
美 [dɑk]英 [dɒk]
  • n.码头;船坞;船埠;港区
  • v.停靠码头;(使航天器在外层空间)对接;扣除(部分工资等)
  • 网络底座;基座;被告席

复数:docks 现在分词:docking 过去式:docked



n. v.

1.[c]船坞;船埠;码头a part of a port where ships are repaired, or where goods are put onto or taken off them

4.[c](法庭的)被告席the part of a court where the person who has been accused of a crime stands or sits during a trial

5.[u]酸模(北欧阔叶野草,可用来揉擦被荨麻刺伤的皮肤以止痛)a wild plant of northern Europe with large thick leaves that can be rubbed on skin that has been stung by nettles to make it less painful


船运外贸术语 - huangqiuyu85的日志 - 网易博客 ... the Pacific Coasts 美国东西岸水路运输 Dock 码头 Quay 码头 ...


船字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 船尾〖 stern〗 船坞dock;shipyard〗 船舷〖 ship’sside〗 ...


•不需另购底座(Dock):减低购买的预算;以及免除底座(Dock) 读取讯号时,因反覆的数位与类比转换过程产生的讯号失真全系 …


软件开发常用名词中英文对照 - Leo Liu - 博客园 ... Doc Relative 与文档相关的 Dock 停靠 dockable 可停靠的 ...


那个基座 (dock) 的成本其实还好, 里面有一颗 DisplayPort/HDMI transcoder, 等同於一个外接萤幕 Sumsung 有一颗solution可以 …


常用英语单词(2)_小颖_新浪博客 ... evidence / 5evidEns/ 证据,证词 dock / dRk/ 被告席 sentence / 5sentEns/ 宣判,判决 ...


一些翻译~(转的~) ... countdown 倒计时 dock (航天器间)对接 Edwards airforce base 爱德华兹空军基地 ...

