
美 [dʌn]英 [dʌn]
  • int.
  • adj.疲倦;已完成的;精疲力尽的;烧熟了的〔通例用作复合词〕
  • adv.〔美俚〕已经
  • 网络过去分词;要某人做某事;结束

现在分词:doing 第三人称单数:does



1.完毕;了结;结束finished; completed

2.煮熟;熟了cooked enough

3.合乎礼仪;合乎规矩;得体socially acceptable, especially among people who have a strict set of social rules


be done for

处境艰难;注定完蛋;肯定不行to be in a very bad situation; to be certain to fail

be/get done for sth/for doing sth

因轻微违法行为受罚to be caught and punished for doing sth illegal but not too serious

be done in

累得够受;精疲力竭to be extremely tired

be the done thing

是合乎礼仪的行为;是得体的行为to be socially acceptable behaviour

be/have done with sb/sth

与(某人)断绝关系;做完(某事);用完(某物)to have finished dealing with sb, or doing or using sth

a done deal

达成的协议;决定了的计划an agreement or a plan that has been finally completed or agreed

done and dusted

完全结束;彻底完成completely finished

have done with it

赶快了结,尽快做完(令人不愉快的事)to do sth unpleasant as quickly as possible, so that it is finished


Unity 脚本类总索引 ... autorotateToPortrait 自动旋转到纵向 done 完成 visible 可见 ...


分词有过去分词done)和现在分词(doing)动词名词化就是ing形式 提问人的追问 2009-08-21 10:47 动词分词(done),有什 …


英语语法-动词的语态 ... This book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。 have sth. done( 要某人做某事)。 It is said that… 据说 ...


高分求一些汇编的问题. 急!(24小时内)_百度知道 ... ;循环读取 lp: ;结束 done: ;循环输出字符 up3: ...


英语常用单词 - 豆丁网 ... did conj. 是,要,做 过去分词 done a. 完成了,好了 (名词 do's but conj. 但是 ...


计算机中英文对照 - sundly的日志 - 网易博客 ... Domain 域 Done 已完成 End User License Agreement 最终用户许可协议 ...


高中英语语法时态_百度知道 ... be+doing+ 现在完成时 主语+ have/has+done+ 过去完成时 主语+ had+done+ 一般将来时 主语…

'They couldn't have done that, you know, ' Alice gently remarked; 'they'd have been ill. ' “你知道,这样是不行的,她们都会生病的。”爱丽丝轻声说。
Channel 4 said the experiment had a scientific purpose and had not been done for sensationalism. 英国第四频道电视台表示,该实验有科学目的,并不是仅仅为了追求轰动效应。
I think of Spengler and of his terrible pronunciamentos, and I wonder if style, style in the grand manner, is done for. 我想起施本格勒同他那些可怕的宣言,并且不由得惊异--风格,广义上的风格,是否全完蛋了?
I must just speak of it _once_, I told Sir Thomas I must _once_, and then I shall have done. 我对托马斯爵士说我一定要说一次,然后就再也不提了。
And she said to Elijah, What have I done to you, O man of God, that you have come to me to recall my iniquity and kill my son? 妇人对以利亚说,神人哪,我与你何干?你竟到我这里来,使神想起我的罪孽,叫我的儿子死呢?
But also, unreformed China seems to have done a more impressive job than India did in educating and providing health care for its poor. 不过,没有进行改革的中国似乎在为穷人提供教育和医疗服务上面比印度做的更出色。
When children age 3 to 5 see a ball rolling into a box, they say that the ball couldn't have done anything else. 当3~5岁的小孩们看到一个球滚进箱子里,他们会说球是不由自主的。
When the boy nodded, Johnson lifted him onto his hip, as he might've done with one of his own sons, and headed for the mess tent. 当小家伙点头后,约翰森一把将他抱起,就像是对待自己的儿子一样,走向一个乱糟糟的帐篷。
I do not know when poor Richard's cravats would be done, if he had no friend but you. 要是可伶的理查德只有你一个亲人的话,我真不知道他的围巾什么时候才能织好。
He said half the business done by his firm's China offices involves Chinese firms investing overseas. 他还说他们事务所中国办事处一半的业务都牵涉到投资海外的中国公司。
"Grosvenor House, the Ritz and Park Lane are all out" , said Bette, as proud as if she had done the whole thing herself. “格罗文纳饭店,利茨,公园巷饭店全都罢了工,”蓓蒂说,得意洋洋地就像她一手搞成的似的。
Here's a little to ken of my appreciation for all that you have done for me over the years. 这是我一点小小的心意,感谢您这么多年来所付出的一切。
You may have done every single thing right. , but your site is still not showing up in the search engines for your target keywords. 你可能做对了每件事,但你的网站却没有出现在搜索引擎上。
I have to leave, leave you baby, because you know you done me wrong. 我必须离开,休假你宝贝,因为你认识你被做我错误的。
If you know of, or have done, additional data visualization on this material, please let us know, either in the comments or via email. 如果您知道,或已经做过这类素材的额外数据可视化,您可以发表评论或发邮件让我们知道。
He didn't know why he'd done it, but the look in her eyes a moment later gave him a shock in his easy joy. 他不知道自己为什么会这样做,但与她眼神的瞬间对接却让他感到了震撼,全然没有了刚才放瓶子时轻松体验到的喜悦。
important parts of a lesson can be done just as lots of students have done on their textbooks before. 做笔记和对重要部分的标注也和很多学生以前做的没有什么大的区别。
Sorry ! It was to clumsy of me to have done it . 对不起!我太笨了,竟然把事情做成这样。
But as I have said, it seems to me that dragons are not really the pure quill of fantasy, when properly done. 但就像前面提到的,我以为如处理得当,龙并非奇幻作品的要素。
And now the LORD shew kindness and truth unto you: and I also will requite you this kindness, because ye have done this thing. 你们既行了这事,愿耶和华以慈爱诚实待你们,我也要为此厚待你们。
However, he said the Fed is unlikely to repeat in the near term the extensive stress-tests done on major U. S. banks earlier this year. 不过他也指出,联储近期内不太可能重复今年稍早针对美国大型银行的压力测试。
I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don't like to leave things half-done. I'm very organized and extremely capable. 我做事非常热心,我不喜欢把事情做一半。我非常有组织能力,也很能干。
And when all is said and done, he knows History will judge him by how much he wins . 当所有的一些都说过做过以后,他知道历史会根据他取得胜利来评价他的。
Finally, after you've done all that you can with your resources, you enter into the final level of protection, the SLA. 最后,在您完成了能对资源进行的所有处理之后,您进入最后一级保护——SLA。
Close to the top of the agenda, though, was the matter of school lunches and what could be done to improve them. 不过,在采访刚开始不久时,关于学校午餐以及它们应如何改进的问题就被提了出来。
The original message in which had a date was not something that should have been done. 在起初的信息中有日期不是应该这样进行的事情。
I told him that whatever positive things I had done since had been influenced at least in part by his morning school prayers. 我告诉他,我做过的那些有积极意义的事,有很大一部分是受到了他的早晨祷告的影响。
But these half-measures do not seem to have done even half the job. 不过这些折中办法似乎都没有起到一半作用。
Shell doesn't seem to have done anything like this. 壳牌并不像已经这样做的样子。
About three-quarters of the companies that have reported so far have done better than analysts expected. 迄今为止,已经公布业绩的公司中,大约有四分之三的表现超出了分析师的预期。