
美 [ɪkˈsploʊd]英 [ɪkˈspləʊd]
  • v.爆炸;爆裂;爆破;勃然(大怒)
  • 网络分解;爆发;炸开

第三人称单数:explodes 现在分词:exploding 过去式:exploded

bomb explode,rocket explode,plane explode,missile explode,explode theory



爆炸burst violently

1.[i][t]爆炸;爆破;爆裂to burst or make sth burst loudly and violently, causing damage

变得愤怒╱危急get angry/dangerous

2.[i][t]勃然(大怒);大发(雷霆);突然发生(危险)to suddenly become very angry or dangerous

表达感情express emotion

3.[i]~ (into/with sth)突然爆发,迸发(感情)to suddenly express an emotion

突然行动move suddenly

4.[i]~ (into sth)突然做起…来;突然活跃起来to suddenly and quickly do sth; to move suddenly with a lot of force

发出巨响make loud noise

5.[i]突然发出巨响to make a sudden very loud noise

激增increase quickly

6.[i]突增;激增to increase suddenly and very quickly in number

推翻show sth is not true

7.[t]~ sth推翻;驳倒;破除to show that sth is not true, especially sth that people believe


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... continual a. 不断地,频繁的 160. explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增 161. exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采 16…


CAD快捷命令大全 ... TR,*TRIM 修剪 *EXPLODE 分解 DAL,*DIMALIGNED 对齐标注 ...


690个英语四级高频词汇 ... continual a. 不断地,频繁的 160. explode v. 爆炸;爆发;激增 161. exploit v. 剥削;利用,开采 16…


*用炸开(explode)的指令炸开最后被联集的物件快速键为xx/L注意此时炸开后的各别圆还不是圆还是面域 …


自考英语二词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... measurement n. 衡量,测量 explode vt. 使爆炸 supernova n. [天]超新星 ...


分解命令Explode)将图形对象进行分解时, A. 对象的颜色不变 B. 分解对象的颜色、线型和线宽都可能会改变 C. 对象的 …


⑤不要轻易打散(EXPLODE)系统生成的填充样式、标注等,这对你以后编辑有帮助。 ⑥尽量不要使用系统默认字体以外的字 …


英语常用动词表_百度文库 ... explain v. 解释,说明 explode v. 爆炸,爆发,破裂 exploit v. 剥削;利用;开拓,开发,开采 ...

