
美 [aɪs]英 [aɪs]
  • n.冰;冰块;冰场;溜冰场
  • v.在(糕饼上)加糖霜
  • 网络洲际交易所(IntercontinentalExchange);冰敷;移民及海关执法局(Immigration and Customs Enforcement)

复数:ices 现在分词:icing 过去式:iced

break ice,melt ice
thin ice,glacial ice


n. v.

1.[u]冰water that has frozen and become solid

2.[sing]冰场;溜冰场a frozen surface that people skate on

3.[u]冰块a piece of ice used to keep food and drinks cold


break the ice

(尤指聚会等开始时,用言语或行动)打破隔阂;打头说话to say or do sth that makes people feel more relaxed, especially at the beginning of a meeting, party, etc.

cut no ice (with sb)

(对某人)无影响,不起作用to have no influence or effect on sb

on ice

冰镇kept cold by being surrounded by ice

冰毒,学名甲基苯丙胺、去氧麻黄素(碱)或甲基安非它命,因为是透明晶体,因此俗称为“”(ICE)。冰毒类属苯丙胺类中 …


洲际交易所欧洲清算中心是洲际交易所ICE)设在伦敦的结算机构。该机构为ICE 的欧洲期货所的所有合约以及在ICE全球场 …




我们的冰块(ICE)进站罗!!!准备开启欧洲之旅啦!!!a. 机场有两个火车站,一个是远距离专用"Flughafen Fernbahnhof",我们搭乘I…

移民及海关执法局(Immigration and Customs Enforcement)

移民及海关执法局ICE)管理的名为SEVIS在线信息系统。该系统中共储存有超过56,000,000持有F签证,M签 …


按照移民与海关执法局ICE)的2011年的备忘录,执法局遣返非法移民的重点在犯罪分子,但在实际执行中却不是那么回事。 …


符文之语_百度百科 ... Harmony( 和谐) Ice冰冻) Infinity( 无限) ...



