the virus

  • 网络病毒;病毒事件;宫中残酷史-花朵们的战争

the virusthe virus

the virus


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" He said: " The research is extraordinary, because it presents a long-term view that the HLA is beginning to shape the virus in the crowd. 他说:“此次的研究则不同凡响,因为它提出了一种长期的观点,即HLA正开始在人群中塑造病毒。”
There still seems to be a lack of awareness in the rural and suburban communities about the threat the virus poses to humans and animals. 在农村和城市社区中,人们对病毒给人类和动物造成的威胁似乎缺乏认识。
Even if the virus were traced to a pig in Mexico, it might have been imported from the United States. 即使病毒来源追溯到墨西哥的猪,猪也有可能是从美国进口而来。
Many countries are testing plans to deal with a flu pandemic should the virus develop into a more dangerous form. 许多国家的科学家正在研究计划来防止这种流行性病毒演变成更危险的病毒类型。
In the meantime, technicians at Creech are trying to get the virus off the GCS machines. It has not been easy. 与此同时,克里奇基地的技术人员正努力排除地面通信设备中的病毒,这并不容易。
He said this would help scientists to understand how the virus operates and to identify the parts that can be used to manufacture a vaccine. 他称此举有助于科学家了解病毒如何运作,以及找到可用于帮助制造疫苗的那部分密码。
The World Health Organisation, which yesterday raised the alert to that of a global pandemic, described the virus as "moderate" . 世界卫生组织于昨日将猪流感预警提高到了“全球大流行”程度,并称病毒是“中度”。
She had been infected when she hemorrhaged during the birth of her first child and received a transfusion contaminated with the virus. 第一个孩子降生时,她因为大出血而接受输血,因此感染了艾滋病毒。
It seems to me, however, that there is no hiding place, no reservation, where one is safe from the virus of nihilization. 可在我看来,人们没有任何藏身之处,任何保护区,可以令他们安全地躲过那种虚无化的病毒。
Scientists fear the virus could spark a pandemic in which millions die if it mutates into a form that passes easily from person to person. 科学家们担心这种病毒会变异成容易通过人群传染的病类型,这样会引起恐慌并造成上百万人的死亡。
"The virus has infiltrated every part of your system, I'm afraid, and its pernicious influx has inflicted a great deal of damage, " he said. “生怕病毒已经渗入你的身体的每部门,它有害的汇集已经造成很大的破损,”他说。
He said 10 percent of the patients whose blood was screened had a strong antibody response to the virus. 他说,百分之十的患者,其血液中筛选有对病毒有强烈反应的抗体。
The specific of alpha-fetoprotein is that it penetrates into a cell where the virus exists and washes it out into blood. 甲胎蛋白具体的是,它渗透到病毒存在一个细胞里洗出来进入血液。
In all the tests carried out by Mr Cohen the virus managed to grab the right to reach any part of the system in less than an hour. 在科恩所做的所有实验中,该病毒能够在一小时之内渗入到系统的任何一个部分。
So that birds going to Siberia, to Europe, and to Africa carried the virus, which had not previously been possible. 这些候鸟再把病毒带到西伯利亚、欧洲和非洲等地,这种情况在以前是不可能发生的。
The growth of cities and associated high-risk behaviors may have been a principal cause of the rapid spread of the virus. 城市的发展以及相关的高风险行为可能是艾滋病毒快速传播一个主要原因。
Flu viruses can be temperamental, and it's not always an easy matter to get the virus to grow as you want in eggs, " he added. " 流感病毒‘喜怒无常’,并不总是如你所希望的都能在鸡胚中容易的繁殖。
The virus will now basically duke it out with ordinary flu, to see who spreads fastest. 现在H1N1病毒会跟一般流感进行比拼,看谁传播的速度最快。
After a week, most of the virus infected stem cells had transformed into fat cells, but the ones that were not infected had not changed. 一周后,大部分感染病毒的干细胞转化成为脂肪细胞,但没有感染的干细胞却没有变化。
She said that would be more accurate than pinning the name on the genetic ancestry of the virus. 她说这将是更准确的名称比根据固定的遗传血统来命名病毒。
UK newspaper The Guardian reports that UN scientists are trying to determine whether La Gloria, Mexico, is the virus's source. 英国的《卫报》报道说,联合国的科学家正在设法确定墨西哥的LaGloria是不是该病毒的起源地。
For animals, vaccines are usually effective to stave off the virus, while humans can start prophylaxis within a week of exposure. 对于动物们来说,注射疫苗是避免感染狂犬病的最有效的途径,而对人类,在与病毒接触一周时间内也应该采取一系列预防措施。
"We do not know if the virus entered the human population directly from swine or via an intermediate host , " said Cox. “我们不知道这个病毒是不是从猪中直接传播过来的,或者通过中间宿主。”考克斯说。
I do not know. But I do know that, if the virus mutates to a more virulent form, the immunisation may in any case not work. 我不知道流感的第二波会不会更加凶猛,但是我知道如果病毒发生了变种,导致病毒毒性增强的话,那么现在这个疫苗也许是怎么也不管用了。
When the virus hit, he handed over the samples to one of the scientists trying to stop the virus. 病毒爆发之时,他把这些样品交给了一位试图阻止这种病毒蔓延的科学家。
There would have to be some sort of airborne pathogens that spread the virus. 这里可能有许多靠空气传播的病原体携带病毒。
Volcker pointed out that this situation is by no means in patients infected with the virus itself the result of shortcomings. 沃尔克指出,这样的情况决不是感染患者的病毒本身的缺陷造成的。
If it wasn't an act of god, it could have been simple evolution. The virus could have occurred natural and people began to become exposed. 如果这不是神的旨意,那么可能是一次简单的进化,这个病毒出现并将人类暴露在了其毒手下。
The virus is currently spreading westwards along the flyways of wild birds and it has arrived at the front door of European countries. 病毒目前正在沿着野鸟的飞行路线向西蔓延,已经抵达欧洲国家的前门。
However, it did not indicate which part of the country the man was stationed nor how he might have come in contact with the virus. 然而,卫生部没有指出这位军人所在的地方以及他是怎样接触到了病毒。