down to earth

  • adj.务实的;切合实际的
  • 网络重返人间;脚踏实地;回到地球

down to earthdown to earth

down to earth


  一部《重返人间》(Down To Earth)使得影迷们又多知道了一位喜剧电影明星克里斯-洛克(Chris Rock)。这部根据1978年的《天 …


几年前,我写下《脚踏实地》(“Down to Earth”)这首歌,现在已经收录到《我的世界》专辑中,这可真让我开心,后来这首 …


电影译名对照表 ... Down and Out in Beverly Hill 荒唐暴发户 1986 Down To Earth 回到地球 2001 Down To You 下一个是你 20…


贾斯丁比伯所有的歌 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... One Time 只说一次 .Down To Earth 回到现实 Bigger 更多 ...


美国小学一年级学什么! ... 回到地球来( Down to Earth) 地球的内部( Inside the Earth) ...


高考常用词组(四)_会飞的鱼_新浪博客 ... turn down 关小,调低,拒绝 down to earth 实际,踏实,有头脑 up and down 来回 …


Hepburn Dress Auction 赫本晚装拍卖 ... innocence 天真,单纯 down to earth 实际的 destitute 贫穷的 ...


in2english - Community ... do in Rome as the Romans do 入乡随俗 down to earth 实事求是 doze off 打瞌睡 ...

This learning curve is fast and simple. This means that the company you work with must be down to earth in how they communicate with you. 不过,这个过程很快,也很简单,也就是说,网站设计公司需要了解与你沟通的方法。
You are the most down - to - earth boss I have ever known. May your strong and capable hands be always ready to help out. 您是我认识最务实的老闆。愿您强壮能干的双手,随时准备好助人一把。
Someone with both feet on the ground may not be as open and easy to deal with as someone down-to-earth. 有人双脚在地面上大概不轻易开放和处理惩罚有人实事求是。
work. I cherish every time job chances , am ready to make a batch step by step from grass-roots unit , am down-to-earth. 我珍惜每一次工作的机会,愿意一步一步从基层做起,脚踏实地。
Indeed, Little Shenyang comes across not just as an edgy comedian but as a talented singer and down-to-earth 20-something as well. 实际上,小沈阳不仅仅是一个前卫的喜剧演员,更是一名天赋异禀的歌手。
In the satellite runs out of fuel, the U. S. space agency lost its effective control can only let themselves down to Earth. 在卫星燃料耗尽后,美国航天局失去对它的有效控制,只能任其自行回落地球。
Brand, intangible assets, the public image of it is empty, and is the only product of the down-to-earth ". " 品牌、无形资产、公众形象全是空的,而唯有产品是扎扎实实的“有”。
Young people like the beginning of our little long, riding the beginning of the journey must be down-to-earth, and work hard. 我们年轻人犹如小树初长、征途初踏,必须脚踏实地、艰苦创业。
All day long thinking that nothing more can do nothing but talk ideals, a serious lack of down-to-earth spirit. 成天安于现状,不思进取,只会空谈理想,缺乏认真扎实的奋斗精神。
"Oh, " she said, "we were waiting for you to come down to earth and stop being up yourself! " “哦,”她说,“我们在等着你着陆,不要再高高在上了!”
Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to come down to earth and do his homework. 比尔坐着空想,他母亲要他脚踏实地,去做课外作业。
Corey Allan writes in a very down-to-earth manner about all building blocks of a strong marriage (and family). 科里·艾伦(CoreyAllan)提出了一个非常实际的建立牢固婚姻(或家庭)的准则。
Ethan Ward is the star athlete at the high school. He seems like, a really fun loving, you know, like. . . outgoing, but down to Earth guy. (伊森·瓦德)在这所高中是个运动明星。如你所知,他看起来很爱玩,比如…外向活泼,但他实际上是很踏实的一个家伙。
It is time you came out of your reverie and began to think down-to-earth. 现在是你停止空想,面对现实的时候了。
If you can get down to earth for a minute or two and put some coal in this engine, maybe we'll pass the next hill. 如果你的心能定下来一会儿去给火车头加一点煤炭,也许我们能够驶过下一个山头。
John was sitting and daydreaming in class so his teacher told him to come down to earth and to answer the question. 约翰在课堂上做着白日梦,在此老师叫他别胡思乱想,回答问题。
It was made by that celebrity fitness trainer Victoria Johnson and she seemed to be pretty down to Earth about her methods. 它是由维多利亚的明星健身教练约翰逊和她似乎对她的方法很脚踏实地。
Hours later, he considered his efforts nothing special. Not in Norway, a place he said is full of calm, down-to-earth people. 几小时以后,他意识到自己的努力没什么特别的。他说的那个满是平和而踏实的人们的地方,不在挪威。
The hotel doesn't look extremely luxurious with extravagant decorations, as it passes the concept of down to earth and practical style. 酒店并没有极致奢华的外表,却给人以脚踏实地、务实之感。
She was friendly and down-to-earth and quickly put me at my ease . 她友好而实在,很快便使我感到无拘无束了。
This is a down-to-earth sign with a strong sense of responsibility, especially with regard to family and close friends. 这是一个有着强烈的责任感的星座,特别是关于家庭和亲密的朋友。
I do not think we are very good vendor, we just have been a down-to-earth approach do excellent supplier. 我不认为我们是很优秀的供应商,我们只是一直在脚踏实地做优秀的供应商。
The Riverbend Teahouse is a down-to-earth place, just a dozen or so tables on a wooden veranda outside a bookshop. 里弗茶室(RiverbendTeahouse)在书店外的木质阳台摆了十来张桌子,显得朴实无华。
Taurus is the Earth constellation, which makes it desire to be earnest and down-to-earth. 土相星座的特质让金牛座渴望并具有脚踏实地的能力。
Coming back down to Earth there are physical changes yet to be experienced, but we shall be in those areas as a controlling influence. 回到地球,依旧有物理的变化需要去继续的体验,但是我们将在那些地方作为一个可操控的影响力。
It's the truly wise & brilliant that can ride them both out with the same class & personal dignity in a down to earth & productive way. 那些真正聪明的人,能够脚踏实地而又有效的度过好运与厄运,而仍能保持其人格和尊严。
EXAMPLE: The down-to-earth CEO made friends easily with employees at all levels of the company. 这位朴实的首席执行官和公司各级员工轻松交上了朋友。
The kid whose life is wrapped up in the heady heights of fame has truly been brought down to earth by the visit. 这个生活已经被名誉围绕的孩子通过这次的拜访又让他脚踏实地了。
A person who is born in Year of Ox has quite cautious and down-to-earth manner, and is not easy to be influenced by ones. 而丑年人,做事谨慎小心,脚踏实地,有稳扎稳打的作风。不轻易受他人或环境的影响。
Tonglen means "taking and giving" , she is known for her appealing and down-to-earth interpretation of Tibetan Buddhism. 她因她的魅力和对西藏佛教的扎实的解释interpretation而出名。