do it

  • 网络行动;完成;做就对了

do itdo it

do it


...CAR 原则中的P 代表计划(plan),D 代表行动Do it),C 代表检验和调整(check it),A 代表重新开始(action again),R …


...own it)、解决问题(solve it)与著手完成do it)。


Nelly Furtado Undercover 机密 Mp3歌曲 -... ... Say It Right 好好说 Do It 做就对了 Showtime 好戏上场 ...


英文常用语排行榜_世界经理人学堂... ... You got me! 你考倒我了! Do it 动手去做;去做吧! Let’s go shopping. 一起去逛街吧! ...


求“想一想”等英文翻译_百度知道 ... 想一想: think again 做一做: do it 试一试: give a try ...


英文常用语排行榜_世界经理人学堂... ... You got me! 你考倒我了! Do it 动手去做;去做吧! Let’s go shopping. 一起去逛街吧! ...

The difficulty is always your choice as the choice is simple, please do not consider the issue of choice, just do it. 困难在于你总是把抉择当做抉择,简单在于你别去考虑抉择的问题,只是动手去做。
She never thanked people usually and she did not know how to do it. So she held out her hand, because she knew that adults did that. 她平常从来不去感谢别人,也不知道该怎么做。于是她伸出手,因为她知道大人们都那么做。
So, when an event like this occurs, it is incumbent upon a Democrat to react quickly and decisively, and Obama failed to do it. 所以,像这类事件发生后,民主党人有责任做出迅速而决断的反应,而奥巴马没有做好。
This is something of a chore, particularly if you have a large number of fields to deal with, and is quite easy to forget to do it. 这种事情有点烦杂,特别是当您有大量的字段要处理时,很容易忘记做这件事。
I shall pass this way but once; any good, therefore, that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. 人的生命只有一次,所以,任何能贡献出来的好与善,我们都应该现在就去做。
You know, it's kinda fun. "Everything I do, I do it for fun" -that's my motto - well, not everything, but at least this one. “我所作的一切都是为了兴趣”——这是我的座右铭——不过,也许不可能“一切”,但起码这件事情是。
hope can do it in a few days. love is nothing for a real life. 希望他尽快来,爱对于现实生活来说是没有什么用处的。
If I correct someone, I will do it with as much good humor and self-restraint as if I were the one being corrected . 如果我去更正别人的看法,我会尽可能用幽默和自我克制的态度去做,就象是我被别人更正一样
No matter how much you have, no matter how much you do, it will never be enough. 不管你拥有多少,不管你能做多少,总是不足够的。
To do it before Christmas we had to do it last week so I rushed a bit my decision but it was the only opportunity. 如果要在圣诞前租借,那么上周必须做决定了,所以我决定得很急,但那是最后的机会了。
"They'd say what sound they wanted, and I'd do it, " says Mr. Richardson, who today works out of a van parked near an Australia beach. 理查德森说:“他们告诉我需要什么样的声音,我就把它弄出来。”他现在是在自己卡车里工作,卡车就停在澳大利亚海滩边上。
It wasn't nice of you to make fun of your little brother , take it back and never do it again . 我很讨厌你取笑你弟弟,你应该道歉而且以后别再这么做。
The only way to do it was to replace the private credit that lost credibility with the credit of the state which still commanded respect. 为了防止灾难他们必须避免尖锐的信贷紧缩。唯一的办法是来取代失去信誉以个人信用信用的国家依然令人肃然起敬。
I usually do it all in a two-hour burst on Mondays to get it out of the way for the week. 我通常在周一花两个小时做一周内需要清理的事物。
Ace decided to stop at his mother's place and pick up the baby , instead of waiting for Evey to do it . 埃斯决定先到母亲那儿接孩子,而不是等着埃维去接。
He did not do his homework carefully enough. I persuade him to do it all over again. 他没有认真的做作业,我劝他把作业重新做了一遍。
If he were to do it again, he might add something on magazines and books, and a note about himself. 如果重新来过,罗布森可能会添加一些关于杂志和书的内容,并介绍一下自己。
Or if he forgot to do it, he would make up a story saying that he remembered, but thought you would have already done it, instead. 如果他忘记取衣服回家,他就会编织这样一个故事:不是我不记得了,只是我觉得你已经把它取回家了。
We all do it a little bit differently and end up with slight differences in the numbers. 我们都在用稍稍不同的方法这样做,结果得出稍稍不同的数字。
Everyone had advised me not to do it but I decided to take the chance and go for it. 所有人都建议我不要这么做,但我决定抓住机会。
But too often, it's easy to get caught up in relying on being totally psyched about something before you do it. 但太频繁地依赖动机,很容易让你在行动以前就被心理因素完全束缚。
Gimli: (leaps to his feet) And I suppose you think you're the one to do it? (跳到他脚上)而我猜想你以为你就是那个要去做的人?
If you find him sleeping, drop some of the love-juice in his eyes. But see that you do it when he awakes maybe this lady. 假若您发现他睡著了,便把爱情的汁液滴进他的眼睛里,可是,一定要确定他醒来时便瞅到那少女。
As taking too much time, I won't do it again, but the outcome was quite good. You can give it a try at home. 其实,想吃烧肉并不需要去烧腊铺,只要买个烤炉,就能让家中也飘来阵阵烧肉香。
Then I was at Feyenoord so they asked me to do it a little slower. 然后我进了飞燕诺,他们让我慢一点。
Kurt wanted to buy a home for his wife and two children -- and he wanted to do it through a mortgage he could afford. 科特打算以自己可以承受价格贷款给妻子和两个孩子买套房子。
I just buy a stock. You just saw me buy a stock. No big deal. I mean, you know, if I can do it, you can do. 我买了只股票。你刚看到了,我买了只股票,没什么大不了的。我的意思是說,你知道的,如果我做得到,那你也可以。
This may sound like an odd tip but I have seen charismatic people do it quite a bit. 这也许听起来有点奇怪,但我见过很多有魅力的人都这么做的。
And while sometimes kids can drone on and on and become easy to tune out, you can't do it when they're trying to interact with you. 虽然有时候孩子们会很烦人,变得不听话,可你决不能在他们想和你交流的时候无视他们。
If you don't like the person you've become then do something about it, because no one's gonna do it for you. 不喜欢现在的自己那你就行动起来去改变,因为这事没有人能替你做。