
美 [rul]英 [ruːl]
  • n.规则;统治;控制;管理
  • v.统治;控制;支配;裁定
  • 网络规定;法则;基于规则(rule-based)

复数:rules 现在分词:ruling 过去式:ruled

general rule,british rule,same rule,chinese rule,foreign rule
follow rule,break rule,rule country,establish rule,rule nation


n. v.

活动;游戏of activity/game

1.[c]规则;规章;条例a statement of what may, must or must not be done in a particular situation or when playing a game


2.[c]建议;应做之事a statement of what you are advised to do in a particular situation

习惯;常规habit/normally true

3.[c][ususing]习惯;常规;惯常的做法a habit; the normal state of things; what is true in most cases

体系of system

4.[c]定律;规则a statement of what is possible according to a particular system, for example the grammar of a language


5.[u]统治;管理;支配;控制the government of a country or control of a group of people by a particular person, group or system


bend/stretch the rules

根据具体情况改变规则;通融to change the rules to suit a particular person or situation

play by sbs (own) rules

按某人定的规矩行事if sbplays by their own rules or makes other peopleplay by their rules , they set the conditions for doing business or having a relationship

play by the rules

按规则玩游戏;处事公正诚实;循规蹈矩to deal fairly and honestly with people

the rules of the game

游戏规则;大家共同遵守的行为标准the standards of behaviour that most people accept or that actually operate in a particular area of life or business

the rule of law

法治the condition in which all members of society, including its rulers, accept the authority of the law

a rule of thumb

实用的估算方法,经验工作法(常依据经验而非准确测量)a practical method of doing or measuring sth, usually based on past experience rather than on exact measurement

work to rule

按章工作;变相罢工to follow the rules of your job in a very strict way in order to cause delay, as a form of protest against your employer or your working conditions


规则 翻译器接收一组规则rule)和事实(fact)的定义后,生成一组 C 语言的例程,用来“断言” (assert)事实和处理规则。 …


御字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 同本义。也作“驭”〖 driveacarriage〗 统治;治理〖 rule;administer〗 统率;率领〖 command〗 ...


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... ruin vt. (使)毁坏;(使) 毁灭 n. (复) 废墟;遗迹 rule n. 规则,规定 ruler n. 统治者;直尺 ...


字典中 容 字的解释 ... (4) 模式,样式[ pattern] (5) 法则,规律[ rule] (6) 礼仪;礼法[ rite] ...


唐唐的网易博客 - jeftom - 网易博客 ... c. CHOOSE( 选择性) a. RULE基于规则) b. COST( 基于成本) ...

run全部意思_百度知道 ... PC 电脑词汇 ... rule n. 规则,法则, run 运行 ...


金融英语 - 金融学 考研论坛 ... RSI 相对强弱指数 Rule 144A 144A 条例 Samurai bonds 武士债券 ...


2013年七年级英语下册-6单元单词_百度文库 ... true 真的;符合实际的 rule 规则;规章 arrive 到达 ...