So it's a bit of a surprise and somewhat of a disappointment that we learn now that it is still sitting on the dock. 因此当我们获悉它还在码头上时颇为惊讶,也有些失望。
Unlike in a normal crown court case, they did not have to sit behind the glass of the dock. Instead they sat behind their barristers. 和一般刑事法庭不同,这次他们没有坐在被告席的玻璃后面,而是躲在他们的律师叔叔后面。
The 30-pin dock connector is one of the worst things Apple has made (the other is "all mice it has ever created" ). 30针的基座接头是水果出品的最次物件之一(史上曾存的所有鼠标是另一次品)。
This weekend, just to see a pair of married couples dock here wedding! 正好是周末,看到结婚的新人一对接一对在这里举行婚礼!
Mr Chirac has said he is ready to appear in the dock and has nothing to hide. 希拉克先生说,他已经准备好上庭,并且没有什么可以隐瞒的。
It was too large to dock at Mombasa, Kenya, but could anchor in deep waters to allow the crew to come ashore in a smaller boat, he said. 因为船太大了,没法进入肯尼亚的蒙巴萨码头停靠,只能锚泊在深水,让全体船员乘小船上岸。
At the dock Iam shocked to see the pocket rocket made of a neighborhood of rock. 在码头看到一块岩石做的玲珑火箭,我感到恐惧。
And yet, when I dropped my wife and her many layers of clothing off at the dock, only eight boats sit out on the bay. 然而,当我开车送妻子和她无数的衣服到码头时,海湾里只有八艘船出海。
You recall that you arrived at the beach on a boat and that you left the boat tied to the dock. You know how you will get home. 你记起来你是坐船来海边的,而且把船系在船坞上了,你知道怎么回家。
When the boat had almost reached the dock, the goose in the cage looked up and called especially loudly to the goose in the air. 当船快要到码头的时候,笼子里的雁往上看,向着空中那只雁叫得更响了。
similar to Eclipse the user is able to dock window to any side of its parent, making it easy to view multiple editors at once. Docking框架——与Eclipse相似,用户能够使窗口停靠(dock)在其父控件的任何一侧,以便于能够同时浏览多个编辑器。
The chemicals diffuse quickly across the minute gap between the neurons and dock with receptors on the surface of the receiving neuron. 这些化学物质迅速扩散通过神经元之间的小间隙,与接收神经元表面的受体对接。
One day, while he was working on his plans near the river, a boat struck the dock on which he was standing. 一天,当他在河边进行桥的设计时,一条船撞上了他站的码头。
Using Dock Spaces, you can create up to 10 distinct Docks which are ready to be triggered and changed. 使用DockSpaces,你能创建十个不同的你可以随时触发和改变的Dock。
Chris: OK, OK. First, put your feet here. Here. Then, sit on the side of the boat. Now, sit on the dock. Don't stand up! 克丽丝:好的,好的。把你的脚放在这儿,然后坐在船的一边。现在,坐到码头上,不要站起来!
Manuel Valls, a fellow Socialist presidential aspirant, said he had tears in his eyes at the sight of Mr Strauss-Kahn in the dock. 一个有抱负的社会党总统候选人曼努埃尔•瓦尔斯(ManuelValls)说,当他看到卡恩出现在被告席上时,他对此捶胸顿足,眼含热泪。
Its proudest boast was that it had the biggest shipyard, the biggest dry-dock and the biggest crane in the world. 马尔默最为自豪的是,它拥有世界上最大的造船厂、最大的干船坞和最大的起重机。
It's a fast and slick app, although the icon is so hideous you'll probably want to keep it out of your main dock. 这个应用程序快速而灵活,但它的图标却可怕得叫人不想把它放在主页面上。大抵是用了便宜的承包商吧。
Standing in the dock with arms crossed, Saud showed no emotion as the sentence was handed down in London's historic Old Bailey court. 萨乌德在伦敦法庭上双臂交叉,当法官宣布审判结果时也面无表情。
The U. S. space shuttle Endeavour arrives at the International Space Station and is ready to dock with it on Sunday. 美国宇航飞机奋进号周日到达国际空间站并以对接。
Something happened as the ship initially pulled out of the dock. What was it? 当船最初脱离码头的时候,它发生了什么事?
Across the lake, Otis saw Violet gazing at her reflection. And behind her, a fox crept slowly along the dock. 湖的另一边,奥蒂斯看到小紫正看着自己的倒影发呆。在她后面,一只狐狸正沿着船坞慢慢靠近。
He looked like a judge, she thought, impassively pronouncing sentence; and she was the guilty prisoner in the dock. 他象个法官,她想,就要冷漠地宣布判决,而她则是被告席上的罪人。
We also took them out for an afternoon of sailing, dinner at an anchorage, and a sail back to the dock. 我们也带著我父母在下午短暂出航,在停泊处共享晚餐,再航行返回码头。
Thomas sobbed in the dock as a recording was played of the 999 call he made just minutes after strangling his wife. 在法庭播放他掐死他妻子几分钟后打给999电话的录音时,坐在被告席上的托马斯在抽泣着。
This dock, the price of which depends on when you buy it, has no processor, no file storage and no connectivity of its own. 这个基座没有单独的处理器和文件存储空间,也不能连网,它的价格取决于你是单独购买还是跟手机一起购买。
An export delivery driver must be in and out of every principal dock in the county. 外销送货司机一定时常出入于本国的各个主要码头。
He says we're good boys for getting so much coal, that the Dock Road must have been covered with it. 他说我们是棒小伙子,弄到这么多煤,码头路上肯定铺满了煤。
Oh Lord. Andy come down to the loading dock today. Asked me for a length of rope. Six foot long. 哦,上帝。安迪今天到装卸处,找我要了根六英尺长的绳子。
Once we all got onto the dock, one of the men who was in the boat brought our tube in for us. 等我们全都上了码头后,船上的一个人帮我们把气胎拉回来。