
美 [dɑl]英 [dɒl]
  • n.洋娃娃;貌美心拙的妇女;〔美俚〕姑娘;美女
  • v.〔美俚〕着意打扮
  • 网络玩具娃娃;玩偶;人偶




n. v.

1.玩偶;玩具娃娃a child's toy in the shape of a person, especially a baby or a child

2.(informal)俊妞,甜姐儿,美人儿(现多认为意含冒犯)a word used to describe a pretty or attractive woman, now often considered offensive


日常生活英语单词_百度文库 ... toy 玩具 doll 洋娃娃 ball 球 ...


初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... bedroom 卧室 398 doll 玩具娃娃 399 else 别(的),其他(的) 400 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... dog n. 狗 3 doll n. 玩偶,玩具娃娃 dollar n. 元(美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国货币单位) ...


人偶DOLL)也称人型、公仔,体积一般大于12厘米,是工厂出产的完成品,有着较大的比例,可动性一般甚至完全没有。具 …


小学一到六年级所以英语单词表(跪求)_百度知道 ... 玩具 toy 布娃娃 doll 棒球 baseball ...


首页-罗腾树韩国代购-淘宝网 ... Flower 花朵 Doll 公仔 DIY 配饰/辅料 ...

One day, I put the doll to bathe, her mother not to wash, I sat on the floor, "wow, wow, " crying, my mother had to agree. 有一天,我要将布娃娃放到河里洗澡,妈妈不让洗,我就坐在地上“哇,哇”大哭,妈妈只得同意。
Marina : As I've mentioned before, doll construction is pretty much the only thing that interests me. Playing is not a part of the appeal. 玛瑞娜:就像我前面提到的,制造娃娃差不多是唯一一件能吸引我的事情,玩娃娃对我没有什么吸引力。
One day, Goat Leg Billy asked him to be allowed to get married with the Shepherdess, the Chinese doll nodded his head and said yes. 有天,山羊腿比利请求他允许自己娶牧羊女,中国瓷娃娃点点头同意了。
The impetuous little lady played at love with these imaginary worthies, as a little while before she had played at maternity with her doll. 这个毛手毛脚的小女子充当了这些大人物的情人,就象不久以前她把洋娃娃当作自己的女儿一样。
Tim had the long-lashed eyes and pretty features of an expensive Bavarian doll, a little prince or yodelling shepherd boy. 蒂姆有着长长的睫毛,长得象个昂贵的巴伐利亚娃娃,比如小王子或小牧童之类的。
I had cut out a silhouette of a beautiful, naked woman from a neo-classical painting published in an art magazine and made it into a doll. 当时我在一本艺术杂志上看到了一幅新古典主义的绘画,我把画里那个很漂亮的裸体女人剪了下来做成了一个娃娃。
Waiting for your affectionate, gentle stroke, as if I was a porcelain doll in your hand. 等待你那深情而温柔的抚摸,仿佛我是你手中的瓷娃娃般。
And, yes, her being carried, tenderly as a doll, by an elderly woman in a monkey-fur coat with an impish, vicious smile. 是的,她被像个布娃娃般温柔地抱在一个老妇人怀中,那人穿着猴子皮大衣,恶作剧的坏笑。
The next morning, she took the doll to the garbage can outside, telling me that the doll was possessed with some kind of spirit. 第二天早上,妈妈把娃娃扔到了外面的垃圾筒,告诉我那娃娃已经被鬼魂附身了。
Kafka offered to help her look for the doll and arranged to meet her the next day at the same spot. 卡夫卡提出会帮她找到那只洋娃娃,并与她约好第二天在此见面。
Alice's mom put a pair of fluffy mittens and a lovely doll into the stocking when Alice played outside. 当艾丽丝在外面玩耍的时候,她的妈妈在长袜里放了毛手套和洋娃娃。
She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll. 她告诉我,每次对你生气时,我应该连结缄默,然后去织一个玩偶。
