
美 [drim]英 [driːm]
  • n.梦;睡梦;梦想;理想
  • v.做梦;梦见;想象;梦想
  • 网络梦幻;梦境;幻想

复数:dreams 过去式:dreamed 过去式:dreamt dreamed 过去式:dreamt 现在分词:dreaming

dream come,realize dream,fulfill dream,achieve dream,fulfil dream
bad dream,beautiful dream,strange dream,wonderful dream,rosy dream


n. v.

1.[c]梦;睡梦a series of images, events and feelings that happen in your mind while you are asleep

2.[c]梦想;理想;愿望a wish to have or be sth, especially one that seems difficult to achieve

3.[sing]梦幻状态;恍惚;出神a state of mind or a situation in which things do not seem real or part of normal life

4.[sing](informal)梦一般美妙的人(或事物);极美好的人(或事物)a beautiful or wonderful person or thing


go/work like a dream

性能极佳;十分有效to work very well

in your dreams

你妄想;你在做梦used to tell sb that sth they are hoping for is not likely to happen

like a bad dream

噩梦般令人难以置信so unpleasant that you cannot believe it is true


九年级英语单词表 ... quite a few 相当多的 dream 梦想 dream of 梦想着 ...


新概念英语单词表带音标(第一册) - 豆丁网 ... speed 限速 dream 做梦,思想不集中 sign 标记,牌子 ...


首页-【圣奇尼美式整体家居】SUNKINGHOME-- 淘宝网 ... Season 四季 Dream 梦幻 Perfect 极致 ...


符文之语_百度百科 ... Dragon( 飞龙) Dream梦境) Edge( 边缘) ...


郑钧_360百科 ... 08.流星 Shooting Star 04.1/3理想 1/3 Dream 01.苍天在上 God is Watching ...


八年级上册英语单词表(人教版)_百度知道 ... move 移动;搬动 dream 梦想;幻想 exhibition 展览;展览会 ...


