turn on

  • na.转向;对…进行突击
  • 网络打开;接通;开启

第三人称单数:turns on 现在分词:turning on 过去式:turned on

turn onturn on

turn on


初中英语短语大全 ... 27.once a week 每周一次 28.turn on 打开 29.turn off 关上 ...


英语介词用法 - Mainz - 博客园 ... take to 喜欢;养成;轻易学会, turn on 接通(电源), work on 操作, ...


kindle 4用高亮提醒你重点_【kindle一族】 ... “Settings” 并按下 “turn on开启 “turn off” 关闭,按下5 向键。 ...


2011高考重点短语 ... turn off 关上,解雇,避开(问题) turn on 打开;反对;依靠,依赖,取决于 turn over to 转变,转换,移 …


解释单词_百度知道 ... turn off 关(自来水、电灯、收音机等) turn on 拧开(自来水、电灯、收音机) turn out (使)向外弯曲 ...


亲子英语006_在线英语听力室 ... turn off 关掉,关闭 turn on 打开电灯,瓦斯,音响设备的开关 bath 洗澡,澡棚 ...


zork_百度百科 ... pick up 捡起 turn on 打开开关 grab 抓起 ...

The sub-threshold current test, which is often done at the wafer level, is a measure of how quickly the device will turn on and off. 亚阈区电流测试常常在晶圆片级进行。它是表示器件打开和关闭的快慢程度的参数。
Such a burst mode transmitter is able to turn on and off in short time. 这样一个突发模式传输者能够在短时间之内被打开或者关闭。
Last night, I stomped into our bedroom ready to turn on my anger at full volume. 昨晚,我跺着脚进卧室,准备大发雷霆。
Then , cool as can be , she would turn on her heel , close the door , and retire to the bedroom . 然后,尽可能的冷淡,她会突然转身进门,把门关了,退到寝室。
When my daughter wants something from her father she has only to turn on the waterworks and he gives it to her. 当我女儿向她父亲要东西时,她只要一哭,他就给她了。
One of the tips: Turn on error reporting immediately. It'll save a great deal of time in the long run. David曾经写过《twoPHPtipshewishedhe’dlearnedinthebeginning》,其中一点就是:及时启用错误报告,这会节省大量的时间。
Mr. Bell had given Major Hasan his wireless password, and now the major was asking him to turn on his Internet system. 贝尔先生以前给过他无线网络的密码,这次是少校要他打开网络。
The Extender is always on and running, ready for you to turn on your TV, watch a show, or view some pictures. 扩展器始终处于打开和运行状态,以备您随时打开电视、观看节目或查看一些图片。
He yearned for her smile to turn on him. It did not. 他希望她能对他微笑,但是没有。
OK, maybe that's pushing it a bit, but a woman with verbal confidence can be a hell of a turn-on. 好吧,可能这给她们加了些分,但是一个在言语上过于自信的女人可以让人觉得十分痛苦。
Bing Xin's grandmother to see from the prose of "Laughter, " Dad, turn on the side of her mother stacked blankets. 看起了冰心奶奶的散文《笑》,爸爸,就在一旁翻叠妈妈的被褥。
A warning posted by the bailiffs on the boat reads: "Important: Do not turn on the motors, considering that the propellers are chained. " 一份被当地警方贴在船上的警告标明“注意:不要认为螺旋桨被拴就可以随便发动引擎。”
I hastened to turn on the lights and general fire bright room have nothing, but next door jiao room but came the voice of weeping faintly. 我赶忙开灯,通火透亮的房间里什么都没有,而隔壁阿娇的房间却传来隐约哭泣的声音。
Moreover, the cup lid's place above has a small suction port, did not need to turn on the cup lid to be possible to drink water! 另外,杯盖的上方配有一个小吸口,不用打开杯盖就可以喝水了!
I'm going to turn on the vaporizer and I'll wrap you up in the old wool blanket. 我会把暖气打开并用那条旧毛毯把你包裹起来。
The democratic Party used to be against the tax increase, but since the runaway inflation, it took a U-turn on it's tax policy. 民主党本来是反对加税计划的,但由于通货膨胀加剧,民主党的税收政策来了个180度的大转弯。
And I suppose for him, it's also a bit of a turn-on -- the pure exercise of power is what he's all about. 而我为他设想,这也是一点刺激——纯粹的权力演练是他的全部。
There are two scuttles on the ceiling; one is at the front and the other at the rear. It is still unnecessary to turn on all lights at 6 pm. 天花板一前一后开了两个天窗,下午6时左右仍然不必大张旗鼓给灯光。
Mary: Okay. Let's assume the light is on, then everything is secure and you're ready to turn on the alarm system. 玛丽:好吧,让我们假设灯亮了,周围很安全,您准备启动安全系统。
It seems like every time you turn on the news now, the sky seems to be falling. 似乎每次你一听到新闻,天便开始塌陷。
But you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light. 我们还是可以找点乐子,虽然是在这么黑暗的时期,只要点燃灯,光明就会再现。
The remaining maids and the dairyman usually gave themselves another turn on the pillow, and did not appear till a quarter of an hour later. 其他的挤奶女工和老板自己,通常都要在床上多躺一会儿,要过了一刻钟才会露面。
Today's program is over, thank you for your listening. The same time tomorrow do not forget to turn on your radio. 今天的节目到此结束,谢谢您的收听。明天同一时间不要忘了打开您的收音机。
If you've read my first turn on the Soapbox, I'm sure you know what I'm going to say: evaluate your business needs. 如果您已经读过我的关于临时讲台的第一篇文章,那么我确信您知道我想说的:评估您的商业需求。去芜存箐。
She tells how she felt each week when she saw Mrs. Rosenthal in the window motioning for her to come and turn on the lights. 她讲述了当她每周看见罗森索太太在窗边用手势请求她过来并打开灯时的感触。
The United States might well provide that prod if it did not fear a united Europe would turn on America. 如果美国不怕联合的欧洲会对它反目的话,它完全可以提供这种推动力。
'I had to ignore traffic signs and turn on the siren, ' he said. 'It was a bit risky, but I tried my best. ' 他说,我不得不一路闯红灯,还打开了警笛。这有点危险,但我尽力了。
The sooner the kid learns the word, the more effectively he can remind -- or nag -- his mother to turn on the boob tube. 只要孩子一学会这个词,他就能更明确地提醒妈妈--更可能是纠缠妈妈--打开会把人变蠢的电视。
Go for a walk, ride a bike, or get some other kind of healthy physical activity for at least an hour before you can turn on the tube. 在你开电视之前,至少花一个小时来做些有益于健康的体育运动,像散散步,骑骑自行车。
I'd placed a large piece of paper on the wall the night before and was up in the early hours, naked, not bothering to turn on the light. 头天晚上我在墙上挂一大张纸,然后一大早爬起来,不穿衣服,也懒得开灯。