • v.记录;证明
  • 网络文档;文献;公文

复数:documents 现在分词:documenting 过去式:documented

original document,official document,same document,relevant document,important document
sign document,scan document,check document,copy document,prepare document


n. v.

1.文件;公文;文献;证件an official paper or book that gives information about sth, or that can be used as evidence or proof of sth

2.(计算机)文档,文件a computer file that contains text that has a name that identifies it


全球汽配OE资讯网,汽配出口推广专家 ... 8. 市场( Market) 9. 文件( Document) 1. 商品检验( Commodity Inspection) ...


文档document)节点的 nodeName 永远是 #documentnodeType 属性可返回节点元素的类型。


文字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 文物〖 culturalrelic;culturaltreasures〗 文献document;literature〗 文秀〖 gentleandpretty〗 ...


帖字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 典押〖 mortgage〗 官府文书,公文document〗 证券;单据;凭证〖 security〗 ...


SAP字典 - MBA智库文档 ... dock 到货地 document 单据 SAP document key 文档码 ...


获取文档对象(document)所属的窗口对象(window).dojo.window.scrollIntoView() 将结点滚动到可见范围内,类似于node.scrollIn…


英语托业考试词汇大全(WORD版)_百度文库 ... commuter 通勤者 6. document 文件,证件 6. conveyance 运输;交通工具 2 [ …


...面向全文检索的优化在于首次索引检索后,并不把所有的记录Document)具体内容读取出来,而起只将所有结果中匹配度 …

Similarly, the application should not attempt to advance after the reader transitions to its final state -- END_DOCUMENT. 同样地,当读取器转换到最终状态END_DOCUMENT之后,应用程序也不应再移动它。
Case we do not , we will have to pay very high fines due to lack of original document or just be unable to clear materials from customs. 否则,我们将由于不能提供正本文件而必须支付高额罚款,或者无法从海关提走样品。
As you would expect, new versions of these open source word processors usually tweak the document format a bit. 如您所料,这些开放源代码字处理程序的新版本通常会稍微改变一下文档格式。
Due to the late distribution of the document, we, like many other Board members, still need more time for an in-depth study of it. 由于该文件散发较晚,像许多理事会成员一样,我们还需要更多时间对其进行深入研究。
For a complex exchange, it may also be useful to create a typical sample that contains what is likely to be included in any given document. 对于复杂的交换,创建一个典型样例也是很有用的,其中包含任何给定文档可能包含的内容。
At this point, you re ready to go back into the Java world and document and annotate everything. 现在,您也许已经准备回到Java世界为所有的事物编写文档和注释了。
He had been so obsessed with the mystery of the R Document that love was the last thing on his mind. 可是他的思绪被神秘的代号R密件缠住了,根本不想与妻子温存。
He said : "I suggest that customers were all down in the network account passwords property planning document. " 他说:“我建议客户,把网络帐号的密码统统抄录在财产规划文件里。”
The last time I misunderstood you, as a result I did not submit the document that was meant to be submitted to you. 上次是我误解了您的意思,导致了我没有提交该提交给你的文件!
It seemed as though we would be unable to say anything that had not already been said and then we ran across this document. 它像是好像我们会是不能说的任何事不已经被说然後我们跑过这份文件。
Entity so far has been an internal entity; the document can stand on its own and has no dependencies on other documents. 实体还是内部实体;文档可以保持其独立性,并且不依赖于其它文档。
It believed that in the form of the document that was going to be produced now, they would be able to identify ingredients of synthesis. 该代表团相信,在即将产生的新形式的文件中,他们可以发现能够综合起来的因素。
The innocent user is merely trying to rename his document, and he finds himself lost in operating system arcana. 这位无辜的使用者只不过想重新命名其文档,但发现自己在操作系统这个神秘岛中迷失了。
Prague is expected to issue a statement on the matter after receiving a formal document from Washington later on Thursday. 布拉格预计周四晚些时候从华盛顿得到正式文件后,将就此事发表声明。
The next morning she awoke "on a bed, completely nude, with no memory of how she had been undressed" , the document says. 次日清晨她醒来的时候,报告上说,“她一丝不挂地躺在床上,而且完全不记得自己是怎么被脱掉了衣服。”
One of the goals of RDFa is to allow portions of a document to be self-contained with respect to metadata. RDFa的目的之一就是让文档的各个部分从元数据的角度看是自包含的。
As the name suggests, digital signatures are the digital counterpart to the traditional, legal signature on a paper document. 顾名思义,数字签名是书面文档中具有法律意义的传统签名的数字形式。
At the beginning of this year Abu Dhabi followed suit with a 2030 vision document of its own. 今年年初,阿布扎比也出台了它自己的2030年经济愿景文件。
Great care must be taken to see that this legal document is made out in the proper way. 棒的谨慎一定被采取见到这一个法律文件以适合的方式被了解。
However, being aware of your document needs now can position you to best take advantage of this technology when it becomes widely available. 但是,现在知道了对文档的需求可以使您在这种技术广泛可用时,最大程度地利用这种技术。
What's more, these services align with the format of Lotus Quickr REST-based document services, making them easy to understand and use. 此外,这些服务还与LotusQuickr基于REST的文档服务的格式一致,很容易理解和使用。
Select the type of brackets that you want for the referenced entries shown within the body of the document. 选择希望显示在文档里的引用条目的方括号类型。
To apply for supply of information on the Business Register, applicant must be able to pay the document fees payable over the Internet. 至于申请商业登记册内的资料,申请人必须能够透过互联网支付需要缴交的文件费用。
When working with a text document, the window was best made thin and narrow to make it easy to scroll up and down the text. 当处理一个文本文档时,又细又长的窗口是最佳的,因为这样便于上下滚动文本。
When such a transport document is issued in several originals, a full set of originals must be presented to the buyer. 如此运输单据有数份正本,则应向买方提供全套正本。
The pattern should make it easy for you to make design decisions and to document the decisions made around the cache and policies. 模式应该能够帮助简化决策过程,并指导记录有关缓存和策略的决策。
This is just a simple XML document, but Abdera enables you to represent it as an object (see Listing 2). 这只是一个简单的XML文档,但是Abdera使您能够将它表示为一个对象(如清单2所示)。
The document properties cannot be saved. The document may not be checked -out to you, it may be in use, or the server may be unavailable. 无法保存文档属性。该文档可能不是由您签出的,也可能文档正在使用,或者服务器当前不可用。
The effect would be that users would be able to fill in the form, but not to make any other changes to the document. 这个效果将会是用户将能够填写窗体,但不能对文档进行任何其他更改。
As you can probably see, the document handler manager bean is not directly linked to any bean, though it should be linked to the template. 您可能会看到,虽然文档处理程序管理器Bean应链接到模板,但是它并未直接链接到任何Bean。