
美 [dɔɡ]英 [dɒɡ]
  • v.跟踪;笼罩在…心头;弄得…狼狈不堪;被…困扰
  • n.【动】犬;【动】雄性的犬科动物;常用于形容词后;〈侮辱〉卑鄙的人
  • 网络狗;瘦狗类;猎犬

复数:dogs 现在分词:dogging 过去式:dogged

keep dog,walk dog,train dog,breed dog
mad dog,stray dog,rabid dog,friendly dog,savage dog


n. v.

1.[c]狗;犬an animal with four legs and a tail, often kept as a pet or trained for work, for example hunting or guarding buildings. There are many types of dog , some of which are wild.

4.[c](informal)蹩脚货;失败a thing of low quality; a failure

6.[c](informal)(尤用于形容词后)家伙,小人,无赖used, especially after an adjective, to describe a man who has done sth bad


a dog and pony show

(为公关或促销而举行的)造势活动an event that is planned only in order to impress people so that they will support or buy sth

(a case of) dog eat dog

残酷无情的竞争;损人利己的角逐;相互残杀a situation in business, politics, etc. where there is a lot of competition and people are willing to harm each other in order to succeed

a dog in the manger

占马槽的狗a person who stops other people from enjoying what he or she cannot use or does not want

a dogs breakfast/dinner

乱七八糟;一团糟a thing that has been done badly

a dogs life

悲惨的生活;牛马不如的生活an unhappy life, full of problems or unfair treatment

every dog has his/its day

人人皆有得意时everyone has good luck or success at some point in their life

give a dog a bad name

恶名难洗;名声一毁,万难挽回when a person already has a bad reputation, it is difficult to change it because others will continue to blame or suspect him/her

go to the dogs

败落;大不如前to get into a very bad state

not have a dogs chance

毫无机会;绝无可能to have no chance at all

why keep a dog and bark yourself?

既然有人代劳,何必自己操劳if sb can do a task for you, there is no point in doing it yourself

动漫作品分类索引 - 路游动漫图片壁纸网 ... 工作室 - Atelier - Dogs 怪 - AYAKASHI ...


英语词典 - 豆丁网 ... dividend 红利 dogs 瘦狗类 domestic target marketing strategies 国内目标市场定位的营销战略 ...

《Frien... ... emotional adj. 情绪的, 情感的 dogs n. 狗, , 类似犬的动物, 卑鄙的人, 小人, 坏蛋 beacon n. 烟火, 灯塔v.照亮 ...


博文_HASTY_新浪博客 ... 「Blade&Soul」 剑灵 新职业… DOGS 猎犬 NDS 《风来的西林4》 ...


首页-美国客 全球购-直邮代购海外产品-淘宝网 ... GNC/ 健安喜 Dogs 狗狗 Cats 猫咪 ...


影视合辑其它-5nd音乐网 ... 当幸福来敲门 Degrassi Goes To Hollywood 东京 DOGS 大旗英雄传 Dario Marianelli ...