This is all the rule you need to know when trying to figure out what shoes to wear. 这就是当你拿不定主意到底穿什么鞋的时候必须牢记的法则。
You cannot label one sovereign wealth fund and then sort of rule it out completely. 你不能给某一个主权财富基金贴上标签,然后就把它完全排除在外。
But she did make it a golden rule to ring the twins at six o'clock every evening to say goodnight to them. 不过,她为自己定了一条雷打不动的规矩,即每天晚上六点钟给她的孪生子打电话,祝他们晚安。
make it a rule to do sth. = make a rule of doing sth. 规定有做某事的习惯
"Development" was a favorite catchword in the early years of his rule. 在苏哈托时代早期,“发展”成为最时兴“口号”。
To drop a rule, first unbind it if the rule is currently bound to a column or to an alias data type. 如果规则当前绑定到列或别名数据类型,则需先解除绑定才能删除该规则。
If I had my life to live over again, I would make it a rule to read some poetry and listen to some music at least once every week. 如果我能再活一世,我就要读点儿诗,听点儿音乐,每星期至少一次,形成习惯。
Higher costs seem to be more accepted for cancer treatment than for other illnesses, but there's no rule on how much is too much, he said. 与其它疾病相比,癌症医疗似乎更认可高额费用,但是多少才算是多?谁又能说得清呢?
A popular rule of thumb in the 1990s was that countries should be able to cover a year's worth of debt obligations. 20世纪90年代非常盛行的经验之谈是国家应有能力偿还一年期的债务。
There seems to be a rule in nature that if you get too close to where you came from, it gets ugly. 自然中似乎有个规则:如果你距离你所来的地方太近,就会变得丑陋。
Conservative central bankers worry that it would still break the rule that bans direct purchases by the ECB, in spirit at least. 保守的央行行长们担心这仍将会破坏禁止欧洲中央银行直接购买的规定,至少在精神上破坏了规矩。
It would be relatively easy to remain on the Rule of Two bandwagon and still do quite well. 要保留二的规则的余热是相对简单的况且它仍然表现得还不错。
One of a family of giants, the children of Uranus and Gaea, who sought to rule heaven and were. 一个巨人家族的一位成员,这个家族是乌拉诺斯和盖亚的子女,他们试图统治天国,但被宙斯家族推翻并。
"This does not mean that under the rule, all home buyers would have to meet these high standards to qualify for a mortgage, " she said. 这不意味着所有房屋购买者都必须满足这些高标准才能获得抵押贷款。
This principle also underlies another rule of effective speaking: "Dress like your audience, but just a little bit better. " 这些原则也构成了另一条演讲规则的基础:“以你观众的着装为准则,但要比他们好一点点。”
Make it a rule to require, and submit, regular periodic progress reports, as well as final reports on completed projects. 对于进行中的专案,务必要求和提出定期的进度报告;专案完成后,也要呈交结案报告。
True. But it just seems petty not to give her one. I'd rather follow the golden rule: Treat others as you want them to treat you. 那是事实,如果我们不送红包给他,这似乎显得我们有点心胸狭窄。我倒愿意遵循一些乡规民俗,你想别人怎样善待你,你就怎样善待别人。
Answer: The holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the Word of God, the only rule of faith and obedience. 答:新旧约圣经就是神的道,是信仰与顺服的惟一准则。
Some of these, like the Rule of Three, take only a minute to learn and can be used again and again. 其中一些技巧,比如三的原则,只需一分钟便能学会,但却可以不断的反复使用。
There would not have been "modern Korea" if there had not been the colonial rule by Japanese in the past hundred years. 没有日本过去上百年的殖民统治,就没有今天的所谓“现代韩国”。
Health care is not the only big issue the court is expected to rule on this term. 卫生保健是不是唯一的大问题,预计法院规则这个词。
The bank established a rule that all public areas were to be kept clean, orderly, and uncluttered. 事实上银行规定,所有公众地方都必须保持清洁、整齐和不许杂乱。
But the general rule seems to be that public transport in Los Angeles has a great future, and always will. 不过,洛杉矶的公共交通才有伟大的前程似乎是一般规律——并且一直会是这样。
Although those synthetic antioxidants seem to be promising, their toxicity and side effects rule out their extensive prescription. 虽然合成抗氧化剂似乎很有前途,却因其毒性和副作用,不能广泛用作药物。
As a rule, he has a happy temperament, no nervous system to speak of, and a digestion like that of the ostrich. 中国人通常乐天达观,没有神经系统,却有像鸵鸟一样的消化能力。
In a healthy shareholder democracy, such a rule would not be controversial. 在一个健康的公司民主体制下,人们不会对这一规则有任何异议。
The rule I set for myself 10 years ago was that if the press calls it a bubble then I'd pay attention. 十年前我为自己定下了一个规矩:如果媒体说有泡沫,我就会留心。
It should be clear that the template above was incomplete, and this article also did not cover the protocol rule or template at all. 我们可以很明显的看出上面的模版是不完整的,这篇文章中也没有涉及协议规则或者协议模版的内容。
What matters more is that the outcome of filings seems to be determined as much by celebrity support as by the rule of law. 对审查结果起决定性作用的,除了法律因素以外,名人支持似乎比什么都管用。
It should also be prescribed that the rule of foresight can be applied for the damage out of the contract. 明确可预见性规则适用于合同范围外的损失;