
美 [drɪl]英 [drɪl]
  • v.钻孔;训练;练习;条播
  • n.演习;电钻;练习;条播作物
  • 网络操练;钻头;斜纹布

复数:drills 现在分词:drilling 过去式:drilled

drill hole,drill cost,rig drill,drill bit
pneumatic drill
drill well


n. v.

1.[c]钻;钻头;钻床;钻机a tool or machine with a pointed end for making holes

3.[c][u](应对紧急情况的)演习a practice of what to do in an emergency, for example if there is a fire

4.[u]军事训练;操练military training in marching, the use of weapons, etc.

5.[sing]正确的步骤;常规;程序the correct or usual way to do sth


钻字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 钻井〖 welldrilling〗 钻孔drill〗 钻谋〖 usepulltogetwhatonewants〗 ...




假面骑士Fourze_百度百科 ... 弹药发射器 Launcher 钻头 Drill 雷达 Radar ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... dress n. 女服,连衣裙;(统指)服装;童装 drill n. 钻头;(反复的)训练 drink n. 饮料;喝酒 ...


服装面料英语 - 银鱼的日志 - 网易博客 ... 牛津布 oxford 斜纹布 drill 线卡 ply-yarn drill ...


英语选修7单词表 - 豆丁网 ... Abigail n. 阿比盖尔(女名) drill vi. & vt. 钻(孔) n.钻;钻机 oilfield n. 油田 △ ...


小学英语牛津词汇表(带音标) - 豆丁网 ... cold 寒冷的 drill 钻孔机 feel 感觉 ...

And returns to the surface in the space between the drill pipe and the wall of the borehole. 然后通过钻杆和钻孔壁之间的间隙返回至地表。
"The drill hole is just a pinprick on an elephant's back, " he said. “钻井对于整个岩浆体来说只不过是大象背上的一个小针孔。”马施说。
I am not sure if it is a problem. But it was one of the reasons we came up with the kick drill for butterfly. 这是一个普遍现象,我搞不清这算不算毛病,但这正是我们设计这项练习的一个原因。
Taking an old standard drill like single arm, and turning it in to a set, can force swimmers to think and discover. 以一个旧标准的单臂演习,并约定俗成,能强迫游泳者去思考和探索。
But the lure of a bit of political gain, it turns out, was all it took to transform him back into a standard drill-and-burn Republican. 但是事实证明,只要有一丁点政治利益的引诱,他就会转变成一位典型的赞同“不停钻探,不停燃烧”(drill-and-burn)的共和党人。
56 another drill that we did was just throw the ball half the glass, or either side, and i try to get it, with somebody holding me back. 还有一种练习就是把球扔到篮板的一半处,或者篮板的两边,有人在我前面卡位,然后我去抢篮板。
At our kid's park, the children seem to be is very happy to them in the activity on the drill ground. 在我们幼儿园,孩子们似乎对他们在操场上的活动很开心。
You could drill down into each local process and print it out as well, but then you lose the high-level view. 您可以展开到每个局部流程,并将其也打印出来,但是这样将会失去高级视图。
On top of all that, there will be school concerts, community activities, work parties, gift wrapping. . . well, you know the drill. 其中比较重要的就睡校园音乐剧、社区活动、公司派对、礼品包装等等,好吧,其实这些狂欢活动你也都清楚。
It may have been a drill, but the symbolism was not lost on the throng of Filipino journalists on the beach for the occasion. 这或许是一次军事演习,但当时在岸上的一群菲律宾记者预示了背后潜藏的象征意义。
The measured length of each joint of drill pipe or tubing is added to provide a total depth or measurement to the point of interest. 每节钻杆或油管的测量长度相加可提供至所研究位置的总深度。
When he had things arranged on the table, he pulled the drill toward the dental chair and sat down to polish the false teeth. 等到把这些东西在桌上摆好了,他把钻床拖到牙科手术椅旁边,坐在椅子上开始磨假牙。
In a drill-through definition, these parameters can be defined as part of the hyperlink (just as in HTTP GET requests). 在穿透钻取定义中,这些参数可被定义为超级链接的一部分(就像在HTTPGET请求中一样)。
'It's the age-old problem that the more you drill down in to a simple subject, the more you realise that it's really not simple at all. ' 这是个老生常谈的问题了,你越深究于一件简单的事物你就会越来越意识到它其实一点也不简单。
Vice hoist for the replacement of the drill pipe or other tools and put sand core tube can also be used for flushing operations. 副卷扬机用于更换钻杆或其他取芯工具及提砂筒,也可用于洗井作业。
It was only after she took the time to drill down into her business that she began to find the people that she wanted to help. 只有在她花时间钻研了自己这事儿以后才开始找到这群她想要帮助的人。
There were only a few classes who were a bit noisy but that was a drill for Code Red, great job! 只有一部分的班级有点吵,但全是因为红色警报了惹的祸!
Most woodworking projects require you to bore holes of some sort and a drill is the only tool for this job. 大多数木作需要在木头上钻某种孔,钻是完成这类工作的唯一选择。
There was a drill head in a hole when the nut is drilling, so we are thinking how to get out of it. 因为有一个螺母在钻油孔的时候,有一个孔钻头断在里面了,现在正在想办法去出来。
Until recently, scientists have been unable to devise a drill which would be capable of cutting through hard rock at great depths. 科学家至今仍未能发明一种能够很深地钻入硬石头的钻孔机。
How much money did we borrow from China to have this for show drill? 我们又从中国那里借了多少钱,来搞这个花拳绣腿的军演?
Assemble Drill To break through the first layer of crust, the crew deploys a steel pipe with an 11-inch-wide drill bit at the bottom. 为了突破第一层地壳,船员们使用底部装有11英寸宽的钻头的钢管。
He seemed not to be thinking about what he was doing, but worked steadily, pumping the drill with his feet, even when he didn't need it. 他似乎没考虑自己在做什么,只是不停地干活,用脚送气,气动控制牙钻,即使不需要踩的时候脚也没闲着。
This year, a huge circular bore is to be lowered into a layer of sand deep beneath the city, where it will drill a tunnel to link them. 今年,就要在城市地下深处的砂层打通一个巨大的圆形隧道,把地铁站连起来。
It seems not only brought a harm, but not a strong drill, if not be touched was injured all over the body? 看来不善钻营带来的只有坏处,但不善钻营而强钻,是否不会被碰得体无完肤?
As he spoke, members of the incoming Obama administration were at the White House for an unprecedented national security drill. 在布什总统讲话的同时,即将就职的奥巴马政府官员在白宫进行前所未有的国家安全演习。
Under-cabinet TVs are easy to mount - all you need is a drill and a screwdriver. 这种电视机很容易安装——你只需要一把和一把冲击钻和螺丝刀即可。
The drill will be conducted as if it were a real emergency. The safety plan will be followed for the procedure. 演习过程按真实紧急情况进行,并且按照安全计划中的响应程序进行。
We found that the fixtures which in laboratory did not meet the requirements of drill the big hole. We had to be careful when drilling. 下午钻大孔时发现实验室的夹具不是很能满足要求,钻的时候得小心操作。
A log similar to a dual induction log but made by an electromagnetic propagation tool built into a drill collar. 与双感应测井类似的一种测井方法,用安装在钻铤中的电磁传播仪进行测量。