


We have already started to hear more about cloud computing and anything cloud-related as the year drew to a close. 随着这一年尾声的接近,我们已经开始听到更多关于云计算以及云相关的事物。
After the great Rape, Vautrin drew on her extensive experience in social work to help rebuild the community. 在南京大屠杀之后,魏特琳利用她丰富的社会工作经验来帮助社会重建。
My fate was otherwise determined ; the busy devil that so industriously drew me in had too fast hold of me to let me go back . 我的命运却注定不是这样;那个拉我走进罪恶之途的殷勤的魔鬼把我抓得太紧,绝不让我回去。
My own choice, I took a sheet of paper and drew a little oval like a conference table and I put seven seats around it. 我拿出一张纸,画了个像办公桌似的椭圆形在上面,然后我在周围画了七个座位。
"I don't think I can eat an entire one, " he said and drew his knife across one of the strips. 「我想我大概没办法吃下一整条,」他说着,顺手又在那一条条的鱼肉上横划过一刀。
M. Madeleine drew from his pocket the paper on which he had pencilled some figures. 马德兰先生从衣袋里把他用铅笔涂了些数字的那张纸拿出来。
then, just as he was turning away, he drew the card out again, and left the empty envelope on the box. 接着,他刚要转身离开,又把名片抽了出来,只留个空信封附在匣子上。
As the days passed and the cold winter drew near, the bird had to leave the tree for a distant place. 日子一天天过去,寒冷的冬天就要来到了。鸟儿必须离开树,飞到很远很远的地方去。
Charlie did not relax; his heart sat up rigidly in his body and he drew confidence from his daughter. 查理并不感到舒畅,内心十分紧张;倒是他女儿给了他信心。
As the day drew to a close, Norwegians continued to pay their tribute to the dead, adding to the carpet of flowers outside the cathedral. 随着时间的接近尾声,挪威人仍然在向死者表达敬意,在教堂前献上鲜花。
He bent his head forward suddenly, and she drew herself to him in the same moment, her lips half open like a flower. 乔治突然往前一探身,琼基尔同时偎向了乔治,她的双唇半张半合,恰似一朵开放的鲜花。
The wind was blowing the autumn decay around the forest, stirring up a symphony of sounds my attention drew increasingly closer to. 秋风吹过衰败的树林,仿佛一曲交响乐,越来越引起我的注意。
The snail crept half out of his shell, stretched out his horns, and drew them in again. 蜗牛爬出了半个壳,伸出触角,又缩了回去。
And did u think of me before u fell so far below the line that u drew up for yourself? 你在狠狠打破自己给自己定的原则时,到底有没有想过我?
Dashing down the rifle, he drew out a dagger and streaked towards the enemy soldier. 他扔下步枪,拔出匕首,向敌兵飞扑过去。
Even through the years of solitary confinement, each man drew comfort from the thought of his nearby comrade. 即使他们被单独监禁多年,“自己的同志就在不远处”这样的想法,总是会让他们得到安慰。
Nancy Drew: I found a tunnel and I'm going in. If I don't come back in 10 minutes, that means something bad has happened. Corky: laughs. 南茜·朱尔:我发现了一条地道,现在就进去。如果我10分钟之内没有回来,就意味着我出事了。考基:真好笑。
John drew plans for a table for his mother, but he did not follow through by making it. 约翰替他母亲设计了好多桌子的式样,但始终没有做出一张。
And his fourth grade teacher did not like it when Walt put faces and arms on the flowers he drew in a picture at school. 而且学校里那位四年级的老师也不喜欢他在画好的花上再添上脸和胳膊。
"If I were her, " he said of Ms. Drew, "I would not be celebrating over the Thanksgiving weekend. " “假如我是她(德鲁女士),这个感恩节周末可没什么值得庆祝的。”阿克曼说。
She stretched out her hand to touch his arm; then she drew herself up in the dark and rubbed her eyes, realising that she was alone. 她伸出手去摸摸他的胳膊,摸了个空,就在黑暗里坐了起来,擦擦眼睛,才知自己只是独个人在那里。
And I drew it out for her. 后来我给她画了幅画。
"I am, " she said, and then she drew a fine distinction that any scholar of kinship structures would appreciate. “我确实是,”她说,然后她做了一个很好的每个学者的结构都会接纳的区分。
It was the kind of place that drew a steady crowd of mercenaries and hoodlums , with the occasional ruffian thrown in for flavor. 这里就是那种会固定吸引一群佣兵和暴力份子的地方,偶尔还会有无赖跑进来插花。
As I drew nearer , the lead wolf raised its head once more but this time let out a loud howl . 正如我走近,带头狼再次抬头,但这次让出一个响亮的嚎叫。
half - an - hour later several members of the reform came in and drew up to the fireplace , where a coal fire was steadily burning. 半小时后,有些改良俱乐部的会员也都进到大客厅里,挨近生着炭火的壁炉。
Reflect deeply to see what initially drew you to this person and why you were so affected. 深刻的反应会让你看清当初是谁把你牵引进来的并且为什么你会如此受影响。
One morning the prince and his dog were out as usual, and in chasing their game they drew near the bank of the Nile River. 一天早晨,王子和他的狗像往常一样出去,追捕猎物时,他们越来越靠近尼罗河。
And under his voice and the command of his shaping hands the rocks drew together, painfully, trying to be whole, to meet. 在他的声音和手势的命令下,石块开始聚拢,艰难地彼此接近结合成一个整体。
She drew back in alarm and asked what was the matter. 唬的忙退出手来,问是怎么了。