i don t care

  • 网络我不在乎;阮丹青;彭莉

i don t carei don t care

i don t care


DVD-代发批发4DVD光碟 迪士尼动漫神奇英语... ... 08 Heart 心脏 09 I Don t Care 我不在乎 04 Nice To Meet You 很高兴见到你 ...


20081017104259 ... SHOW UP 容祖儿 I DON T CARE 阮丹青 IT S OVER 阮筱芬 ...


20081017104259 ... MORE 彭靖惠 I DON T CARE 彭莉 DARLING 品冠 ...

I don't care how much you roll around the office, you can't claim the miles as business travel expense. 在办公室来回晃悠不是你的错,可我不能忍受你把它算在差旅费里。
"I don't care what they say, " he thought fiercely, and his vision blurred as he flew out toward the Far Cliffs. “我不在乎他们说些什么,”他愤愤地想,一边向远崖飞去,连视线都模糊了。
But now I don't care, I could go anywhere with you, and I'd probably be happy. 但如今我已不太在乎了,我愿随你到天涯海角并会感到幸福。
I'm not perfect, but I really need your love to survive. give me your love once more, and I don't care if I would lose the whole world! 虽然我并不完美,可我真的好需要你的爱,只要能让我爱一次,就算失去一切我都不在乎!
I don't care how much of a genius he is: Nobody is perfect. 我不关心他是个多大的天才,毕竟人无完人。
"I don't care how you do it, just bring me his heart" yelled his wife, slapping the water angrily with her tail. “我不在乎你怎么做,他只是把我的心”大叫他的妻子,拍打着她的尾水气愤地说。
Most of them tell me, 'I don't care how much I spend, just make me look beautiful'. 很多整容者告诉我,‘我不在乎花多少钱,只要把我变漂亮就行’。
I really hate to be like this but, I gotta let you know, that I don't care. 我真的很讨厌是这样,但我必须让你知道,我不在乎。
I don't want to pretend that I don't care about other's opinions, but I also have to be very practical. 我不想假装不在乎别人的看法,但我也必须注重实用。
Hal: Yeah, I had to pay the company a half-month's salary. But I don't care. I'm out of here. 哈尔︰对,我得付公司半个月薪水。不过我不在乎,我要走了。
Frankly speaking, I don't care about what you think of me. 老实说,我并不关心你怎么看待我。(这个用法很常见,不妨记一下。)
I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. 我也不在乎你们怎么想,我只是在做对的事。
I don't care if it's spilled or not. I don't care if I'm drown in it (throws her head into the pillow)! 我不管溢不溢出来。我不管会不会溺死于此(她把头钻进被窝里)。
"DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM? " the student asked again. "No, and I don't care, " replied the professor with an air of superiority. “你知道我是谁吗?”学生再次问。“不知道,我也不在乎,”教授以居高凌下的语气回答。
I am not sure if mom would agree if I were with him but I don't care if he is working as a builder like my father or not. 我不知道如果我当初跟他在一起的话,我妈妈是否会反对,但是我根本就不在于他是否和我爸爸一样是一名建筑工人。
I don't care what sort of person you are, I don't care what you did before, I only care how do I suppose to do to make you happy! 我不在乎你是什么样的人,我不在乎你做过什么事,我只在乎如何才能让你幸福!
Then he said to me, 'I don't care what you have to do, but you have to get her to tell you her secret. ' 然后他对我说:‘我不在乎你将要做什么,但是你得想办法让她告诉你她的秘密。’
The professor replied, "No, and I don't care if your dad is president of the United States. . . you get a zero on this exam" 教授回答道,“不知道,就算你老爸是美国总统,我也不在乎,你本次考试零分。”
Initially we reported Mr McDonald's quote as, "Well, fuck it. I don't care what you think. I'm trying to do the right thing. " 起初我们是这样报道麦当劳先生说的话:“屌,我才不在乎你怎么看,我在努力做正确的事。”
I don't care. You know better than to hit him. Go sit on your bed for 10 minutes. 我不管。你知道你不该打他的。去,到你房间床上静坐十分钟
Iran doesn't recognise Israel, has no diplomatic relations with it . . . Too bad, but I don't care. 伊朗不承认以色列,跟该国没有外交关系……太糟糕了,但是我不在乎。
I don't care when you cut the grass. It is all up to you. 你什么时候割草我不在乎,一切全由你自己做主。
"He lost hope, " Ms. Ran said. "He said, 'If I die, I don't care. ' I said, 'You can't leave behind your parents and your daughter. ' " “他失去了信心,”阮和平说,“他说‘死了就死了’我说‘你不能就这样抛下爸妈和女儿。’”
I don't care how others think of me. It's just that I don't want others to be happier than I. 我不介意其他人怎样看我,我只不过不想别人比我更开心。
I don't care how much it costs. 我不介意那要花多少钱。
Michael: I don't care what you wear but don't ask me to put on such a hideous thing! 迈克尔:我不管你穿什么,但是不要让我穿这样一件可怕的东西!
I don't care to say much to her, as she is evidently out of temper. 我不愿和她多讲话,因为,很显然,她在发脾气。
I am never going out with him again. I don't care how much he begs. 我再也不跟他约会了他再怎么求我也没用
You can't satisfy me, but I don't care about comforting me with you. 你不能满足我,但我不在乎安慰我与您联系。
I don't care how much that diamond ring costs. As long as you like it. 我不管那钻石戒指多少钱。只要你喜欢就好。