Different versions of the doll include one in a combat uniform and one another which reads one of the president's anti-American speeches. 以总统乌戈·查韦斯为原型制作的玩偶多种多样,其中有两款是查韦斯身着军装和发表反美言论的形象。
"I feel sorry for Lady Gaga - she's just a plastic doll generated by the music money marketing machine, " Apps said in a press release. 爱普司发布新闻通告称:“我为嘎嘎小姐感到遗憾,她只不过是音乐营销机器制造出来的一个塑料娃娃。”
On the seat opposite me sat my big rag doll, Nancy, in a new gingham dress and a be ruffled sunbonnet, looking at me out of two bead eyes. 我的布娃娃南茜,穿戴新的格条纹棉衣和有褶皱的阔边遮阳帽,坐在我对面的位子张大眼珠看我。
Here, we start out in a small tower where the doll rests upon a bed with the skeletal remains of a girl. 这章开头,我们出现在一个小塔楼内,那个玩具娃娃和一具女孩子的骷髅躺在床上。
They didn't hear the two people coming down the path . Dad had one arm around the girl , whose bright face was like a doll's . 他们没有听到爸爸和那个姑娘正沿着小道走来,爸爸一手挽着那位姑娘,她的脸上散发出润泽的光芒。
Sometimes, on these journeys, Wilbur would get tired, and Fern would pick him up and put him in the carriage alongside the doll. 有时在散步途中韦伯如果觉得累了,芬就会把他抱起来放在手推车里,让他和洋娃娃坐在一起。
Whose Fault Jill : Daddy , Jack's broken my new doll . Daddy : How did he do that ? Jill : I hit him on the head with it . 谁之过?吉尔:爸爸,杰克把我的新娃娃弄坏了。爸爸:他怎么弄坏的?吉尔:刚才我用娃娃砸了他的头。
Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister. 爸爸说妈妈很快也将要去见上帝,因此我认为她可以将娃娃带给我妹妹。
He could hear that Minna was singing to her doll which he had mended for her. 比尔能听到,明娜正在对着自己为其修好的玩具唱歌。
One hunky male has been displaying his guitar playing skills, while another is flexing his muscles as as he poses like an action doll. 一个体格健硕的男子展示了他的吉他演奏技巧,而另一个则摆着动作玩偶的姿势秀着一身肌肉。
Fannie secured the grip on her mother's hand and clutched her rag doll tightly. 范妮握紧妈妈的手,同时也紧紧抓住她的布娃娃。
Some are highly imaginative: That empty toilet-paper roll could be covered with yarn and made into a doll . 有些人非常有想象力:他们能将空的卫生纸筒芯包上纱线做成娃娃……
Cosette, without troubling herself to understand anything, was inexpressibly happy with that doll and that kind man. 珂赛特,没有想到去了解什么,只在这娃娃和老人间,感到说不出的愉快。
a doll with a hollow head of a person or animal and a cloth body; intended to fit over the hand and be manipulated with the fingers. 一种头脑空空、只模仿人或动物的外形的玩具;我们可以用手来操纵它的行动。
Now the tears in her eyes spilled over -- tears, I knew, not only for a lost doll and a lost sister, but for a lost time. 此时,她眼中的泪水夺眶而出——我知道,那不仅是为了失去的玩具娃娃和小妹妹,而且也是为了失去的时光而流的眼泪。
In fact, when Sullivan was trying to teach Keller the word for "mug" , Keller became so frustrated she broke the doll. 事实上,当莎利文试图教她mug这个词时,海伦沮丧到了极点,甚至把那个洋娃娃给摔坏了。
This doll was the result of a school raffle, and I was hated by many children for it. 这是一次学校抽奖的奖品,而且我因此还被很多同学嫉妒了。
Father wants me to be happy, ' she said to her new doll. 'I love him very much and I want to be a good daughter, so I must be happy. “爸爸要我生活得快乐,”她对她的新洋娃娃说,“我这么爱他,我要做他的乖女儿,所以我必须高兴起来。”