Today, the ice cream truck went by my house for the seventh time today, as it has for the last seven days of my fasting. FML. 今天卖冰激凌的车从我家门前第七次开过。今天是我七天斋戒的最后一天。FML。
Standing water on ice shelves is often a sign that they are close to collapse as the water can widen existing cracks in the ice. 冰架上存在静水表明冰架即将崩裂,因为静水会浸宽现有冰缝。
As fhardly every but feel warmheartedness of this ice fire, seem to be just to slowly melt, slowly resume vitality. 至于灵魂却感觉到这冰火的温暖,似乎在慢慢融化,,慢慢恢复活力。
Editor's note: Do not handle dry ice with your bare hands. Use tongs or thick gloves. Keep dry ice out of the reach of children. 编者注:不要空手处理干冰。一定要使用钳子或者带上手套。将干冰保存在儿童可触及的范围之外。
One scoop of ice cream on a plain biscuit cone would be a very rare and adequate reward for me if I did well for my examination when young. 儿时考试成绩优越,普通的一个圆锥饼干上加一勺冰淇淋,对我而言就已经是难得不过的丰厚奖赏了。
When you finish eating your Hollywood ice cream cone, you immediately put it out of your mind, but that lollipop isn't so easily forgotten. 只是好莱坞冰淇淋吃多了,吃完会马上忘在脑后,这支棒棒糖却不这么简单?
The next time you are eating an ice lolly in the office, be warned: you could be sexually harassing your colleagues. 下次在办公室吃冰棍,你可要小心了:你可能会对同事构成性骚扰。
In 2002 an ice shelf the size of Rhode Island, which had been stable for at least 10, 000 years, collapsed in just three weeks. 2002年,罗德岛大小的一块冰架,一万多年来都保持稳定,但却在3天之内解体了。
It's easy to make eating ice cream a regular habit in the summer, but try to limit frozen treats like ice cream to no more than once a week. 在夏天,吃冰淇淋很容易成为一种习惯,但是要努力限制冰的宴飨比如冰淇淋一周不能超过1次。
Acoustic instruments on the submarine told us that there was a ridge at the bottom of the ocean, sitting transverse to the flow of ice. 潜艇上的声波仪器告诉我们,在海洋底部有一道海脊,横向坐落在冰流方向上。
Because Helen could not hear, she did not know how to talk. She made up her own signs. If she wanted an ice cream she shivered! 由于听不见,所以海伦不知道如何开口说话。她自创了一些示意动作。如果她想要吃冰淇淋,她就会打冷颤。
It was the little ball that broke the ice between the United States and China and gave both governments a chance to build up the friendship. 是这个小小的球打破了美国和中国的僵局,给中美政府建立友谊的机会,
The surface of the icy moon is thought to be about 99 percent water ice, with a good chance of liquid water beneath. 据科学家推测,土卫二冰冷的表面99%被水冰覆盖,地表之下存在液态水的几率也很大。
Fill the top bowl with ice and place the bottom bowl in a sink of hot water. Spray WD-40 in between them the best that you can. 在玻璃杯的顶部放满冰块而在其底部盛满热水,可能地话最好是在它们之间喷进WD-40万能防锈润滑剂。
His head still hurt, but there was also an odd sense of numbness, as if ice had been laid on an injury. 他的头还是很疼,可他还感到有些奇怪的麻木,似乎在伤口上放了一块冰的感觉。
It must be textured for traction, embedded with heating elements for melting away ice and snow, and able to survive years of traffic. 该玻璃必须具有浮凸结构以产生附着摩擦力,内嵌加热元件以融化冰雪,而且可以承载数年的交通量。
How much is a dish of plain ice-cream? 一碟普通的冰淇淋多少钱?。
One of its attractions was a printing press that was placed on the ice and used to knock up souvenir broadsides to mark the occasion. 集市上吸引人的一个地方之一就是放在冰上的一台印刷机,人们用这台机器来印出纪念性报纸,描述集市上的情形。
A warm breath and a rub on her pants later, a small black pebble, oval like a river rock, charred and smooth, was freed of ice. 在她呵完热气,并在裤子上擦拭一番后,黑色小石子上的冰层就被除掉了,这块像河滩卵石一样的椭圆形石头已被烧焦,但表面很光滑。
There was no reason to stop skating, since the ice did not stop. And so we skated right into the woods. 冰面没有尽头,我们也不想停下,这样一直滑进了树林。
It was an intense experience, one that reminded me of tasting ice cream for the first time as a child. 那是一种很带感的体验,让我忆起儿时吃第一口冰激凌时的感觉。
The "one" to "four" are pretty easy to do and relate to sequential repositioning of the picks and crampons that hook you to the ice. 从“一”到“四”都很容易做到,就是按顺序挪动那些把你挂在冰川上的冰镐和冰爪。
However, he said the accelerating melting of Arctic ice is worrisome and it is urgent we strengthen scientific research on the phenomenon. 然而他指出北极海冰快速融化令人忧虑,证明了对此现象加强科学研究的紧迫性。
In the Arctic, above the ice and below, wildlife prospers in what might seem to be an inhospitable environment. 在北极圈,在冰层上下,野生动植物在一个看起来无法居住的环境中繁荣昌盛。
She was clever and knew how to get it out with peanut butter and ice cubes and led me to believe she had to cut her hair and was devastated. 她很聪明,知道怎么用花生酱以及冰块把口香糖处理掉,让我相信她一定要把头发剪掉才行,痛心不已。
The body was found in a second snow cave near another such cave where rescuers found a sleeping bag, ice axes and rope, officials said. 官方称在一个雪洞内发现了睡袋、冰镐、绳索,在就近的第二个雪洞内发现了尸体。
Think of your ordinary, emotional, thought-ridden self as a block of ice or a slab of butter left out in the sun. 把你的凡心、烦恼和妄念,视为阳光下的冰或奶油。
Permafrost is basically dirt that's been permanently frozen for hundreds or thousands of years, much of it since the last ice age. 永久冻土层基本上是已经被持久冻结数百或数千年的泥土,其中大部分是自上一次冰河时期。
The Great Lakes basins were excavated by the ice, and many present landforms are the result of this continental glaciation. 五大湖盆地都是冰挖掘出来的,如今许多现有地形都是这种大陆冰川作用的结果。
When I was there early enough, I got to help prepare the meal, shelling the beans or turning the crank on the ice-cream maker. 要是到巴迪家早一些的话,我也一块儿帮忙做饭,不是剥豆子,就是摇冰淇淋机的把儿。