10月09日 《悲梦》(Dream) 导演:金基德 主演:李娜英、小田切让、张美喜10月16日 《胡萝卜小姐》(Crush & Blush) …

Once in your life an idea or a phrase has to have come to you as if in a dream and have immediately taken possession of you. 一但在你的生活里,一个观念或一个词语必须来临,好像在梦中,并且立刻掌握你。
There was the dream itself, and there was a memory connected with it that had swum into his mind in the few seconds after waking. 除了梦本身之外,还有与梦有关的记忆,那是在醒来以后几秒钟之内浮现在他心中的。
At least he's provided you with a Manhattan apartment that looks like an Architectural Digest wet dream. 不过还好,他给你提供了一栋如同建筑文摘遗梦般的曼哈顿的豪宅。
Do not let weak, lazy lazy delay of your feet bound, the dream is always the starting point now. 不要让软弱,惰懒迟疑拘束你的脚步,梦想的起点永远在现在。
From the birth of America, to America today, the driving force and the heart of America has always been the American Dream. 从建国之初到现在,美国的动力和核心始终是美国梦。
Whatever dream you're dreaming, may each one of them come true; whatever plans you're making may they all work out for you. Happy birthday! 祝愿你所有的梦想成真;祝愿你所有的计划均得以实现。祝你生日快乐!
I edged closer to the cloaks , compelled by the dream to see whatever thing or person they were examining with such intensity. 受到梦的驱动,我侧身起进斗篷群体中,为的是看清让他们如此心潮澎湃的东西或人。
Delighted to work, she was a dream client for the Viva agency and was an inspired woman. 沃佳诺娃工作得很开心,她是Viva代理公司的梦想客户,也是一个鼓舞人心的女人。
Vision: You have it. A dream has taken form and shape, moving out of your fantasy into reality. 想象:你已经拥有了。一个梦想已经形成,它正从幻想变成现实。
What I'm trying to do is to help Chinese mothers to realize their American dream, at a fair and reasonable price. 我试图以一种公正合理的价格,来帮助中国母亲们实现她们的美国梦。
"That's the night beginning, " his mother said, "But the night with the moon and stars and darkness for you to dream in. " “那是夜的开始,”他妈妈说,“月亮,星星和黑暗可容纳你的梦想。”
On a lone sand beach the her head on a stone, is a fine place to dream for a seal. 在孤零零的沙滩上,熊的头枕在石头上,这对于海报来说是个梦寐以求的睡觉的好地方。
In the modern breath and classical tradition with both the dream of bead, and I believe I can be a life of new heavens and a new earth. 在这座现代气息和古典传统两者皆具的梦幻之珠,我相信自己会开辟出人生的新天新地。
Mr. Dream maker, you are my idol and sample, you were a real workaholic, so how can I be fair gloomy for such a long time? 亲爱的造梦者,一直都是我努力的想成为的对象,你是个十足的工作狂,所以我怎么能在这个时候沮丧呢?
I'm only in the beginning of my career, and to have achieved so much already, it's a dream come true. 我的职业生涯才刚刚起步却已经取得了这么多成绩,简直是梦想成真。
For another, the American Dream could consist in achieving a state of pure freedom from the choke-hold of money and social structure. 另一方面,美国梦可能存在于从令人窒息的金钱和社会结构中获取纯粹的自由。
Martin Skrtel is hoping his World Cup dream is still alive as he battles to be fit for South Africa after his metatarsal break. 斯科特尔希望自己能够尽快从跖骨骨折中恢复,以便能够赶上南非世界杯。
no . she had to go but they would meet again , there , and she would dream of that till then , tomorrow , of her dream of yester eve. 她非走不可啦,然而他们还会在那儿见面的。直到那时直到明天,她都会重温今晚这个好梦的。
You never remember the beginning of dream, you always wind up in the middle of dream. Someone had to design the dream. 你从来不记得梦的开始,你总是从梦中醒过来。总要有人来设计梦境。
He began to understand indistinctly why he always had the same dream. 他隐隐约约开始明白,自己长久以来为什么都在做着同样一个梦。
Arab Iraqis reject this dream, fearing that Kurdish secession would destroy their country and, by the by, cost it a lot of oil. 伊拉克阿拉伯人反对这个梦想,担心库尔德人的脱离将毁灭他们的国家,且由此损失很多石油资源。
I relaxed and went with it, and I slipped into a very vivid dream while still conscious. 我全身放松,跟在感觉,逐渐进入到了一个十分生动的梦里,意识仍在。
What I ask of you tonight is to help me make that dream come true for millions to whom it's an impossible dream today. 但对其他千百万人来说,今天这一梦想仍然是不可能实现的。今晚我要请你们做的就是帮助我一起使这一梦想成为他们的现实。
The self of the self within knows it is in for a disaster and attempts to transfigure the dream into a new accolade of something. 内在核心的真我知道这是另一个灾难,并尝试去把梦想转形成一个新的荣曜事件。
To a child, a stepmother is the personification of the end of that dream. The stepmother stands in the way of their happiness. 对一个孩子来说,一个继母是这个梦想的终结者,她站在幸福之路的中间,挡住了道路。
Our guest tonight is a man of ambition who once confided to me that his ultimate dream was to have his picture on a postage stamp . 我们今晚的客人是一个有雄心的人,他有一次向我坦露心声说他最终的梦想是把他的头像印在邮票上。
His father and I suggest that he make up his own mind and that his future depends on his own dream , interest and perseverence. 我和他的父亲建议他自己拿主意,毕竟他的未来取决于他自己的理想、兴趣和毅力。
A trace of love, growing in the greasy drizzle, on the heels of the Bird of Happiness, pursues that dream of you in the wind. 一缕柔软的情思,种在蒙蒙细雨里,紧跟着青鸟的芳痕,以风的姿态追寻着那个关于你的梦。
Once the young dream, now along the direction of the wind, the earth gradually spread. 曾经年少的梦,此时已经沿着风的方向,在尘世间渐渐散开。
And it let me make things, which, to me, was sort of the dream. 它使我有机会自己做东西,这是我的梦想。