
美 [ˈelsˌhwer]英 [elsˈweə(r)]
  • adv.在(或去、到)别处

look elsewhere,work elsewhere


1.在(或去、到)别处in, at or to another place

Studios used to rely on rumours of American success seeping out of the country, priming audiences elsewhere to see a film. 制片方曾经依靠从美国市场向其他国家传出电影火爆的消息,从而引导别国观众观影。
These improvements will make it much more fun for you to enjoy the thousands of games and apps available in Ovi Store and elsewhere. 这些改进将使它更有趣的你享受数以千计的游戏和应用服务提供乔维奇商店和其他地方。
The election of one individual with the single mission of controlling the police seems to have no direct precedent in America or elsewhere. 对于选举出某个人来监督警察这一机制,在美国和其他国家似乎都找不到先例。
Military experts in the United States and elsewhere say Beijing's real military spending is at least double the announced figure. 美国及其他国家的军事专家评论说中国的实际军事开支是公布的数字的两倍。
They hid under tables in the dark, hoping the gunmen would not find them and hearing the sounds of explosions elsewhere in the hotel. 他们藏在桌子底下,耳朵里听到酒店其他地方响起的爆炸声,心里祈祷着歹徒们找不到自己。
The local yamen or headquarters might have one as a link with superiors elsewhere, but there were rarely lines within a town itself. 地方性的yamen或总部可能有一如一个与长者的联编在别处,但是在一个城镇里面很少地有线它本身。
This is a serious risk in the Baltics, but elsewhere most economies do not display the same sort of financial imbalances. 这是波罗的海国家的严重风险,但其他多数国家没有呈现同类型的金融失衡状况。
The unique European context does make this story different from that of most would-be breakaway territories elsewhere in the world. 欧洲的特殊环境使得科索沃不同于世界上其他想要独立的地区。
Including your contact information in FAQs (even if it appears elsewhere on your blog) can be the key to getting a project. 在你的FAQ页面里包含你的联系方式(即使它们在你的博客里随处可见)很可能会是获得一个项目的关键。
And He said to them, Let us go elsewhere into the nearby towns that I may preach there also, because for this purpose I came out. 他对他们说,我们可以往别处去,到邻近的村镇,我也好在那里传道,我原是为此出来的。
If your attention is elsewhere, you may not notice these signals and so when the cat bites, it certainly appears as if there was no warning. 如果你的注意力在别处,也许就不会注意到这些信号,所以当她咬你时,就肯定会好像没有事先警告一样。
Yet "No One Killed Jessica" , released in India earlier this month and due to be shown in Europe, America and elsewhere, avoids hectoring. 不过,本月早些时候在印度上映,并计划在欧美以及其他地区上映的《无人杀害杰西卡》一片,却没有盛气凌人的叙事。
But a weaker dollar need not push up prices elsewhere, as long as policymakers outside America do not try to follow the dollar down. 只要其他国家的决策者不想尝试跟随美元的贬值,美元走弱不会抬高其他地方的物价。
That implies that the market as a whole isn't a steal, or he would have put the money elsewhere. 这意味着美国股市的总体市盈率已经不低,否则巴菲特早会将这笔收购资金用在其他地方了。
The news did not dampen investor exuberance in the United States or elsewhere, as financial markets worldwide rallied sharply higher. 这个消息没有让美国投资人受到打击,世界各地投资人也不受影响,星期四各国股市普遍上扬。
In terms of the products involved, the factor of delivered cost governs elsewhere in the world just as it does here, of course. 在所涉及的产品方面,交付成本的因素管辖在世界其他地方一样,它在这里所做的,当然。
NARRATOR: But elsewhere, the market was flourishing. Tens of thousands of small businesses sprung up, and the Polish economy began to boom. 旁白:但在其他地区,市场得到了繁荣,成千上万的小企业异军突起,波兰经济开始走向繁荣。
From then on, try as I may, I began to become very cool toward her. . . She later said she was going to seek satisfaction elsewhere. 从那时起,我尽我所能,但是我开始对她产生冷漠感……随后,她说她要去别的地方寻求满足感。
But it's impossible not to be worried: China's story just sounds too much like the crack-ups we've already seen elsewhere. 但由不得你不担忧:中国的经历与我们在别处看到的经济崩溃如同一辙。
And if they're going to be seeking the goods that they might have gotten through that trade elsewhere, it's going to be at a higher cost. 如果他们试图通过其他渠道获得他们本可通过这些贸易取得的货物,成本就会增加。
But the point on which all nine states concur is that citizens should not be told much about corruption, either at home or elsewhere. 而这9个地方都认同的一点是:无论在家里或其他地方,市民都不应该知道腐败的情形。
My preferred license would be at least an exclusive license for iOS and a non-exclusive license elsewhere. 我的首选许可证将在至少一个IOS的独家许可和非排他性的许可其他地方。
Elsewhere, such information could be easy to obtain while conducting market research. 在其它国家,这类信息通过开展市场研究就可以轻松获得。
The obscurity was more dense there than elsewhere. It was a pit of mire in a cavern of night. 黑暗在这儿比任何地方都深厚,这是夜之洞穴中的一个泥坑。
Zeus is too outrageous to see her much, on the "good" and advised her to look elsewhere, innocent peasant outlet. 宙斯见她闹得太不像话,就“好心”地劝她再到别处看看,别拿无辜的农民出气。
However in this case the customer had the information elsewhere and the disk would not spin up long enough for a backup to be made. 但是在这种情况下除外,客户已在其他位置存储了该信息,并且磁盘无法运行到备份完成。
'Since you can't put your eggs in one basket, you move some of it elsewhere, ' he said. 他说,你不能把全部鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,你需要把一些鸡蛋放到别处。
Elsewhere, he put it more bluntly: "This business about a graceful exit just simply has no realism to it at all. " 在别的地方,他甚至更直言不讳:“简单的谈论一个体面的撤离没有任何现实意义。”
You can also export the diagrams to a Microsoft Office Word 2003 outline for a more linear view, or to an XML file to reuse elsewhere. 您还可以将图表导出到MicrosoftOfficeWord2003大纲中,以获得一个线性的视图,或导出到XML文件中以便在其他位置重新使用。
The US strategy on this issue is not, at least for the moment, consistent with strategies elsewhere. 美国在这一问题上的战略与其它国家的战略一致,至少目前如此。