every time

  • na.每次;每当
  • 网络每一次;总是;每回

every timeevery time

every time


高中英语常考词组短语大全[D-E][嘉兴英语网] ... every now and then 有时,时时,偶尔,时常 every time 每次 except for 除...


字典中 每 字的解释 ... (1) 常常,经常[ often;frequently] (3) 每一次[ every time] (1) 各个[ every;each] ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... come to time 履行义务 every time 每当 for a time 暂时 ...


最新日常英语1000句 - 免费文档下载 ... Even though - 即使 Every time - 每次 - ,总是 - When it comes to - 要是 ,/说到 , ...


Teaching plan ... Hesitation n. the act of hesitating 踌躇;迟疑 conj. Every time 每回 ad. At any such time 随便哪个时候 ...


...erything)、每处(Everywhere)、每时(Every time)等。


6A第三课 倾斜的伞 flashcards | Quizlet ... 倾斜 inclined;slanting 每逢 every time;whenever 迅速 rapidly;speedily;quickly ...

Event that allows you to perform a custom set of instructions every time the value of the text box changes between posts to the server. 事件,使您可以在每次文本框的值在向服务器的各次发送过程之间更改时执行自定义指令集。
The actor shut his eyes and tried to sleep again, but every time he opened them, the young man was looking at him with the same fixed look. 演员关闭他的眼睛,并试图再次入睡,但每一次他打开他们,年轻的男子看着他以同样的固定期待。
I have been waiting to get into this bar for so long, but every time I try to get in, they make me leave. The way is always barred to me. 我等着进这个酒吧已经很长时间了,但每次我试图进去,他们都让我离开。
It's like beachcombing, you know? Every time the tide comes in and out, you find some more shells. 就像那些在潮汐间隔的海滩中找宝物一般,你会找到更多的贝壳。
Every time she spoke the words, she had a new understanding of the lines, as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels. 每一次她说了字,她有了线的新理解,好像莎士比亚已经写在许多水平上的波西亚。
People need a simple set of questions to ask every time results are presented; patients can ask their doctor these same questions. 每当有研究成果面世时,人们需要提出一组简单的问题;患者同样可以向医生询问这些问题。
Every time per passenger is only allowed to take a transparent plastic bag, the excess should be delivered. 每名旅客每次仅允许携带一个透明塑料袋,超出部分应交运。
My friend Liu told me that every time it was Saturday he would be asked to go shopping with his wife. 我的朋友老刘告诉我他老婆每到周末都要他陪着逛街。
You know, every time you don't pick me up the phone, how much i worry? 你知道,每次你不接我的电话,我有多么担心吗?。
Every time he thought he had run out of reasons to love her, a new one appeared. 每次他想到自己已经用光了爱她的理由时,总有一个新的会出现。
Actually, I've loved growing flowers ever since my childhood. But every time I grew a flower, it all ends up in failure. 其实啊,我从小就特别喜欢养花。不过,每次都是以失败告终。
Every time I come in the door, he's waiting to greet me with glee. 每次我一回家,他就在门口高兴地迎接我。
Every time Jerry sees the dog, he would run after the dog to get it out of the block. 每次看到那条狗杰瑞,他就追赶那只狗把它弄出来的。
I think that is all I remembered of her. Because of this why my heart is always aching every time I think about her. 这也许是我记得的全部,所以一想到我母亲,总是很心痛。
Write down every time you spend money and take a look at it at the end of the month. 在花钱时做一笔相应的记录,在月底检查一遍。
Billy is a bit of a lady's man -- every time we go out for drinks, he gets at least a dozen phone numbers from cute girls. 比利很有女人缘,每次我们出去喝酒,他至少要接听一打来自漂亮女孩的电话。
"Every time you do these scenarios, one of the first objectives is trying to find out what's going on inside North Korea. " 布什政府前亚洲顾问迈克尔J•格林表示,“每当你想分析一下当前情况,最先要做的是搞清楚朝鲜内部正在发生什么。”
Every time he gave a speech, he would try to work a couple of jokes into it. 他每次演讲的时候都要在讲稿里穿插几个笑话。
See the sun every time sheets will always be remembered that this section of memories, like winter sunshine, warm. 每逢看见晒被单,总会想起这一段回忆,像冬日的阳光,暖暖的。
"I wish I could just make him stop working. So every time I see him working, I got to work hard, too. " “我希望我能够让他不用再去工作。所以每次看到他工作的时候,我就更加努力的训练。”
She's such a man trap ! Every time I see her, she's got a different guy on her arm. 她真是个狐狸精。每次我见到她,她都和不同的男人在一起。
In a way, it was his fault for giving way to his wife every time. 在某种程度上,每次给他的妻子让步是他的错。
Recall that this function is invoked every time the request object experiences a state change. 回想一下,每次请求对象经历状态改变的时候都会调用这个函数。
I slept most of the day. But every time I woke up, I saw my grandmother . she was sitting on an old chair next to my bed. 我睡了大半天,但每次醒来我都看见祖母,她都坐在紧挨着我床边的一把老式的椅子上。
Every time there is an EU summit and an announcement of a new deal to solve the crisis, markets bounce for a few days. 每当欧盟(EU)召开峰会和宣布新的危机解决方案时,市场就会出现几天的反弹。
Every time the illusion is Riyousuosi, do not believe she was a demon for the only kind of love deeply. 每回的春梦都是日有所思,不信她是妖只为情根深种。
Every time I think about buying a car, I consider how much it costs to keep one up. 每次当我想买一辆车时,我会考虑到要花多少钱来维修和保养它。
" Every time I am a little progress, I said to myself: " What kind of results this point, and then insist on is victory. 每当我有点进步时,我总自己说:“这点成绩算什么,再坚持就是胜利。”
Father comes back one year twice only, did not wait for a month to leave every time. 爸爸一年只回来两次,每次待不到一个月就离开了。
Every time I'm not myself, he always out there with roses in hands. There is nothing but bursting into tears. 他在我措手不及的时候捧着玫瑰花出现,给我热泪盈眶的惊喜。