one thing

  • 网络神奇的魔力;一件事;有件事

one thingone thing

one thing


单向组合One... ... 02 Gotta Be You 非你莫属 (英国金榜季军单曲) 03 One Thing 神奇的魔力 04 More Than This 爱你更多 ...


英文文章翻译 100分_百度知道 ... but in the end 可是最终, one thing, 一件事, how hard you try 你多努力去尝试。 ...


林肯公园的in the end歌词大意?_百度知道 ... It starts with 现在 One thing 有件事 I don't know why 我不明白 为什么 ...


英文文章翻译 100分_百度知道 ... it doesn't even matter 甚至已经无所谓 one thing, 有一件事, i don't know why 不知是怎回事 …


简单易唱的英文歌,适合男生唱.... ... It doesn't even matter 那根本不值一提 One thing,I don't know why 那件事,我不明白 ...


说是一回事,而做又是另外... ... 一分钱,一分货 you get what you pay for 一回事 one thing;the same as 一去不回 gone forever ...


2013-03-31 歌单 @ 好事联播网 好事989 ::... ... Priscilla Ahn 普莉西雅 One Thing 唯一 Alicia Keys 艾莉西亚凯斯 ...


只有一件事(one thing)想做(to do)三个字(three words)给你(for you)只有一个方式(one way)来说(to say)三个字(three words)最 …

But, if you're anything like me, that's one thing you're very glad to have gotten under your belt the first week of your life. 不过你要是让我说的话,我还是很乐意在我出生后的一周里就把那个问题解决掉的。
One thing is the weather. You think I'm joking, but the weather is certainly a part of it. 其中一个因素是气候。你也许认为我是在开玩笑,但是气候确实是因素之一。
It made him feel young, and if there was one thing Lester objected to, it was the thought of drying up into an aimless old age. 这使他自己也觉得年轻了,如果还有什么事情使他不高兴,那就是怕自己就要衰老。
If I could introduce one thing for next season, it would be to see a greater transparency from the body of people who run the referees. 如果我能为下赛季新增一个东西,那就是裁判判罚的透明度了。
The feat would qualify as creation of life in a test tube if it weren't for one thing: Szostak's lab does not rely much on test tubes. 若不是绍斯塔克实验室并不太依赖试管的话,这项成就可谓“在试管中创造生命”。
One thing than others to be mentioned is at last all my colleagues have bought at least 2 products in MUJI shop. 别的不说了,最后所有同事都在MUJI购了2件以上的产品。
I remember having written that, at the end of the day, only one thing was essential to me: to be with you. 我记得自己曾经写过这样的话:到最后,对我而言,只有一件事是最为重要的,那就是和你在一起。
For one thing, I've got to drop by the bank to get some money. 一件事是我必须到银行去取点钱。
One thing that's likely to surprise you at this stage is how much of your code you don't really need. 在这一阶段很可能会令您吃惊的是,您的代码中有多少是您实际上并不需要的。
Nevertheless, it accomplishes the one thing that it needed to do: it encourages readers to ask the right questions about Obama. 然而它完成了一件它需要做的事:它鼓励读者提出更多关于奥巴马的疑问。
You think the price is reasonable, but still, you want it to be even better. And one thing: never accept the first offer. 你认为价格合理,但是你希望它能够更加优惠。只要掌握一个要点:永远不要接受第一个报价。
One thing missing through all this, however, was an adequate demonstration of just how NIO might improve the scalability of a J2EE Web tier. 但它们所遗漏的一件事正是,没有充分地展示NIO如何可以提高J2EEWeb层的可伸缩性。
It's sometimes visual, sometimes it's as if it's a, an inner knowledge. -But one thing that bothers me now. . . -Yes? 有些时候是视觉上的,有时它又像一种内在的知识。-但现在有一件事困扰着我…-是吗?
That kind of banter was one thing I had always missed out on in my work life, because I had never shared an office or workspace. 这种戏谑是我在工作中总是错过的一件事,因为我从未与大家共用一个办公室或工作间。
One thing that happened was that after 1956, 1957 the number of cases were down, there was a small bump here, the cases were up. 一九五六年后发生了一件事,在一九五七年,病例的数量有所下降,但在这里却有一个很小的上扬,病例数量上升了。
If I could go back in time to tell myself one thing, I'd almost certainly wind up harassing teenager me about buying CDs. 如果能回到过去,我一定会告诉自己不要使买CD了。
Certainly there had never been a large meeting about this particular one thing. 当然也从来没有为这一特别的主题举办过大规模的会议。
When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife. 当一个男人为他的妻子打开车门时,你可以肯定的是:要么车是新的,要么妻子是新的。
Today I don't regret the career that I have had but if I could have changed one thing, it would be that. 现在我不后悔我的职业生涯,但是如果我可以改变一件事,就会是这件事。
It's one thing to write letters to a woman you don't know; it's another thing entirely to call on her and make love to her. 卡尔吓得屁滚尿流,给一个陌生女人写信是一码事,去拜访她、同她做爱却完全是另一码事。
"You only need to know one thing about a person and then you know everything" or at least think you do, said Griffith. “你只要了解了一个人某一点,便能了解他的全部。”格里菲斯说。
Experts say one thing that is often no longer recommended in high school classes is what teachers call a 'round robin'. 专家说被教师称之为”循环“的东西现在已不再被经常推荐。
For one thing, I grew up in a family business, and I'm familiar with the challenges. 原因只有一个,我从小生长在家族企业当中,我很熟习这类企业所面临的挑战。
For one thing, inventories don't seem to be rising; if the inventory data is correct, consumers were burning all that $145 oil. 首先,存货似乎没有增加;如果存货数据无误,那就是消费者在消费那些每桶145美元的石油。
Everyone seems to have one thing on his mind: where to find what he is looking for. 每个人的脑袋里似乎都只有一件事:去哪儿找到他正在找的东西。
If I had to explain only one thing to someone who knew nothing about psychology, it would be 'crowd psychology'. 如果要我对一个对心理学一无所知的人只讲一项心理学,那肯定是人群心理学。
That the world was more than a place. Life was more than an event. It was all one thing, and that thing was: story. 这个世界不只是一个地方,生活不只是一个事件,这只有一样东西,这就是:故事。
One thing we need to think about is how much more money could the Bank of Japan print for the reconstruction process. 我们需要考虑一件事,是日本央行会为重建工作印发多少钞票。
Can I get one thing clear? You think most theories are only educated guess , do not you ? 我可以澄清一个问题吗?您认为大多数理论只是受过教育者的揣测,是不是这个意思?
Try taking a trip down memory lane. What was that one thing you could for hours and hours when you were a child? 尝试回想一下记忆深处,当你还是个小孩的时候,是什么事情让你花费若干小时?