
美 [ˈrekəɡˌnaɪz]英 [ˈrekəɡnaɪz]
  • v.认识;承认;认出;意识到
  • 网络认可;认清;公认

第三人称单数:recognizes 现在分词:recognizing 过去式:recognized

recognize value,need recognize,recognize importance,recognize type,recognize status
hardly recognize,fully recognize,easily recognize,immediately recognize



1.认识;认出;辨别出to know who sb is or what sth is when you see or hear them, because you have seen or heard them or it before

2.承认;意识到to admit or to be aware that sth exists or is true

3.(正式)认可,接受,赞成to accept and approve of sb/sth officially

4.赞赏;赏识;看重;公认to be thought of as very good or important by people in general

5.~ sb/sth正式向…致谢;正式感谢to give sb official thanks for sth that they have done or achieved


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Going to watch the elderly hospital patient's wife, but he did not recognize Road, Zhang did not know. 老人要去医院看住院的妻子,但是他不认识路,张华也不知道。
Often a sale or exchange of the asset would be necessary to recognize the loss associated with a partially impaired asset. 确认部分受损资产的损失,经常必须通过资产的销售或者置换来实现。
There needs to be an automatic method to recognize the presence of RDFa content and extract the RDF out of it. 此处需要能够自动识别RDFa内容是否存在并从中提取RDF。
Panama is one of only a few countries that recognize Taiwan and therefore forgo relations with its neighbor and traditional rival China. 巴拿马是少数承认台湾并抛弃与中国建立邦交的国家之一。
Finally, months after that dinner, after your parents had broken all contact with you and you'd lost your job, you'd recognize your misery. 最终,那顿晚饭之后的几个月,在你父母和你断绝所有联系而你又丢了工作之后,你终会意识到自己的悲惨。
Has been trying to say is: Superman is not masked, but his girlfriend would Leng Shimei to recognize him, myopia, or foolish do it? 一直想说的是:超人是不蒙面的,可他女朋友就愣是没把他认出来,近视呢还是傻冒呢?
'Developed countries should recognize the reality of their historical responsibilities and their large per-capita emissions, ' he said. 他说,发达国家应正视自己的历史责任和高人均排放现实。
At quarter to five, Podesta called again and said the Miami family was now refusing even to recognize the fathers custody rights. 4点45分,波德斯塔再次电话来说,亲属一方现在甚至要拒绝承认埃连父亲的监护权。
Still, he said, the current campaign is unlikely to be effective because participants don't yet 'recognize that it's a bad thing. 不过,他说,目前的行动不太可能奏效,因为参与者尚未认识到这是一件坏事。
Many of the WordPress templates also look so similar that it is sometimes easy to recognize a WordPress site simply by the layout and theme. 许多WordPress模板看起来太相似,仅仅根据布局和主题就能够看出是WordPress站点,没什么特色。
For Christians it meant to recognize publicly the truth of their faith or to recognize publicly that they were Christians. 对于基督教徒,这意味著要公开地承认他们信仰的真理,或是要公开地承认他们是基督教徒。
A big portion of your anger builds up, trying to get you to recognize a problem. 如果你的怒气积累到一定程度,那你应该意识到它成了一个问题。
Mr Hollande also urged the Syrian opposition to form a government of national unity, which he said France would recognize. 奥朗德还敦促叙利亚反对派组建全国团结的政府,法国将会帮助组织。
We recognize that this probably means that the company will have to close Google. cn, as well as our office in China. 我们承认这很可能意味着公司将不得不关闭,以及我们在中国的办公室。
I recognize that guy is a bit shocked when Wang route, I have seen photographs of him online. 我楞了一下认出这家伙正是王航,我见过他网上的照片。
We did not recognize this means of rescuing enemy pilots who had been shot down in action. 我们不准许用这种方式救起那些在作战中被击落的敌方飞行员。
I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn't be enemies. 我真的相信,如果你的部分,我的部分,去认识彼此,我们不会成为敌人。
You might even adopt a convention for the journal's file name, which makes it easy to recognize what you've built previously. 您甚至可以为该记录的文件名采用一种约定,这将使您可以更容易地识别以前所编译的内容。
The Organization of American States issued a statement calling for Mr. Zelaya's return and said it would not recognize any other government. 美洲国家组织发表声明,要求将总统塞拉亚护送回国,宣称不会承认其他任何重组政府。
If you hear these, then recognize the person is trying to help you rather than attack you. 如果你听到一些批评,意识到这些人是试着帮助你而不是攻击你。
They seem to recognize that parents are not born love of his rights, but through their own efforts stemming from the war booty. 他们似乎也明白,受父母之爱并不是天生的权利,而是经过自己努力所获致的战利品。
We want you to recognize the relationship we have with you, which is one that has existed for thousands of years. 我们希望你们确认好我们与你们之间的关系,而这联系已经存在了几千年了。
He was sitting far from me, with his naked feet on the chair. I could see his slim figure, but I could not recognize his face. 他在离我很远的地方赤着一双足端坐着。我可以看到他微笑的面容,但我却不能认同他现在的表情。
Trial observers said the court's non-binding ruling could encourage more countries to recognize Kosovo's independence. 审判观察员表示,法院不具法律约束力的裁决将鼓励更多国家认可科索沃的独立地位。
Don't you recognize me? Well, I guess you've never imagined that I would show up in front of you with this kind of look. 你不认识我吗?呃,我猜你从来没有想到我会以这个模样出现在你的面前。
Apart from the fact that this is mislabeled, you could not guarantee that others would recognize these conventions, or even. 不仅这种说法不对,而且你无法保证其他人会认识到这些习俗,或者甚至会遵守这些习俗。
She was hurting, he knew, but to recognize her pain would be viewed as an invasion of her privacy. 她正在悲伤,他知道,但把她的痛苦说出来就相当于侵犯她的隐私。
Several who were in front of me, so full was I of old imaginings , I thought might be old friends whom I should recognize. 有几个人在我前面,我便异想天开,以为他们是我应该认出的故旧。
But he also seemed to recognize that he might have gotten himself into some trouble. 但他似乎也认识到,他本人将有可能得到一些麻烦。
First, he said, the Palestinians must explicitly recognize Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. 首先,他说,巴勒斯坦人必须明确承认以色列是犹太人的国家。