Instead, it agreed to allow one dog per apartment with adult weights of less than 80 pounds or two dogs weighing up to 30 pounds each. 相反,委员会同意每套公寓养一只成年体重在80磅以下的狗,或两只每只体重不超过30磅的狗。
She decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not to ask her son about the missing money. 她决定不自寻烦恼,问儿子关于丢钱的事。
But when the testers held books, it was only the domestic dogs who avoided the person who appeared to be reading the book. 然而,当测试人员手持书本时,只有那些家养的狗才会避开那个似乎正在读书的人。
They left him in the camp with plenty of food , and with his two dogs, Skeet and Blackie. 他们把他留在营地,备下大量食物和两条狗,斯开特和布莱吉。
She said: 'What he does seem to like is just staring at dogs with that look he's got. 她说:「他喜欢的似乎就是用他那副表情瞪著狗瞧。」
My wife sits up in bed with her tablet in one hand and the other stroking our dogs, while paying her husband scant attention. 我妻子坐在床上时,一手摆弄着手机,另一只手则抚摸着家里的狗狗,对她的老公却是视若无人。
"I'm afraid one of the dogs might be taken away, " she said. 她说:“我真害怕哪天我的其中一只狗被带走。”
Two big, black dogs came into the kitchen after her and ran across to her. She sat down and put her hands on their heads . 两条大黑狗跟在她身后进了厨房,径直跑向她,她坐下来把手放在它们的头上。
This research suggests that at least some of these dogs may have underlying negative emotional states. 这一研究显示:至少有些狗存在着潜藏的消极情绪状态。
Therefore, you have to think of the possibility that this was one of the reasons for domesticating dogs. 因此,你必须考虑这可能是驯化狗只的其中一个原因。
The only restriction currently in place in Shenzhen, he said, is a ban on "vicious dogs. " 他说,现在深圳执行的唯一的限制政策就是禁止养“恶狗”。
This means that Dogs, Engineer, Spies and Tanya can be dropped behind enemy lines in or out of the water for a potentially big sneak attack. 这意味着狗,工程师,间谍和谭雅可以被投放到敌后的陆上或水中,以进行大规模偷袭。
He ordered that whenever he ate, all dogs, those of the palace and those of the city, were to be fed as well. 他下令,每逢他用膳,也要给所有的狗——宫里的和宫外的——喂食。
He said he has had to operate on debarked dogs after excess scar tissue built up in the throat, making it difficult for the dog to breathe. 他说他已经发现做完声带切除手术的狗在喉咙里会产生过多的疤痕组织,使狗狗呼吸变得更加困难。
The dogs sniffed the tubes and sat down in front of those in which they detected lung cancer smells. 狗嗅这些管,然后坐在那些他们检测到肺癌气味的人面前。
But this was 1897, and Buck did not know that men and dogs were hurrying to north-west Canada to look for gold. 然而到了1897年,巴克不知道这一年人们都带着狗蜂涌到加拿大西北部寻找金矿。
Bolio as a producer and match dog was one of the bests stud dogs of al the time. 作为生产者和狗比赛的最好成绩是博利螺柱的基地之一狗的时间。
How glad I was to see one of her dogs lying outside the kitchen door! 当看到厨房的门前躺着凯茜的一条狗,我真是如释重负!
All the other dogs were harnessed and the only empty place was now the one at the front. 所有其它的狗都套好了,现在唯一空出的就是最前边那个位置。
The shepherd dog does not know as much about most things as some other dogs, and yet he understands very well how to take care of sheep. 虽然牧羊犬不懂得基他种狗所懂的绝大部分事物,可是牧羊犬却精通于怎样看护好羊群。
He said the breed would be a " perfect fit for the Obama family" , as the dogs have a " can-do and hopeful spirit" . 他说这种狗将会“非常适合奥巴马家”,因为它们拥有“干劲和乐观精神。”
He had to give up a medical career and his father told him, "You care for nothing but shooting, dogs and rat catching. " 他不得不放弃了做医生的职业。他的父亲对他说:“除了打猎、遛狗、捉老鼠之外,你简直一无是处!”
Seneca asked us to think of ourselves like dogs who have been tied to a chariot driven by an unpredictable driver. 塞内加要求大家将自己视为拴在马车上的一条狗,而驾车的是一位意图难测的驭手。
Ms. Kikuchi, her face still red with excitement, said she was so happy to see the dogs, a bit of good news in an otherwise tragic event. 高野脸上兴奋的红色仍然没有褪去,她说见到爱犬非常高兴,这是不幸中的万幸。
But one of the British agents, a woman, threw the guard dogs off the scent by feeding them potato chips. 但是一名英国女间谍的香水味引起了军犬的注意,她扔了一些土豆片才摆脱了它。
Eventually, they decided it would be best to let sleeping dogs lie and not discuss the matter any further. 最后他们决定最好不要打草惊蛇并且不再进一步讨论这个问题。
As the sound of fight grew nearer, I could tell there were quite a few dogs mixed up in it. 撕咬的声音渐渐靠近了,我能辨出里头混杂着好几只狗。
Dogs' sensitive noses can differentiate between not just a living or deceasedbedbug, but between adults and their eggs as well. 狗灵敏的鼻子,不但能区分活的和死的臭虫,还能区分成年臭虫和它们的卵。
We were all running around coughing and gagging, including the dogs, and trying to figure out what to do with ourselves. 我们和狗狗满屋乱转,又是咳嗽又是想吐,弄不清楚自己到底应该怎么做。
A young hunter who, having inadvertently observed Artemis while she was bathing, was turned by her into a stag and killed by his own dogs. 亚克托安年轻猎人,因无意中见到阿耳忒弥斯沐浴而被她变为牡鹿,并终被他自己的狗群咬死。