That's why you see tennis players constantly moving and jumping which allows them to keep this energy in the legs ready to explode. 这就是为什么你总是看见网球运动员不停的移动和跳动,这样使他们保持这种能量并时刻准备爆发。
There her world will be turned upside down and a perfect summer will explode into a million bewildering pieces. 那样的话她会完全颠倒并且一个完美的夏天将破碎成无数的碎片。
In an interview, Mr. Rhatigan said he smelled gunpowder coming from the vehicle and went toward it, thinking it could explode at any second. 他接受采访时说,他闻到车里散发出火药味,朝车子走过去,觉得它随时可能爆炸。
It must have been a gas that could burn but that would not explode, a gas that did not smell strong, and a gas that did not kill people. 这准是一种能够燃烧但不会爆炸的气体,一种气味不大又不伤人的气体。
Sometimes I couldn't bear to be in Shane's room. I felt as if I were going to explode or go insane. 有时候我无法呆在沙恩的病房里,我感觉自己似乎快要爆炸,快要急疯了。
Despite the fact that the palace was to explode around them in three minutes, Guri challenged Skywalker to a hand-to-hand brawl. 尽管他们所在的宫殿将在三分钟内爆炸,但古丽还是向天行者提出了徒手格斗的挑战。
A spokeswoman said the refugees had been walking for days to escape a situation they feared could explode into violence. 一位女发言人表示,难民为逃离已经徒步行走了好几天,他们担心逃离可能演变成暴力活动。
And then, that begins to explode, eventually winding up in major newspapers, making major headlines across the country. 然后,它开始爆发,最终成为报纸新闻头条,成为全国各地的重大头条消息。
For good measure, a Russian - made bomb fell (but did not explode) into a vegetable field in Georgia. 此外,一枚俄罗斯制造的导弹坠落(但没有爆炸)在格鲁吉亚的一块菜田里。
Really mastering the subtleties of touching is one of the best ways to really explode a woman's ideas of just how amazing sex can be. 真正的掌握爱抚的微妙之处可以爆炸式的改变女人的观念,让她们知道性爱可以有多么的奇妙,这是最好的方法之一。
Sound branding is "ready to explode. In a more cluttered environment people are trying to get their communication to work harder. " 用声音宣传品牌已经势不可当,在艰难复杂的环境中人更要加倍努力,以使沟通顺畅。
When conditions are right, we know and see that that innovation is ready to explode in rural Africa, just like anywhere else. 当条件对了,我们就知道并且能能够看到非洲农村的创新力已经准备好爆发了,正如其他任何地方一样。
"The day where we hit 95 dollars a barrel I think all of a sudden you're going to see bio-plastics basically explode, " he said. “我想,到石油达到每桶95美元那天,你会突然看到生物塑料的迅猛发展。”他说。
After confiscating it, the policeman said the aging weapon still had powder and a fuse that could make it explode. 这名警察说,他收缴这枚陈旧的炸弹之后发现炸弹内仍有火药和引信,有可能会发生爆炸。
I imagine that this is a bit of what it feels like to wait for a grenade to explode. 在我的想象中,这应该有点像等待手榴弹爆炸的感受。
Ben: All I said was that I hope Stinky and Gary explode! What's extreme about that? 本:我只不过说希望盖瑞跟臭蛋气死,这有什么过分的?
Cummings said that she had not been overly concerned about flying, but that her 15-year-old son had worried the plane might explode. Cummings夫人说她并没有因此对飞行感到过度担心,但是她15岁的儿子却担心飞机会发生爆炸。
With the clock ticking and my oversized Russian fisherman looking ready to explode, he grabbed my hand. 时间一秒一秒的过去,大个子的俄罗斯渔民似乎要爆发了,他抓住了我的手。
There has been no one claimed to be responnsive or this accident, and this kind of chain-explode is usually adopted by Kashmir. 目前还没有谁声称对此次快速连环爆炸事件负责,这种连环爆炸是克什米尔好战分子的惯用手法。
With Shaima, they exploded her; she did not explode herself. 他们引爆了莎依玛;她没有炸掉自己。
One of his devices ignited, but failed to explode, in the cargo hold of an American Airlines passenger plane. 在一架美国航空公司飞机的货舱里,他的一个装置引燃了,不过没有爆炸。
He picked up the basket as if it might explode. Which, in a manner of speaking, it would shortly do. 他极不情愿的拿起篮子,就好像它会爆炸似的,说实话,它的确快爆炸了。
At the time Mr Edano said the blast had "destroyed the roof of the outer building but the reactor containment vessel did not explode" . 当时,枝野幸男称爆炸“摧毁了反应堆外部建筑的屋顶,但反应堆容器没有爆炸。”
In his 1997 autobiography he confessed that at the time of his leaving of Liverpool he had felt as if his head would explode. 在1997年出版的自传里,他承认,在刚离开利物浦的那段时间里,他觉得自己头都要爆炸了。
Something was ready to explode inside of her because she could not make people understand her. 她的内心深处有什么东西要爆发,因为她的举止已难以让人理解。
He said that doomsday was about to come and that the Earth was going to explode. In fact, what he says are just fallacies to deceive people. 他说世界末日就要到了,地球即将爆炸,事实上他所说的都是骗人的鬼话。
It must have been a gas that could burn but that would not explode. 它一定是一种能够燃烧而不会爆炸的气体。
If you're one of those people who tends to bottle things up, only to explode . . . don't hold it in so long. 如果你属于那些喜欢把事情憋在心里的人,结果肯定会爆发了……所以不要把事情憋在心里太久。
Gillian said that this matter like a time bomb, she often worried about not knowing when they will explode. 阿娇表示,这件事情就像个定时炸弹,她经常担心不知何时会爆炸。
As much as the Administration is tempted, it is not about to test Iran's promise to "explode" the Middle East if it is attacked. 尽管政府蠢蠢欲动,但它不打算考验伊朗说自己一旦受攻击就“引爆”中东的诺言。